Mod Ren'Py Lockdown [v0.2.0] Multi-Mod [ShaddyModda]


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2020
No you don't. Myself and at least 5 other people I speak to regularly have used my mod without deleting any files, and have had no issues. My mod doesn't even touch any of those variables, and in fact if you delete it then you won't get the proper dialogue for family members.
They meant you have to do that for the incest patch to work; just went through that myself.

BTW, when does the change daughter's age happen? (I only just got past the naming and expected it there.) I think I did everything right, the WT part seems to be working on the first choice; just want to make sure I didn't screw it up.

Edit: I must have messed it up, I got to the part where the daughter walks in and it gives her intro and it just said she was 18 without asking. I got the WT&age in one zip from your SS, so I'm not sure how I could have gotten the WT part working without the age check.

edit: So I downloaded the stand alone age patch also from the SS link, and compared the two, the 2in1 has a file called Shady_A_patch while the standalone is called mod_a_patch does that matter?

final edit: I deleted the shadyApatch files and replaced them with the other one and it is working now.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2020
I'm going in circles with this right now. I can't find this standalone mod_a_patch on SS or anywhere else. Was it taken down?
looks like it; that or just due to shady redoing their ss the page exists still but isn't currently linked to?
I just spent a while looking for it for you and couldn't find it either.
the game itself is on hold anyway, and there really wasn't enough here for me to say it was worth it without knowing more was coming soon. I'd just put it on watchlist and wait to see if the dev comes back to updating it again.

Darth Vengeant

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2020
Followed instructions for all mods. Everything works, except there is nowhere to change age for anyone.

I think the issue is KaGa3 has his mod with the entire game merged and with incest patch. You can't just d/l his mod, like your OP says to do. I personally don't want to music mod.

So, I tried fresh game. Installed your mod with age change, and the incest patch. That's all I installed, no walkthrough mod or the music mod (as I said, you cant install the music mod anyway since he has a completely new version of the game with it). So, start up the game. New Game. Gallery works (only have three scenes). Name change in options works. But, there is no option anywhere ever to change age. I give up.
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