
Nov 22, 2019
Hi, I followed the tutorial video how to fix the game on joiplay, so it doesn't crashes
But after the fix I could load in but i couldn't use the gamepad or keyboard in joiplay.

Did someone had a fix for this?
Or does someone have game version that will work on joi play?
Dec 6, 2020
Hi, I followed the tutorial video how to fix the game on joiplay, so it doesn't crashes
But after the fix I could load in but i couldn't use the gamepad or keyboard in joiplay.

Did someone had a fix for this?
Or does someone have game version that will work on joi play?
You should try the google play version (LonaRPG) does not work in patreon version


Mar 15, 2021
Any ideas on how the SCU stat rolls works while robbing houses?
It feels like even with high SCU you still get some shit rolls like 100vs0 and you end up failing somehow
Can't tell if you stealing houses during the day or night has any effect. Does NPC cone of vision have an effect on this?
The roll is between temp_vs(lona) and temp_tar(house)

rand(100) means random number between 0 and 99, so the house rolls anywhere from 15 to 114
$game_player.actor.scoutcraft is the green number you find in the equip menu, and every 5 points adds up to 21 to lona's roll each (random) (not exactly how I worded it but close enough)
-50 during the day
roll will be 0 if seen
.round rounds to the nearest whole number


in the case above lona's roll is somewhere between 47 and 173 assuming night
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Nov 2, 2018
7.3.1 is fixing that bug with taste mod implant,right? If so - where i can find it or how long i should wait for the link?


Feb 12, 2022
You can modify the amount on .rb ..

Cheat .rb can be modify, look what you want to change, exm : trait point , you get 9999 point.
Change the amount you want, like 1 or 2
Man, where was this information when I started going through the new patch...

and they are reduced when Lona gets raped or an enemy successfully grabs Lona, or through prostitution.
Why they reduce on prostitution? It's not logical.
Jul 16, 2018
Finally. A TRUE dark RPG. I've been looking for something like this for a very long time. The art is grim and oppressive; the unforgiving difficulty makes the game even more enjoyable in my opinion. I'm going to love it.
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Oct 31, 2017
I saw someone mention finding out how to disable dirt in the Data folder.
Any idea how to do that?
I'm aware of the console commands, I'm just hoping for a more permanent fix that doesn't necessitate opening console everytime she does anything remotely sexual.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2017
According to the wiki, to do more sex damage you need to have higher sex skill levels(vagina,anal,mouth,hand). Sex skills rise through juicing enemies, and they are reduced when Lona gets raped or an enemy successfully grabs Lona, or through prostitution. Your sex skills have a cap, and that cap is increased by Constitution. Some enemies sound the alarm the moment you damage them (even if they were knocked out by the hit), unless you oneshot them.
The guards setup I believe is "hardcoded" to be part of the quest.They are supposed to be killed later.Still, it requires some bullshit to make it work, and I agree the sex skill system is problematic.


Feb 12, 2022
how to Do that ? -.-
Maybe I'm late, but you have to go into:(LonaRPG\Data\Scripts\Editables\92_Game_Actor_Traits) and find for example:

def trait_Hitchhiker_addable?(current_selected) #140
return 3 if state_stack(140) ==1 #self
return 1 if Level < 0
return 1 if self.survival_trait <15 #survival
return 0

