I played most of the game and thought that there is way less content than there actually is. That is if we can call raw amount of CGs as content. Looks like you have all images rendered with all variations of clothing witch made the game size really huge. 2.6 GB when there actually is very little to do in game. Imagine if you increase the amount of images by 300%. That doesn't look rational. Too many renders, too much time wasted and too much size on disk.
Besides, the game engine scales images to the resolution of your game which is really small and if player wants to play in fullscreen mode, game rescales all images again. Resulting quality is really bad. I actually thought that renders were very fast and low quality before I checked the game assets.
The idea of rendering all scenes with all sorts of clothing is really good (a lot of game developers had the same idea at first), but I'm not sure if it is worth it. Maybe you should decrease amount of clothing variations? And try to strip the mc naked before making animations. Besides, your animations would highly benefit from increase of frame rates. If you are not planning to make smoother animations, it would be better to make still images instead. Animations are only good if they are well done and smooth, otherwise game immersion suffers.
Thanks for the feedback.
This is only the 2nd release of the game. So it's normal that it's far from complete. My version numbering in relation to the number of CGs available doesn't lie about the content. (except unexpected bugs

I make sure that all the outfits are playable for all the CGs, because I don't want to impose a change of clothes to get a scene (except work).
I quickly thought of making Lolita undress quickly in the CGs to limit the number of pics. But the script doesn't always allow that.
for example, I've just finished the bus CGs and it doesn't make sense for Lolita to get undressed for the firsts.
Yes, it adds up to a lot of work for me.
Yes, it makes the game heavier.
but I really think it's a plus for the game, so I don't think I'm gonna stop.
For the quality of the pictures, as I often said on this thread, I made a mistake during the development of the game (
precisely because I was afraid that the game would become too heavy), and I tried a lower resolution for some renderings. Bad idea. I'll redo those images (but it's not my priority).
Yes, the engine reduces them, but the HD ones still render better.
As for the animation, I'm improving little by little. It's the first game I've made this way, and I'm learning by doing.