
Oct 19, 2017
Ain't played this game in a few months. The last CG was the fortune teller gang-bang. Any new ones since then? Or is just quests. Is messy hair lona at-least in now


Feb 9, 2018
Ain't played this game in a few months. The last CG was the fortune teller gang-bang. Any new ones since then? Or is just quests. Is messy hair lona at-least in now
Not sure about the CGs, but there are 2 varieties of messy hair: short and long


Mar 15, 2021
If anyone is still struggling with Cecile's quest I hope this helps. This was done without spending any trait points and mostly using lona's starting equipment only. (Had to get rags due to 0 points in scu, I don't know how the other guy did it without)
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I used a bomb to kill the guard because I simply couldn't resist, but that's entirely optional. If you strike him from behind with the wooden club he will succumb to the power of the bonk.


If he looks like this he will be out for a minute, giving you enough time to talk to Cecile after which Vineet will reveal that he is somehow even sneakier than our little ghost. After the conversation Cecile and Vineet will immediately gang up on the guard, which should be an easy fight but I recommend helping out by setting the guard on fire with your lantern a couple times or attacking him from behind. Attacking with the club and setting enemies on fire with the lantern will inflict head- and chest wounds which lowers their defense allowing Cecile to finish them off very quickly.

It's important to note that the lantern dot stacks independently with itself, and each tick has the same chance of inflicting a wound as a strike with the club. This makes the lantern a lot more stamina efficient than the club, but you may have already noticed that it's much harder to successfully land a hit and unlike the wooden club it doesn't bonk, which you will need to keep Cecile from taking too much damage so make sure to position her opposite of Lona like this.

bashing formation.png

If you know what each weapon is good for and have this formation the rest should be easy. Just kill them one at a time while keeping an eye on your stamina. You don't really need it but you can do a lot of damage with the mines at the entrance if you want.

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New Member
Feb 5, 2021
Has anyone else tried using dark skinned Lona? I'm trying to figure out why her nipples and vag are light blue on her little spirte and some cg scenes.

*update: I had some outdated act. files. Though I did run into another weird issue with her eyes not having the dye during cg scenes. Had to tinker with it using older versions of files until I found one that worked.
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Oct 11, 2019
The doom setting difficulties did they remove food after going to sleep ? I bought cooked food like soup and it's gone after I gone to sleep at the inn lol.

Also when in doom difficulties I was attempting to free cecily in the warehouse, I have secured the traps around the area where I am getting closer to the rest of the slaver that is guarding the main entrance filled with explosive mine.. and after the talking scene my character rezzed upon a trap and it got killed instantly. Wow, like it was supposed to do that ?

I have clear the area though mind you.. but it still that after the scene it make me stand on a trap and the trap activates.. like that's an ultra cheese way to kill off a person in a doom difficulties, lol

doom difficulties I survive just 1 day. So does anyone made it to a year in doom difficulties ? tell me of you have achieved this.. :D

btw I added the picture of the 'white boy lona' lol
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New Member
Jun 26, 2019
Curious, updates on Cecily? If you betray her to Milo is there additional content beyond just sending her to the prison? Is there more quest lines for helping her after she gets disappointed after freeing the slaves?


Oct 11, 2019
Curious, updates on Cecily? If you betray her to Milo is there additional content beyond just sending her to the prison? Is there more quest lines for helping her after she gets disappointed after freeing the slaves?
She got send to prison ? where did you read that ?

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The quest line after she was disappointed in after freeing the slaves is there is one mission that requires lona to take her to the east gate.

then after doing what it needed to be done over there, then you head back to the tavern and then after that there is a follow up quest but it's still in development as when I click it it stated dev as that mean it's work in progress on that branch of the quest.


New Member
Jun 26, 2019
She got send to prison ? where did you read that ?

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Good nice to see more content for Cecily. Hopefully for both routes in the future. Like another route split where you can save her from slavery or betray her again for memes


Jan 23, 2021
doom difficulties I survive just 1 day. So does anyone made it to a year in doom difficulties ? tell me of you have achieved this.. :D
Many no-lifers god gamers :) here seem to did it. For example, Yukihirou. I learnt a lot of stuff by reading yukihirou comments here.

