Unity - Loser [v0.11.00] [Night City Productions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really grindy - but in its own special way.

    You make your progress through this game with conversations. Therefore you need topics to talk about, which are generated by conversations and a lot of activities.
    By choosing specific topics, you can slowly transform the persons, you are talking to. But they all got different interests and some topics they don´t want to talk about at all. So you have to think and plan, how you get them to talk about the things you want.

    With every conversation and activity you also gain xp for your own related skills, giving you more possibilities and activities.
    Most of the skills are hidden at the beginning and revealed by gaining some related xp.
    And the number of skills is already huge. At some point, I couldn´t believe I was unlocking new ones again.

    Usually i hate grindy games, but with every new discovered topic and skill this game just makes me more curious, what it will offer.
    So I´m talking and doing stuff and talking and doing stuff and - oh it´s 4am...
    I´m officially addicted.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is f..king great
    +Realistic incest content
    +Has good game dynamics
    +Interesting characters and looks
    +Developer is f...king workholic (he should sleep more though :b we need him :D )
    +Developer is actively answering questions.

    -Maybe only negative thing: (i somewhat love and hate) grind is real. If you don't like grind, use cheat. To find it how to do it; use thread search button. In this games threads there are very good people who are willing to help (i love'em) , just don't ask already asked questions !!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Way, way, WAY too grindy and it's going this way with too many games. Devs that can't be arsed putting the work in so they make it as grindy as possible so they don't have to do as much work. This is not smart game design and the dev will get just as bored with the game as we do.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    All the things you want in a porn game. Grinds a bit frustrating but rewards damn cant wait to see all the stuff the dev adds, for me this is waaay more preferable system than superpowered. As long as the dev keeps this pace and doesnt go meek on content and keeps adding varieties to subterfuge its great.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is based on version 0.04.02

    The only reason im spending time reviweing this game, is because i wished this game was good. In fact there is a good game somewhere in here, but is burried under alot of terrible gameplay decisions, especially the absurd amout of grind.

    Time for The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

    The good:
    - Original game design. (Game design is based in stats management and evolving the girls by increasing certain stats. I liked the complexity and found it original compared to other super linear games out there. Evolving a girl to a new ArchType, changes her behaviour, unlocking some new things to do and also changes her previous routine schedule, which can lead to some surprises and keeps the game fresh)
    - Cast. (Thers a good and varied cast of characetrs with diferent personalities)
    - Renders (The renders are well done, and some of the girls are beautifull)

    The Bad:
    - UI or User Interface. (Its bad and all over the place. Many basic things are hidden under sub menus that need extra clicks. Save slots dont mention any reference to date or time, so while the developer added 3 save slots in this latest update, thers no way to know where they lead , unless you memorized them.)

    - Picking up topics to talk to girls ( Ok, what the hell the dev was thinking? The only way to see what conversation topics u have ready to talk is to go to your room/bathroom, open your inventory, and see what topics are in the hotbar. If you start a conversation with a girl, thers no way to access your inventory to pick a topic. You need to go back to your room/bathroom, pick the topics u want to talk about, and go back to the girl. Imagine a guy that everytime he stands in front of a girl, he has nothing to say, so he needs to go to a bathroom or bedroom, to gather his toughts, then go back to talk to the girl, this is how the developer tought was a good idea. The amount of clicks and wasted time to do this is ridiculous)

    - Very few animations (There are like 5 animations in the entire game so far, and they could be better)

    - Grind (while this game is based on raising stats, the amout of exp you gain to raise each stat is very little, and the game requires an obscene amount of grinding in order to advance.)

    - Evolved girls forget previous raised skills ( Imagine spending hours to teach a girl about photography, and then when she evolves to a new AT or ArchType, she completly forgets about it. Adding the massive grind needed to raise stats, its like rubbing salt in a wound)

    The Ugly:
    - The Developer. He's eather sadistic that loves see us in pain, or he just loves that grind.

    With some QoL (Quality of Life) improvements that i mention in The Bad section, this game would be an easy 8 out of 10, but it is what it is soo...

