I tried playing this game but didn't think it was very good, despite having a ton of potential and good production values. There's way too many stats to juggle between and consider trade-offs for (legitimacy! laundry! cleanliness! food! portal level! love! obedience! mood! three population levels! defense!), and it seemed really easy to end up in a "dead end" early in the game, with your maids burnt out and the laundry piling up. That's what happened to me maybe two weeks in and I quit because it didn't seem recoverable, and all the maids hated me with no developing storylines and barely a reluctant HJ scene.
Progress feels agonizing - only 3 points of relationship gain per turn, and you need 50+ across two dimensions - for 4 separate characters - for things to really get going. 3 * 50 * 4 is 600 in-game days, two years, of game progress, to become king of the castle. I know you can improve this via training and construction, and it's likely these things accelerate, but I felt there were so many other stats to juggle between, I didn't know how to prioritize and it doesn't feel enjoyable or casual to play the game.
Funnily enough, I'm a huge fan of free cities, I don't quite understand why that game is so enjoyable and this one is so painful. It might come down to pacing and engagement.