Some stuffs like
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have never crossed my mind.

I think the doom difficult hardest part are cannot leave map when in combat and cannot access inventory when in combat. You can still copy the doom autosave to save at specific point and start the run from there, for example, after rescue cecily so you do not have to replay from beginning. IIRC Raw food and disappear disappear from rotting already starts from hell mode.
  • Haha
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Sep 9, 2021
She got send to prison ? where did you read that ?

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The quest line after she was disappointed in after freeing the slaves is there is one mission that requires lona to take her to the east gate.

then after doing what it needed to be done over there, then you head back to the tavern and then after that there is a follow up quest but it's still in development as when I click it it stated dev as that mean it's work in progress on that branch of the quest.
Play the lastest version which is v0.6.1.0 Beta.
The new follow up quest is ready with Cecily after you have done the East Gate quest with her.
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Sep 9, 2021
btw I added the picture of the 'white boy lona' lol
How did you change the skin color? I remember that in Noer Market we can change Lona's hairstyle or her hair color but I never knew about skin color or eye color changes. Can you tell me how did you do it? ( ╹▽╹ )


New Member
Jul 27, 2021
Has anyone else tried using dark skinned Lona? I'm trying to figure out why her nipples and vag are light blue on her little spirte and some cg scenes.

*update: I had some outdated act. files. Though I did run into another weird issue with her eyes not having the dye during cg scenes. Had to tinker with it using older versions of files until I found one that worked.
What is your game version? what .json did you used? This 2?:
All .act files from base game got updated. Stop use of any outdated files (.json,.act) from older versions, stop copying it from old version to new, unless handmade.

I see no such visual glitch in newest version while using those 2 .jsons. If u use color mods from base game that u downloaded - there is no need to move .json/act files across game versions.

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
The doom setting difficulties did they remove food after going to sleep ? I bought cooked food like soup and it's gone after I gone to sleep at the inn lol.
Never try to keep soups in your pack. It, like actual soup, should be consumed when made. It only stays put on Normal mode iirc. On anything harder, it expires ridiculously fast. If you want non-perishable food, you're going to have to rely on things like Smoked Meat or Smoked Mystery Meat. There's probably other options but my Lona uses those as staples.


Mar 15, 2021
doom difficulties I survive just 1 day. So does anyone made it to a year in doom difficulties ? tell me of you have achieved this.. :D
If your only goal is to survive it's easy, anyone can do it. Try this:

  1. Skip sewer tutorial (fuck em)
  2. Go to backstreet and either sell your ID (you won't be needing it), take a max loan (they'll never be able to get you) or both.
  3. Reach noer marketplace via any means necessary. If your stamina goes below 0 while walking on the map you will always be spotted during encounters and will be unable to "Hide", which has a 100% success rate but it requires >0 stamina. Approaching encounters while hidden makes them spawn much further away giving you a much better chance of leaving the place without combat.
  4. Fap to at least level 5, pick Timid personality and put 3 points in wisdom.
  5. Sleep for a year. You can do so safely at Lisa's place and if you need food you can beg for it during the day. Buy a pair of glasses to increase your weak. Success rate of begging increases with wisdom and weak equally, hence the glasses and personality.

Very important note:
Begging, whether successful or not, has a chance of granting a hidden (de)buff that greatly increases Lona's weak and sexy. You won't be able to see the state in the menu so you must keep an eye on your weak. I don't know exactly how much weak it takes for npcs to aggro but it's nowhere near as low as the drunkards at the inn. You probably want to practice a little on lower difficulty and see what you can get away with before trying this on doom.

Btw +10 mood on successful begging, -10 mood on failure. Bad mood increases weak so to further increase the success rate of begging you can take off Lona's chest armor. She barely has a chest, but still it must be protected.

Is there anything left when you have done all the quests?
Anything you want, really. Have you tried throwing poo at Milo?

You can always do a rebirth.

Also, being "timid" is a suicide.
It has the highest defense value of the three, and fapping (not orgasm) costs half the stamina. The bonus stats suit my stealth mage build perfectly.