    Final Score: 4/10 (and just because im rewarding creativity)
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is beyond grind. There is a conversation mechanic in the game that is not introduced or explained. Took me forever to even see the icons showing how to set it up. It isn't clear how you're supposed to even talk to people.

    The only time I even get the exercise option is when I have no Stamina. Once I have enough, the option doesn't show up.

    Game is impossible to grind through. ZERO rewards for the effort.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Grind, grind, grind and mooooore grind.
    Game is so so so slow. It's booring. Modeling are pretty an beautiful but... four hours of game for... anything.

    Also need to grind for conversation topics, which can equipt as consumables and very slow.

    It's the slower game I've played ever.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I gave this game a 5 star because:

    *First of all this game has pure incest content, so you are not gonna deal with roomate/landlady bullshit.

    *Dialogues between family members is really good. (sometimes too short but always good) On dialogues standpoint; in this new update (4.03) Diane's bar event, and Gina's "Changing to Sister with benefits) events were on spot. These were realistic and perfect.

    *All family members have realictic background, for example;

    -Becky always loved his brother, after her brother got arrested she entered very traumatic life period. In this period she got very vulnarable on her social life, and always bullied by others. Ofter all these "buliying" she became like them. (Bitchy) She became like them because she does not wanna get hurt by them anymore.

    Note: Repair her, or make her more bitchy. It is always up to you.

    *I like AT system. It exites me. How? When you change their AT, it changes nearly everthing on them. Clothes, how they behave on every day or special events (like house party), adding/extending new content etc. After i change their AT, i always roaming around to find new things, i dont know others but i really loved this content.

    *It is really grindy. If you are not patient guy, please learn to use CheatEngine and SaveEditOnline. Even i using these time to time.

    *Without a conversation it can be very boring to grind those stats.

    *This game needs some kind of in game guide. I know this game very much and even i sometimes feel confused and lost.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    where do i start?
    cant see those very very small action buttons or even know how to save.
    grind grind
    the game has wayyyy too many mechanics to it, and very complicated.
    grind grind
    played for 2 hours and litterally got nowhere!
    the dev seriously needs to do something with this game......severe overhaul
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is about 99% pure grind, with little reward.
    I played for about 4-5h the only animated scene i saw, was ur parents having sex...

    For the grind:
    -Money is near impossible to get.
    -U need to grind for about 2 dozen different skills-very slow progression
    as example: fitness ;
    lvl 1 requires 100 points, lvl 2 300 and lvl 600 points- trough 1 aktion u gain about 3-5 points

    U also need to grind for conversation topics, which can equipt as consumables.

    Additional u have focus/stamina/health stats which limit ur daly activitis and u need to replenish.

    So far i don't have seen any story, close to zero conversation...this can hardly be called a game, it's simply grind for a grinds sake.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played this game every update and support the project and I find the overall game and the renders to be very well done. However, I feel like I need to mention that this game requires a lot of grinding as stated by many of the reviewers. When you have a good sense of the game you can reach from the start to current content in about 20 hours, but that is literally 20 hours of pressing buttons and focusing on the game. If you like nice renders and enjoy earning them then this game is for you. If you only want to put like two hours of work into a game then in no way is this a game for you.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    While the character models and renders look nice, the game itself is a confusing grindfest with very little payoff. If you're a masochist that enjoys a good blue balling this game is for you.
    I'd really like to see a total remake of this game with a more straight forward progression system and actual worthwhile payoffs, but until that day I will steer clear.

    I'll leave you with a quote by the developer:
    "I never claimed to be making a porn game. This is not a porn game. It is a game with porn. If you want a porn game, go play a VN."
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I played for 5 hours, pumped all skills to level 2 and some to level 3, and no
    I have not seen any sex scene
    I have not seen any animation
    There are no dialogues in the game, they are designed like cards, it would be a good solution for a sex game, but dating sim?
    And this is a game that has been in development for a year and a half?
    Demo without content, terrible, do not waste your time, come back in 10 years
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Bob Barker666

    Time played: 40 hours

    I'm going to have to second the previous reviewer that said it's a shame that we have to leave mediocre reviews for a game by the same developer that brought us one of the best games.

