Hi Guys,
First of all a great game Belle (and Developers).
I´ve got a question about Primrose.. i nearly played the Game to its Endgame (no ToDos open)... but the sad part is I never could go any farther with Primrose than kissing or watching her cleaning naked.
I did save her from prison and got everything in the storylane with Merek (at least out of her Mind). I don´t have any options left in the library..
when im working after my nap she comes really shy to me after i tell her i want a kiss. When she is in the Reading Room im only able to read a book or talk with her, nothing happens. With the remove Inhibitions Spell i can only get a Kiss or "get a big smile".
Where did I fucked up? or did i still miss something?
PS: i didnt play with the walkthrough... i just try to enjoy it on my own (and now missing Primrose
