Same, left-leaning too and i dont get that impression from this avn.There's a level of machismo that's in this game, that for someone who associates that with conservative rhetoric (they're not wrong) it could maybe be a bit uncomfortable. But I'm very left leaning and more than a bit vocal about it, and I haven't felt put off by the dialogue in the game given the setting.
But if the poster thinks stuff like the girls being virgins and only getting fucked by the mc is right-wing related, than 99,9% of all avns are conservative lol, its more or less usual. And here at least in case of most girls its at least someeewhaaat explained why it is like that (like in jesse's case for a sad reason but simply having a aggressive biker dad in such a small town can make things problematic already for girls lol).
And there are normal/cool male characters other than the MC in this story at least which is already more than 95% of avns seem to be able to manage, some even got hot chicks themself (looking at you sluggo).
Not saying its realistic but surely not "worse" than most avns in this department.
I cant remember the MC ever being a cringe "alpha" either, hes just a kinda normal tought guy and more often rather downplaying his own achievments instead of boasting or shit like that
Imo the MC and his attutide really works great for this avn, im not the biggest fan of harems (because the construction of the harem is unbelievable/bad in 99% of all avns) but here it kinda works and i prefer the mcs laid-back and partial macho attitude every day over these lovey dovey mcs who are soooo great and flawless and soooo deeeeply in love with 20 chicks at the same time.
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