Where line: (return 1 if Level < 0) has instead of zero a number which represents the desired level and replace it with zero
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Sep 19, 2018
Hey guys, haven't played since version. Can someone tell me how much did i missed since then.
Aug 11, 2021
Hey guys, haven't played since version. Can someone tell me how much did i missed since then.
v0.7.3.0 Beta
**HEAVY CORE CHANGE. MUST DO CLEARN INSTALL. backup ur gameLona.ini and SAVE please**
-*fixed, TRY to fix double hits when skill with 0 hit_frames.
-*fixed, NoerPrison ExitToilet Error.(0723)
-*fixed, BasicNunHeal: Launch_since from 10 to 20. launch_max to 40 to 21. sta cost from 3 to 2. with a buff ATK/DEF to target when CON trait > 20.
-*fixed, BasicBattleStandard: form channeling holding skill to typical holding skill, STA cost = 5.
-*fixed, SaintSymNormal sta cost from 10 to 5
-*fixed, Cocona add PortraitShield skill, and fix her minion's friendly fire bugs, and can only have 5 minions at same time.
-*fixed, GrayRat's basic attack skills now with no_interrupt. move_speed form 2.5 to 2.7
-*fixed, DavidBorn's now with a unique AI, and his Roar skill usage now more reasonable.
-*fixed, most undead now with is_fish tag so they can walk in water.(because jonny derp is awesome)
-*fixed, OrcCatcher, fix sprite and skills
-*fixed, follower direction under AssemblyCall click mode is no more fixed, and now will lost its target when clicked.
-*fixed, attack npc when its in Sex_reciver mode will cause their animation broken.(by take_skill_effect,check_skill_cancel_by_hit)
-*fixed, healing a NPC already died but in Sex_reciver mode will broke its sprite.
-*fixed, KatanaControl buff: with no_action_change tag, ParryStun effect frames from 28 to 42.
-*fixed, KatanaControl buff: when user made success XY transfer and target is in action, target hitted will stun for 2sec.
-*fixed, HobgoblinShaman: upgrade its AI. skill usage now more reasonable.
-*fixed, During sex mode, can no more use sex attack to a target already dead.
-*fixed, lactation_level gen by WombSeedBed now based on Sat.
-*fixed, BroadSwordHeavy now replaced by WoodenSpearNormal.
-*fixed, fix more varible condition bugs in DfRefugeeCamp quests.
-*fixed, SaintPriests now cast shield spell, and add NpcCurvedSaintSmite attack spell to fit their background.
-*added, TestProtectShield(console test only)
-*added, TestSaintSmite(console test only)
-*added, HobgoblinRaiderArcher(console test only)
-*added, HobgoblinRaiderSpear(console test only)
-*added, OrcPriest(console test only)

v0.7.2.6 Beta
-*fixed, error when first time talk to DedOne and not with Cecily or Cocona.
-*fixed, talk to Bobo with Dog as front follower will casue a error.

-*fixed, talk captain in dock will fuck up entire cocona quest line.

-*fixed, SMCloudVillage error when "sold as slave" event.
-*fixed, NoerArena:pillars graphics fucked up.
-*fixed, NoerArena:ArenaSexBeast should not come in first fight

-*fixed, NoerArena, Winner timeout check from 70 to 140, ArenaSexBeast will come after each 5th win.
-*fixed, steal npc now record on $story_stats["CharacterSteal"], and will reset each 0.5~2 days.
-*fixed, Follower assemble move check from SameX && SameY to SameX or SameY(by 0700)
-*added, able to load extra EventLib(monsterLib) from outside(check ModScripts/500_DEMO_ExtraEventLib.rb)

-*fixed, GamePad keybinding never saved.(by 0720)
-*fixed, items from collect toilet peepoo from 2 to 1.

v0.7.2.1 Beta
-*added, ElfArcher,WarSister Portrait
-*fixed, boss mama's charge stance stucked when target stay in same XY.
-*fixed, all toilet now use same RB and DEF. and u can collect extra peepoo from toilet(for green enegy fetish)

