I used the "skip to the end" option, which skipped the part where you get the Abilities menu by talking to your uncle, so it never showed up on that playthrough. When I got to the end of the tutorial after speaking to the Crone and returning to the city, at the point where you get told about clues, clicking next there took me to the main menu instead of the map screen, as it's supposed to. The specific line is the paragraph that start with "Not all clues can be found this way."
I hadn't changed any stats other than skipping ahead.
I read through the files a bit but the code is above my skill level so I didn't find any obvious issues. I can only guess that a call somewhere was skipped so the return statement at the end made the game return to the main menu.
Ok, just a quick recap then, you tried to skip the New Game and go straight for the New game plus right? But that didn't send you straight back to the menu as it should? Since that is what happens when you skip it at the beginning.
Using this option makes is so that you can start a new game right after choosing your name, and then go straight into the new game plus, with unlocked spells, but not stats, which you should change manually if you want from the cheat menu in the bottom right corner.
Or did you use the "Start endgame" option from the cheat menu in your home?
This option is mostly for getting specific achievements, otherwise it's not a "good" idea to press it, since it skips all the content and starts the endgame, which will result in, that you will fail basically all missions and get the bad ending

I will look into if there is some problem with the skip to new game plus now, it can be that Belle changed something in the latest update that I was unaware of.. But if it's the second option you chose, then it's probably because it's not what you wanted to do in the first place
Edit: Ok, looks like I forgot to add one little condition after Belle's update in the tutorial.
You are right that you got kicked out of the game, after using this option, but you were supposed to get kicked out to the menu right after the choice, so you had the option to start the New Game plus, which is what that option is meant for, so if that's not what you wanted to do, then say "no" at that point
Edit 2: Ty for the feedback m8. The error has now been fixed, and the new version is already up and ready for download.
And please do tell if you hit any other problems. I don't know if Belle may have changed other things here and there I didn't notice, when I updated for the lastest version, but I'm pretty sure, this was the last update needed for my mod