I assume the game loops back towards the beginning with at least some stats intact after you hit the time limit.
Yes, that is the plan. You can see my intent here with all the dialogue options you have during the tutorial that are impossible to achieve since you don't have the required stats. These are there for the second playthrough.
I have to say this. Usually when I play these games I try to find the skip button just to get through the dialogues, in this game I didn't once. This is a very well written story and the "secrets" aspect of the game seems very interesting. Looking forward for the next update...
Thank you! I take writing very seriously, so I'm glad that someone appreciates it.
really enjoyed this, Kinda felt like i was phoenix wright with some medieval fantasy mixed in.
That's precisely the kind of vibe I'm going for, so I love hearing people say that.
For this specific issue, there's not a lot you can do, unfortunately. People are going to hate on your releases no matter what, so just do what feels right, and keep an eye on the feedback. Personally, I think a good idea would be to follow what Baal(SuperPowered) did and set a development roadmap, decide ahead of time what order you want to work on content, assign a version number to each step, and then stick to that.
Yeah, that's my instinctive approach to development. Map everything out and follow a plan. I don't think that's a good way to do things with this project though. I'm doing crowdfunding now, and I do honestly want my patrons to have some influence over the direction I take things. If I set my plans in stone at this stage, it becomes harder for me to listen to the suggestions I receive.
As for the "hate", while it is impossible to filter it out completely, I know it will (has) come, what it truly represents, and why I should disregard it. However, the response to this game has been much better than I had expected so far, so things are good so far.