v0.7.2.0 Beta
-*fixed, chcg1_subpose2_equip_DancerTop layer priority issue when preg > 1.
-*fixed, npc @sensor_freq now reroll each skill launch.
-*fixed, NPC OrcCommoner, OrcClub, skill rewrite.
-*fixed, overkill animation now shorter.
-*fixed, remove Morality decrease from killing fat guys in SMCloudVillage.
-*fixed, rare crash when lactation_level <1 and >0 like 0.5.
-*fixed, saltpeter, Carbon, Oil, phosphorus is no more edible.
-*fixed, can no more disband cocona when RecQuestCocona progress at 20.
-*fixed, all prostitution item reward now use item hash
-*fixed, WIN32API WritePrivateProfileString and GetPrivateProfileString now replace with IniFile.rb.
-*fixed, when combat state stated fade and when max_state >1, add_state(sameState) will not works.(fix "def state_addable?)(note for myself)
-*fixed, Console window redesign.
-*fixed, banditCamp should only summon BanditCampFixedGuard8 and BanditCampFixedGuard2 once.
-*fixed, MAP_VP4_Z from 150 to 1145.
-*fixed, Command_SelfMilking now offer options to milk all at once.(lactation_level must >= 600)
-*fixed, RecQuestAriseVillageApe quest stucked if player visit monkey house b4 accept quest.
-*fixed, SaintSymNormal now a 70 frame holding skill.
-*fixed, BasicControl now a 50 frame holding skill.
-*fixed, Npc Combo skills now will stop update when message is busy.
-*fixed, NoerBackStreet_Nap will crash if thugs is dead during rapeloop mode.
-*fixed, all range attack NPC will try move toward target if no skill in range.
-*fixed, dodge function now works on npc(UniqueBossMamaT2 only, for now)(test)
-*added, ACH RecQuestCocona_28.
-*added, last Cocona Quest line. and ending ship seat for her.(side HEV isnt there yet)
-*added, AidLactation and AidDress to Elise's store. and roll back ItemSexyHeadEquip setup.
-*added, weapon: ItemMhKatana and skills
-*added, Npc: UniqueBossMamaT1,T2
-*added, map: BossMamaDual

-*fixed, some text crash in SMCloudVillage quest line.(eng only)
-*fixed, remove Mmail icon on HUD, replace with wound icon.(test)
-*fixed, cuff and collar wounds never works.
-*fixed, more camera stucked issue.
-*fixed, finish RecQuestAriseVillageFish quest first will make RecQuestAriseVillageApe stuck.
-*added, specific font for specific lang supported.(check Font/_HowToAddFontToYourLang.txt)(test)
-*fixed, SybBarn black screen stucked by camera.
-*fixed, achCheckEliseAbortion should not check every NoerGynecologyEliseDay executed.
-*fixed, lactation_level gen cause a crash in handle_on_move_step.
-*fixed, common trap STA damage should decrease health, not STA.
-*fixed, SMCloudVillage alert move_type overwrite should not effect to Stunned or death NPC.
-*fixed, NoerRelayOut NoerRelayOut_RG9 black screen stucked by camera.