So, what do you guys that spent a lot of time in Lona think, is it possible to go full-genocide here? Like, how much can i really kill here, how viable it is to do? I'd try myself, which i'm doing right now, but it's not a speedy process to try for sure, and the last time i played guards/bandits annihilated my Lona easily.
Almost everyone you murder will just respawn the next time you reenter, unlike undertale you won't leave much of an impact no matter who you kill. Many of the few unique npcs that don't respawn give quests, so it's better to avoid murdering them.

Everyone else you can kill as much as you want, and you'll have the perfect opportunity during Cocona's questline since you'll be forced to reset your morality. And if you're gonna have to reset your morality anyway, why not try and get the most out of it before doing so? Humans drop much better loot than any other enemy in the game, and stealing from houses is much easier and much more profitable if you don't have to worry about morality... or witnesses. I've also learnt how to steal from fishtopia thanks to this. It sucks that Timid cannot learn cannibalism, or this would have been quite profitable.

humans drop nice loot.png

Yeah i'm starting to notice just how difficult it will be to perform. About escaping and 20 gold though - doesn't playing a maniac Lona will let you bypass that? Like, kill the captain? I wonder if this will just break the plot, or really will allow me to escape on that ship for free.
You can't leave the island if you kill the captain, gotta do a rebirth to bring him back.

I have found that killing rabbits in the open farm fields north of town is EZ food and cash grinding
You may not want to sell things you also actually consume unless it spoils or you hit the item cap. Other than consumables the things you can buy in this game are very limited and even with high wisdom it costs more TP to buy than you get from selling. Do you play on hard? A good use of meat, fish and rats is turning them into good soup. Vegetables and fruits cost only 100 or slightly over and vendors are everywhere.

Still if you need or want to grind meat give this place a try.

farming meat.png

You cannot enter this place until you start Cocona's quest, but unlike fields the rats will be there 100% of the time and they are just as easy. Also you will not lose time doing this as long as you don't leave the cemetery.

If that's too boring try the fishcave east of pirate's den.

fish and chicks.png

Fish and chicks! I mentioned this place before, you find 2-3 piles of fish, more fish in the water, dungeon victims with a very short path to the exit (still only worth saving the blondes imo) and for the main course a treasure chest that seems to have been buffed. Last time I did this there weren't this many items in the chest.

this one got buffed.png

On the downside, the place has gotten much darker than I remember. You only need to clear the middle area to save the women, but if it's too difficult or taking too long or when they got the wrong haircolor consider them optional and just loot the fish piles and run (or walk/sneak) for the puzzle and the chest. The next heroine that comes here will surely save them. (since you already took the chest)

Overall it's a very good place until you get sick and tired of the puzzle. (stupid sweatdrops still block the picture while you're trying to change it)
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New Member
Feb 5, 2021
What is your game version? what .json did you used? This 2?:
View attachment 1477091
All .act files from base game got updated. Stop use of any outdated files (.json,.act) from older versions, stop copying it from old version to new, unless handmade.

I see no such visual glitch in newest version while using those 2 .jsons. If u use color mods from base game that u downloaded - there is no need to move .json/act files across game versions.
Yeah I'm playing on an older version and was using some jsons that worked with newer palettes than my act files accounted for. Trying the newest stuff was a bust, but I found a slightly older version that is working out better for me. Might have been easier to just transition to the newest version in hindsight lol.

Thanks for taking the time to inform me.


May 23, 2021
The doom setting difficulties did they remove food after going to sleep ? I bought cooked food like soup and it's gone after I gone to sleep at the inn lol.

Also when in doom difficulties I was attempting to free cecily in the warehouse, I have secured the traps around the area where I am getting closer to the rest of the slaver that is guarding the main entrance filled with explosive mine.. and after the talking scene my character rezzed upon a trap and it got killed instantly. Wow, like it was supposed to do that ?

I have clear the area though mind you.. but it still that after the scene it make me stand on a trap and the trap activates.. like that's an ultra cheese way to kill off a person in a doom difficulties, lol

doom difficulties I survive just 1 day. So does anyone made it to a year in doom difficulties ? tell me of you have achieved this.. :D

btw I added the picture of the 'white boy lona' lol
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