I manually translated this, it might be a bit clunky. put it in lonaRPG/text/ENG and replace the file.
That file has the potential to break the game. You simply can't do a MTL and call it a day. I appreciate the effort though since I do need help with translations.
Here is a much better effort by
Huhuriu55 :
https://thef95zone.info/threads/lonarpg-v0-4-7-5-7-eccma417.49993/page-288#post-4892224 as it has got colons and spacing right which has broken the game before. I am still about merging
Huhuriu55 s with mine and TagMapSouthFL.txt plus the new demon stuff as well. I'm sad that I can't seem to find any sparetime nowdays though. I'll try harder.
Edit: What you need to to if you want to make a file that doesn't break the game is to not use ":" (western colons) since the code can pick it up sometimes instead of parsing it as text.
? -> ?
! -> !
, -> ,
。 -> .
: -> :
So, western except colons which should stay CHT. And you must preserve spacing. Except at some places where it needs to be inserted instead to avoid vertical text.
Take line 10 for example:
\CBct[1]\m[shocked]\Rshake\c[6]洛娜:\c[0] 誰!? 我?!
as compared to the MTL:
\CBct[1]\m[shocked]\Rshake\c[6] Lona: \c[0] Who! Me?!
The MTL inserts spaces after all "]" and after ":" (which it also converts to the no no variant) and also removes tabulation (four spaces after last "]". It isn't pretty.
My approach when translating, is to line by line replace the moon runes with english and not touch the rest. At all. Except where it is needed to avoid vertical text or such.