please reset the map so u wont crash from previous saves!
-*fixed, aggro_allowed? keeping ask self to friendly self.(core bug since 0641)
-*fixed, all fishkindF npcs now will not attack Lona with TrueDeepone form.
-*fixed, when switch pages wont update icons.(by 0690)
-*fixed, molotov and lantern buring dot effect now scale to SUR.
-*fixed, firewall casting animation from 90 to 52 frame.
-*fixed, firewall DOT now can effect Game_DestroyableObject.(test)
-*fixed, AbanHouse3: should able to sleep when u killed all evil hobo.
-*fixed, SetTrap skill now with Shift mode. hold shift will force to use rock without use EXT1,2 items.
-*fixed, SetTrap skill now will automatic pick rock if player have no items in EXT1,2.
-*fixed, when in hell or higher diffcult, narture NPC death now will trigger a AOE aggro and overwrite its fate_enemy data.(test)
-*fixed, eat pee,poo,Vomit with state "Mod_Taste" now will increase abit SAT(still need Omnivore trait to eat)
-*fixed, AbomLona now ignore AbomAcid area.
-*fixed, EXT slot follower basic movement now with pathfinding.
-*fixed, baby_health now will display in UI if lona know shes pregnant.
-*fixed, baby_health MAX now will update when pregnant, and every nap.
-*fixed, removed most baby_health decrease from \Batch\.(vag and belly punch still stay)
-*fixed, u can equip MH SH weapons with SexySet.
-*fixed, TRY to make 21:9 work in fullscreen.(test)
-*fixed, Map alert trigger: now include and NPC.master.npc.master(ex: cocona's army).
-*fixed, forget to input SexSet's anti dirt data? WTF?!
-*fixed, lona's lactation_level regen when nap and walking now based on SAT.
-*fixed, Humanoid rebirth now must have Baby in inventory. or given babys to Nun in SaintMonastery.(lost baby from any event except drop by player or send to Nun now count as bug)
-*fixed, Player humanoid baby now a npc.
-*fixed, Storage system now with item blacklist, and u cant put babys to Bank.
-*fixed, shy moving sprite wont change opacity when toggle from sneak(since 0660)
-*fixed, AidModSterilization not works.(since 0681)
-*fixed, ScoutCampOrkind reinforce never show up if Lona rush into victim area.
-*fixed, RecQuest_Df_TellerSide quest add ItemMhBoneStaff as reward.
-*fixed, ItemMhBoneStaff,ItemShAbominationTotem,DancerSet only lootable from chest after specific quests is done.
-*fixed, dancerSet now have to unlock sales from "RecQuestDancerSetReturned" quest.
-*fixed, skill: basicControl rename to BasicDodge and become a basic skill.
-*added, skill: basicControl replace with Ram skill, when hit, will forward a tile and knokback target.
-*fixed, skill: ManCatcherHeavy,BasicHeavy,HalberdHeavy should get "no_interrupt" effect by "Weapons Expert" trait.(since 0641?!)
-*fixed, skill: ManCatcherHeavy,BasicHeavy,HalberdHeavy now is holding skill. full charge will offer extra hit. and sta cost to 2.
-*added, skill: AbominationTotemWorm, and replace to BoneStaffNormal.
-*added, 4 more hidden ACH.
-*added, NoerRelayOut add a side quest.
-*added, new map SMCloudVillage.

-fixed, TeslaFront(TeslaStaffNormal) hitbox scale roll back to 0522(test)
-fixed, error "nil to erase" when captured or fast travel.

-*fixed, pose1_subpose3_equip_CuffTopExtra.png XY in a wrong place
-*fixed, LonaMCC_equip_DancerMid.png never show up when preg_level >= 1

-*fixed, file missing chcg1_head_equip_HairPony_dirt.

-*fixed, few more lag issue in SkillMenu cause by icon update.
-*fixed, erase on a delete events when escape from Overmap moveable encounter.
-*fixed, follower stucked and never aggro when u using Call skill when they attacking a target(by 0690)
-*fixed, follower now will face targeted enemy if they are in command mode.(by 0690)
-*fixed, BasicNunHeal AoeChannelSpdBuff now with is_support tag
-*fixed, skills with is_support tag now will not set target.last_attacker.
-*fixed, SexySet now a negative set with fixed equip effect. dont equip it unless ur SeaWitch build.
-*fixed, TRY to make mouse hook DLL file focus on RGSS. not active window(test)
-*fixed, NoerArenaB1: locked door gets wrong place when RapeLoopTorture.
-*fixed, Elise now wont get ur HumanBaby. u can offer HumanBaby to a female Nun.
-*fixed, Lona's Humanoid childs now are key items
-*fixed, FishTownR: remove all free loot when not in rapeloop. add a dungeonChest.
-*fixed, gamePad default: rollback setting to 0642. skill page swap change to R2 + LTU,LTD
-*added, equip DancerSet, temporary selling by happy mechanic.
-*added, hairStyle HairDancer. selling in NoerMarket.
-*added, Bobo now own unique portrait.
-*added, Hotkey roster length in system menu.
-*added, 0680 save support(temp)
-*added, CompHorseCarry. a EXT slot follower u can hire around relays.

-fixed, a skilled crash on WildHorse.
-fixed, keybinding in sysmenu now is back.
-fixed, all Horses now with unique AI class.
-fixed, Human male commoner and goblins melee AI now are more Cheez.

-fixed, an error when u invite cocona into the group.
-fixed, temporarily remove keybinding from system menu because it causes a critical bug.

-fixed, temporarily remove keybinding from system menu because it causes a critical bug.

