So.. yeah.. the OP needs updating, it still shows former version for download.. guess that's an admin thing?
Was thrilled to finally play this game further and have spend many hours grinding, as trying to figure everything out.. and my massive grind of last version payed off I guess, since everything was maxed out, must have taken me less time to reach where I am now than it would otherwise..
However, a guide, or walk through would be nice, at least some more info on what would be the last scenes/events for each new personality change?
I've "upgraded" the Dad, Older and Younger Sister, Diane has become a restrained mother and here begins my greatest trouble..
I can understand her confusing mindset and mood swings, but it's seams impossible to increase her Lust to a state where something new happens, because she looses a lot halfway through. A guide line of where her points should be before doing "this or that" would be nice

Doing my best to avoid spoilers here, makes it difficult to be specific.
The new Morality thing, doesn't show in skills btw, so can't see what stage it's at, is it dormant for now, or can we grind our way to make "use" of it? You know what I mean.. "Just the..."
Diane danced in her room around 17:00 I think, can't remember the week day, but I stumbled over it and she flipped when trying to dance with her. Is there a certain point status she has to be at here as well? Or is that for future version?
As said, it would be nice to have an idea of when we've reached the last parts of what the new stuff is
I love your stuff as always
The bugs I ran into, was sometimes you gain focus when you should spend it, like Flirting with Gina at the bar.
Sometimes an action doesn't take any time, though the tool tip informs that it should.
These kind of bugs are for our benefit, so I might have to duck for cover here.. expecting heavy attacks from the other fellow players, like: "No NO don't report THAT!! *¤£@%&*" (censored the possible curse words)