
Active Member
Nov 19, 2018
Something I've been wondering: Is this game a one-person project?
Seems kinda unbelievable that Eccma did everything from modding the engine, to drawing the art, to writing the lore, to composing the music. Not saying I don't believe it, just saying it kinda blows my mind


Dec 15, 2018
That's sad to hear, but to be honest Lona is a surprisingly complete experience. If he beefs up the quest contents and ties up some loose ends it'd be more than enough to call it finished, I also hope he fills up some of the areas of the map. I don't think things like Lona building a house or becoming a tyrant or an advisor are really within the scope of the game. Sometimes it's better to know when to call something finished than to drag on with it forever until you hate working on it.


Active Member
May 23, 2020
View attachment 1129200

after i kill the boar the green sign still on there
it a bug or I don't know how to finish the quest?
Pardon me if you feel insulted, but I watched people here, playing the game inside the archive .zip

But did you go to the chief village nude and talked to the woman?Because it is basic reasoning.

Maybe it is a new bug, where the chief village doesnt appear or doesnt accept the death of thegiant boar.

The REALred.

Jun 15, 2019
I know I am quite late to the whole 80% of the game being finished, but in my point of view, the game does seem quite completed. Despite the little bit of blocked land remaining, the overworld seems completed. The last few things I'd probably want are: More quests, maybe another ranged companion that has a quest/s related to them until you can hire them, and maybe some sort of alternate ending in which Noer can somehow contain or destroy the abominations.
Thanks for reading, and goodbye.


Jun 15, 2017
I think you have other problems. My phone is three times as powerful as this computer and lona runs fine on it. Sounds more like missing deps or drivers.
It has no graphics cards and runs out of ram pretty fast which is why it goes on BSOD. It happens with certain types of games but others that are similar run fine. For some reason on some RPGM games commonly make my FPS drop or lag when it's night time in game I just don't understand why specifically happens at that time.


Jun 13, 2018
How is there not an actual wiki to this game yet? Any other game would of had a wiki within the first few versions of it. No offense to zedted, his guide is super helpful and would definitely leave a lot of people lost without it, but there's gotta be a better way to find organized info for the game than running back here and scrolling down the long list of info. If the game is almost done as eccma claims then shouldnt it be time to for a wiki?
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Aug 30, 2019
ZedTed Can you add in the "Add/Remove Trait" section, in the list of traits this : PreDeepOne = 53. Not sure if it'll allow you to get the true deep one form later on from the witch yet though


Jan 2, 2018
-Complete tutorial and snatch all stuffs you can find in the sewer (Pitchfork, raw meats, sword)
-Go to Noer tavern
-Receive your 2 big copper coins reward
-Hire Criminal archer and Goblin Slayer (good soup + 2 beers = 550 trade points)
-Receive Convoy quest
-Head to Noer market, you can keep anything you want, you can sell whatever you don't need, but keep your TRUSTY OP WOODEN CLUB AND LANTERN you start the game with, . Sell enough to buy a wooden shield and at least 5-6 sausages. (you can buy as much sausages as you can if you're not confident in your skill)
-[OPTIONAL]: Sleep on the street of the market. As night come, go to the upper left cofner of the market and buy 4 Frag mines (refer to last image of this guide for usage instruction)
-Now head to quest location.
-You will probably arrive at night, there's a goblin patrol in nearby forest, engage them and run away. That will keep them off your toes for half a day.
-Equip your club and shield. Keep your lantern on standby. Equip the Rally Trumpet skill. Invest 3 points into SCU to let you sneak. Enter quest location.

