great job baal. i really love this game. i am not sure if its okay to ask here but if anybody can recommend similar games like loser? i am looking for an actual game, not a power point slide show.
Similar... That'd be tricky. I've been PC gaming since the Apple IIc and can't think of anything thing with similar
game play.
(Baal. Well done.

It's damn hard to create a game even close to unique in this day and age.)
As for adult stuff that has actual game play...
Here's a few you might take a look at:
Lab Rats 2 Business manager, relationship manager, and extremely customizable clothing for each woman.
Mystwood Manor Hotel manager. Probably best CG on this list.
Patronus Slave/Brothel/Business manager.
Wicked Rouge Brothel manager & a 'doesn't suck' rpg combat system. (Don't let the RPGM tag throw you. Interface is
heavily customized. It's barely recognizable as RPGM.)
Breeders of the Nephelym Breeding (duh

) game.
Tales of Androgyny RPG 'stance based' fighting game.
Now... the fetishes on that list are all over the place. That's largely because I'll at least check out almost anything that looks like it might have actual game play.