Ren'Py - Completed - Long Live the Princess [v1.0.1] [Belle]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Evan Treborn

    Great Game with a great Story... I like the look of the Girls and i love Belle, she is the Best and She makes me laugh...
    I hope and look forward to further action with Belle, Nell and Primose. and of course with the other Girls, but the 3 are my Favorits.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The dev is involved in discussions with the players and listens to their feedback. The dev is working create a quality and entertaining game that seems to get better with each update.
    Dev. (Belle) seems to appreciate players reviews and interacting with them. This shows in the quality of the game. The renderings and story line are first rate.
    LLTP is an delightful mix of fantasy, detective work and the hero's journey. Belle uses an uninhibited perverted pixie (also named Belle) to guide the players through the game world the dev has created.
    This game is definitely worth playing, if for no other reason then to meet the brassy pixie.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    General F. Apper

    Story: A corruption game set in the backdrop of medieval fantasy with a first person perspective for maximum immersion. A prophecy sets you on the path to saving a Queendom.

    Visuals: Outstanding renders for the characters and backgrounds set you firmly in the world of the game.

    Version 0.7.1 delivered on what I hoped to see and more. Sad to see a crowd favorite go but that was hell of a good bye.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great so far. Definitely better written than many, and the story has me intrigued for certain.

    Art is well done, love that all the women aren't sporting massive tits, and the more athletic look is given attention.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, the plot is good. I don't feel I am wasting my time interacting with characters or grinding too hard for cash etc. The reason is clear and clever.

    I like all the characters and do not feel any are unnecessary but I love Belle, her character is witty and charming with her uncouth manner.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: 0.6
    Exceptional writing by the author.
    Top notch plot, interesting game mechanics, and the visuals/models quality are very good.

    I can say that this game is one of the best games out there. Looking forward to more updates.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    (made for the version 0.4)
    Really nice game, with good characters (which has good personality). The story is good, with interesting plots and events, and the "detective gameplay" is a very nice touch.

    On the bad side : The differents girls doesn't have a huge background ( but this doesn't hurt the story.) and while the personality, face and hair of the girls are differents, their body are a little similar.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: 0.5
    This is the only game of its kind that does what it does well. It's set in a fantasy medieval setting with four and a half characters you can have kinky times with.

    1: Your sister
    2: A cute innocent library girl
    3: A tailor lady
    4: Another cute innocent stable girl
    4.5: Your indentured servant pixie

    Currently none of the characters have any in-depth story to follow, but they do have lots of kinky scenes for you to discover and grind your way to. You have several skills in the game that you must build to learn more about these characters and unlock molesting/romantic events. The game doesn't have much to offer in the romantic events as of yet, but it does have quite a bit to offer in the molesting events.

    Besides the kinky aspects of the game, the game has its own intriguing story that has yet to completely unfold. The character you play as has magical talents of his own, and uses them to learn more about the story/characters and unlock kinky events with the girls.

    Those are the positives of this game. The negatives are simply that the game hasn't progressed far enough yet in its development. The main story has not progressed far enough to matter, and neither have the characters' stories. That might SOUND bad, but it doesn't get in the way of enjoying what there already is to offer. Everything that is currently IN the game is exceptional quality. The writing is top-notch, the graphics are high quality, the world itself is downright immersive.

    All it needs is to keep going at the pace it's going, and this is going to be a masterpiece when it's finished. Something I'd be willing to buy off the shelf. However, as with 99% of erotic games on this site, it has a way to go. If you want to support it on its journey then I highly recommend you do. 5/5
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    There weren't many games of this kind that impressed me because of several factors: a plot that is overused, characters that are overused, models that are overused, poor gameplay, poor story, poor writing and poor pretty much everything except that the premise of sex and sometimes graphics. It's a reason why I normally just play Japanese RPGM games these days because the Ren'Py made ones just aren't worth the time.

    Thankfully, this was not the case with Long Live the Princess. TBH I chalked this game as another one of those games (seriously, there are so many) that is a either a complete waste of time or an absolute grindfest at first. That is not the case with LLtP. It is a puzzle-like game where you match clues for rewards. Grind do not exist in this game that is not how the system is set up. I do imagine that people will have to forego certain scenes due to time limitation that will probably be implemented once the game reaches the Princess' part - hence giving it replayability and non-linearity - but since you can carry some of your stats forward in a New Game+ that shouldn't be a problem.

    The writing itself is simply outstanding. This is probably the game with the most fluent and grammatically correct English I've encountered on this site. The story is intriguing, the characters are actually believable (sounds odd until you've had the misfortune to try out shit like Lida's Adventure) AND cool, and the scenes aren't actually stuff that has been rehashed in a different package a million goddam times like yoga.

    Also, sleep molestation scenes. Like, wow, I can only remember one such game that scratched that itch of mine properly that I can't even remember the title now, and this one practically has an entire section of the gameplay dedicated to it. Now if I can rub all over Primrose like in Hack n Stalk 2 then it'll be f*cking perfect (Please don't I'm only daydreaming daydreams = usually terrible in real life).

    If there is one flaw in the game it'll be the story barely progressed at all, but I also noticed that it's structured in stages so when there IS a story release, a sizable chunk would probably be released together, which is super awesome.