Now, off to the heroic stuffs:
-Shift + Rally trumpet to let your companions stay still.
-Sneak past first archer
View attachment 1121751
-Sneak past second archer
View attachment 1121750
-Let shield patrol past
View attachment 1121749
-Stun fapping goblin and sneak past him
View attachment 1121756
-Sneak your way down to third archer here and sneak past him also
View attachment 1121758
-Wait in the grass tile and stun these 2 goblins:
View attachment 1121765
View attachment 1121766
-Now head in, witness the rape and slaughter and return to the guild for reward. Pretty basic right ?
Oh wait ? you wanna kill' em all right ? Not like you want to rescue the innocent souls by putting poor Lona into danger, you just want blood for the blood GOD right ? I hear you.
Then let's RIP AND TEAR till nothing remains...

-Stand here, Whistle your companion in and immediately shift + rally to let them stand still
View attachment 1121772
View attachment 1121775
-Let Goblin Slayer stare at them angrily, talk to the archer and move him to a safe rearguard position:
View attachment 1121781
As you can see, Lona and Goblin Slayer gonna hold the line, while archer rain death upon them
Now let the real battle begin...
-First goblin taken care of
View attachment 1121785
-Second one
View attachment 1121787
-Timer's out, the whole base is alerted to your presence now. A melee type goblin will spawn behind you, worst case you get a shield goblin like this:
View attachment 1121788
Even all 3 of you won't be able to deal with him without major damage to the party stamina's pool, But be calm, move here, Equip your OP LANTERN and burn the mofo (whether or not you can inflict DOT damage on him is up to your skill, it's not RNG, you can inflict up to 5 stack of Fire DOT on a single opponent while using lantern)
View attachment 1121800
Third mofo Death
View attachment 1121801
-Now, go out to the big open space, agro all roaming goblins to your walled position and let Moot Archer take care of everydamn thing. Goblin slayer gonna throw daggers at them too.
2 more death
View attachment 1121803
Remember your lantern whenever you draw agro from a shield mofo and you will be fine. If exhauted, eat the sausages. once you have taken care of all roaming goblins, head to the rape site, agro each and every one of them to your position (remember this time, move the archer to behind Goblin Slayer and Lona as well). Rinse and repeat till they all dead.
View attachment 1121818
Now for the Exfil part:
-Equip your sword, order your companion to stay still and let Lona solo the goblin archer (7-15 hits to kill depending on Lona's Mood)
View attachment 1121820
But since you're gonna lose badly againt this mofo, I advise you not to deal with him that way, instead
View attachment 1121825
Stun him and call Daddy Goblin Slayer to take care of him, probably gonna take a while, Lona can help him, but don't call Moot Archer into this fight.
-Now, Make a formation here:
View attachment 1121829
to lure this fucker in (remember your LANTERN)
View attachment 1121832
-After dealing with him, move here and form a formation here, eat your sausages and deal with the last 3 fuckers blocking the exit. I kinda don't recommend lantern for these 3 big shield guys since you want to get rid of them fast less Goblin slayer or Moot archer run out of Stamina.
BRING OUT YOUR TRUSTY OP WOODEN CLUB, you can hit them whenever they pass by you, the rate of inflicting wounds is quite high, you can get rid of them quite fast this way.
View attachment 1121837
(Worst case scenario you can't kill all 3 of them, sacrifice one girl for them to rape, lead all others to exit, come back and stun them and lead this raped girl to the exit as well.)
[If you have money and time to spare before the quest, buy 4 HE mines, place them near exit before you trigger the reinforcement] (OPTIONAL)
View attachment 1121896

CONGRATS. through the power of friendship and nakama, you archieved great victory againt the goblin horde. Remember to clean the map of Goblins before you exit. Are we forgetting about sumthing ? Nah, nothing, we came, we saw goblins, we massacred them, we head out. Nothing left to do ! Did anyone say anything about... Goblins ?
Do remember to lead the girls out though... BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD !!!
Good God, thanks a lot for this. I didn't even knew frag mine were a thing. Thanks to you, now I know there is definite method of cheesing with explosives. This is the solution to world level increasing meanwhile our companions are stagnant. Now, I can get back fucking people until their heads come off and their stomachs explode.
4.10 star(s) 210 Votes