-*fixed, mouse: improve click effect, add grid display on click move.
-*fixed, mouse: storage box right click isnt works.
-*fixed, mouse: supported doom mode load warning.
-*fixed, mouse: supported Sex Stats Menu.
-*fixed, mouse: supported Skill Menu.
-*fixed, mouse: supported Item Menu.
-*fixed, mouse: supported Trait Menu.
-*fixed, mouse: supported Equip Menu.
-*fixed, mouse: supported System Menu.
-*fixed, mouse: supported Notes Menu.
-*fixed, mouse: supported Lona's Sex Grab direction input check.
-*fixed, mouse: options rect scale isnt fits to text.
-*fixed, mouse: text skip from LB+RB to hold LB.
-*fixed, mouse: double RB click Lona sprite will call main menu.
-*fixed, skill: assamble call when in shift mode can force stop unit's movement, and add mouse with unique logic port for this skill.
-*fixed, all minigames controller now use the NPC control def made in 0682
-*fixed, all dungeon chest loot now with reset in 2~3 days, depend on game diffcult.
-*fixed, desertIsland1: WitchJuice in chest from 20 to 2.
-*fixed, NPC's friendly_aggro setting isnt works.(since early alpha)
-*fixed, Cocona crashed after joined group.
-*fixed, Follower crash when join group, and if its not NPC or Deleted.(by 0682)
-*fixed, less laggy and scroll bugs in skill menu and health menu.
-*fixed, Baby_health decrease by health lost from 1.5 to 1.2, STA from 0 to 0.3. also a bug cause it never works from outside of events.(and ur Baby die faster because bugfix)
-*fixed, Oil now can get from ANY cooked food made by meat, by cook it again.
-*added, Cocona will TRY to offer some food if Lona looks too weak.
-*added, all playable inn now with a free Cooking Pot.

v0. Beta
-*fixed, Follower crash when join group, and if its not NPC or Deleted.(by 0682)

-*fixed, Cocona crashed after joined group.
-*fixed, update some def in follower moveroute core.(if fucked play prev ver and report bug)
-*fixed, cuffs now lock BasicNunHeal, BasicBattleStandard skills.
-*fixed, desertIsland1 Flowers and NPCs now will not respawn after all NPCs are dead.
-*fixed, combat armor drop without item summon(by 0681)
-*fixed, combat armor drop now have no effect to ItemPaintHead.
-*fixed, a new def allowed to control npc's movement.(but not apply to any npc yet.)
-*added, HumanFatSpear to NPCdatabase(nothing cool)

-*fixed, remove Outdated state 176 and its function in checkOev_OgrasmAddiction.
-*fixed, RabbitCaveRewardBox.rb crash.

-*fixed, invisible fireballs by NPCs(by 0670)
-*fixed, common trap ai now ignore dodge events.
-*fixed, OverEvent_CumsSwallow now only trigger when SemenGulper trait is on.
-*fixed, Basicneed skill now with CumsSwallow option. and some option is unbanned from map Bios.
-*fixed, AbomGrab atk multiplier from 1.1 to 1, full charge from 2 to 1.5,(2 was wayyyyyyy too high)
-*fixed, EliseGynecology unique birth event now also record AbomBaby.
-*fixed, hitting blocked npc cause them combat stunned when it triggered aggeo(old bug)
-*fixed, Npc_AbomHiveTentcle Npc_FishTrap Npc_AbomHiveLink crash when aggro.
-*fixed, "LimitedNeedsSkill" is no more block BasicNeed.(u can peepoo in anywhere! freedom!!! YAY)
-*fixed, FishTownL exit region in wrong place. Beta
-*fixed, Npc_AbomHiveTentcle Npc_FishTrap Npc_AbomHiveLink crash when aggro.
See what I did there? I mean for next time.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2020
hm, i find there human,sick human, deepone, and mote rebirth i wonder if there is more? And funy thing is that there is hardcore gore content and all sick fetishes that i never know, but all animal's just kill Lona....that's...surprise.
4.10 star(s) 210 Votes