    All in all great job dev. My recommendation weighs next to nothing, but you get 5 stars and a glowing review from me nonetheless!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good writing and female characters with some depth greatly enliven a basic mind-control setup, while a finding clues+deduction mechanic keep the plot ticking along.

    In addition, the games creator is very active and responsive on the thread.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.3.1...

    Originally Reviewed on 12/10/2017

    Well, I've gone through the content available in 0.3.1 and I have to say that I like this Visual Novel/Game... It's not quite as filled with story as most Visual Novels, and there is a small amount of grinding, but not bad at all... I love the humor and it looks well put together...

    The visuals are really good, with unique backdrops and characters... The characters themselves are crisp and have no flaws that I could see, i mean even the old crone (albeit an ugly old crone) was modelled well and looked the part... The backdrops and rooms looked sharp and went well with the more medieval fantasy theme...

    The script has a unique with a fun plot, even if it is not like most visual novels with more game than vn, it was fun to read and the dialogue/monologue was top notch... As it is still early in development, the side quest stories are not lengthy but they do give you some clues now and then as to where to go and look... The humor between the protagonist and the fairy is absolutely hilarious, although there is a bit more profanity coming from the fairy then I think was necessary... It somewhat takes away from the idea of it being based in medieval times, since she had a sailors mouth... Profanity used in moderation can add to the humor, used too much and it takes away from the humor... It's not horrible, i just thought it was used sometimes at the wrong moments or went a bit overboard... Still, she was hilarious... And all the other characters had great personalities that really shined, with how the author/s scripted their dialogue and story...

    It does have a small amount of stat grinding, some you can see, and some you probably can't... And once again, because it's early in it's development there isn't a huge amount of content at the moment... There is enough to give you a good sense of how the game play works and direction the story plays out... It does lean more towards being a story driven game, and less of a visual novel, yet still chopped full of story to read and lots of choices to make... There are several, what you could describe as quests to be completed, and some places to explore, but I'm sure lots more are in the works... Erotic scenes do occur, but I didn't feel that was the driving force of the main plot, and they didn't overtake the story, which I appreciated... The protagonist is a bit of a pervert but it's not what drives his every action...

    This game/vn has a LOT of potential, and I really hope it continues to develop with the same humor and great story that it already contains... I look forward to checking back on this one once it's a bit further along into development... Great work so far...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    There're few erotic games out there were I care about the story - this game is one of them.
    Sure, the visuals are really good, but with so many bad stories out there it's really refreshing to have characters you're interested in and want to learn more about.
    Now, as of now (0.3) there's some erotic content in it, but no actual sex. I can promise you though that this short trip will still keep you entertained all the way through.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This game was surprisingly good.

    A+ for writing/story. Funny, contextual, hot. Pixie dick-hump was the best. Plus an actual mystery to unravel...
    A+ for renders. Real girls. Realistic proportions. Totally immersive. Fun animations, multiple perspectives.
    A+ for gameplay/code. WOW! Fun puzzles that make SENSE and are hot at the same time.
    A for project management. Nice re-use of backgrounds, scenes. Goes to A+ if dev delivers on a tight monthly schedule.

    This game starts off strong with good code and good gameplay but fades in later updates with woefully low content and NTR. A fantastic start, but fading delivery.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall, in an over-saturated market where even more perverse features like mind control and incest are becoming cliches, this game stands out for its solid narrative-driven mechanics beneath these features, semi-unique world-building, and its firmly above average 3D art.

    Room for improvement: Incredibly generic name. It may be too late to change it, but I would have easily overlooked this game if you hadn't linked it to a Discord I'm part of. The princess isn't even going to show up until near the end of the game, the focus of this story seems to be on mc's magical development, and it may help if the title reflects this.

    A stats page is desperately needed, and may already be planned. I definitely need a way to track the mc's various stats and relationship levels. Being able to see what day of the week, and period of the day, at all times rather than during transition screens would also be a must. The lack of these features even in this somewhat early build was the primary source of frustration during this playthrough.

    I see nothing wrong about very blatantly adapting mechanics from other games if you're going to alter them to this extent. If you're going to do so, you may want to borrow another: when there is a limiting stat on an action or dialogue option, I would recommend including the stat requirement. If I'm going to seek to raise my stats for the sake of new options in a new game plus, or grind for the opportunity to select a new option, I'm going to need to know exactly what goal i'm going for.

    This leads me to another point: if you're designing this game for replay-ability, directly encouraging at least a second playthrough through stat requirements and dialogue options that has impact on the storyline, I believe you're going to need more incentive. If you're really going for a great game, I believe you're going to need to create very delineated paths in the game with different incentives and bonuses for each. Being led to replay the game, with only the reward of slightly different dialogue, early relationships, and a few advanced scenes on top of a multitude of things you've already done just seems like a major letdown.

    Lastly, and this is the most minor suggestion, I've never quite seen the point of locking in choices during rollback. The same audience that will be inclined to rollback in order to alter their choice are the ones who will save at every single choice and re-load at will. They only become needlessly inconvenienced with a few extra clicks, and possibly missing the opportunity by not saving. Unless you're going to disable the ability to save at any point, which I'd strongly discourage, disabling choices during rollback seems like a pointless nuisance. However, if doing so somehow increases the stability of the game and avoids possible errors, then I totally get it.

    I still give this game a five for its solid mechanics and great potential, and look forward to future developments.