    Superpowered is grindy but that can be grindy is ways that at least are amusing.

    This is insanely grindy. I think evolution likely would do laps around just how slow this is.

    1.) Money is almost nearly impossible to get. I suppose that makes sense in a house where only the oldest sister seems to have a job.
    2.) The system of adapting the views of the other people in the house is a cool idea.
    3.) Moving characters from one archetype to another is a cool idea.
    4.) Having to introduce non-preferred topics to the women by bringing it with something they do like... is a cool idea.
    5.) Putting them all together and getting (without money) 2 points of gain out of 50 in one stat out of 22 (or there abouts ) OR 6 points with money... is ridiculously slow.
    6.) Grinding 600 points for yourself on each of those 22 skills to get very marginal boosts. (And some of them are actively negative to level up.. such as unhealthy.)
    7.) Changes in play pattern (new events, options, etc...) are way, way, way too slow. If you played SuperPowered without cheats, it's one of the slowest titles out there and most grindy. Take that and slow it down by a factor of at least 10.
    8.) Too... damn... many..... clicks. To load up one set of 3 conversation items requires .. Go to your room, click the inventory button... click the 3 things onto the bar... by clicking source and then destination (it won't autofill) then close, then travel to where you are to have the conversation.
    9.) To have to buy something from the store to put on the bar will require at least 6 more clicks each... and additional if it went into the wardrobe.
    10.) Sometimes space bar continues and sometimes it doesn't.
    11.) There are too many useless pauses at the end of dialogues or prompts which require extra clicks to dismiss.

    In short, this was 3 promising games that got slammed into one title with all of the grind of each. Add a poor UI and its really a race to if you'll get the next unlock or develop serious carpal tunnel first.

    It is clear to me that developer does not and could not have played his games (even with inside knowledge) from the beginning. He has to be using cheats and setting arbitrarily high values on everything.

    Even WITH cheats the game is grindy. Give yourself and every girl max values for everything and you'll still be in click hell. Example: change a girl's archetype... Step 1: Get 50-70 favor with them Step 2: Find THREE places where they'll talk with you with that option. (It's not everywhere they'll talk to you.) Step 3 and 4.) Assign secondary interests which match the intended archetype 5.) Set the Archetype. 6.) WAIT UNTIL NEXT DAY This developer has not met a time gate he hasn't embraced here short of limiting the number of interactions you can have based on the real clock.

    In short, this game had promise but has fallen victim to the developers inclination to torture his players by creating nearly insurmountable grinds in front of them. If you take Dark Souls, remove most of the fun and replace it with a hell of a lot more grind... that's this in a nutshell.

    If you're going to try it... try it straight for a bit but then go ahead and edit the save game. Even with everything maxed, this is still the grindiest and least rewarding title on this site.

    If by chance the developer reads this:
    1.) Women should gain attributes at least 10x faster than this.
    2.) Players skills shouldn't be 100, 200, 300 for each tier. (And you start with Tier 0). They should be more like 50/100/150 or similar.
    3.) Remove as much clicking as possible. Confirmation prompts after I said no to taking an action? Really? If I wanted to redo it I could just click it again.
    4.) Pick a damn side. Why are there critical controls all across the screen., Try seeing how many times you have to move the mouse across the entire display to do something.
    5.) Why is save and load buried under 2 menus? The escape menu is already wasted space.
    6.) Showing her gains on the right, my gains on the left and my costs in the middle is nearly impossible to read. Just make a single scroll. It's not like you're spitting them out all that fast.
    7.) Display delays should be user settable. Waiting 1 second on every pulse is a literal time waster. And thats saying a lot in a game that thinks time and wrist/elbow cartilage are infinite resources.

    So, all of this is going to beg the serious question... if its this bad... why did you spend so much time on it? Answer: Because superpowered was grindy so, I expected some slog. Since this game doesn't document its core mechanics, you can't even see that the mountain is impossibly high. But SuperPowered had something going for it that this doesn't... I kept getting interesting scenes. This does not. For my 40 plus hours and cheating every skill and money... I got photos of mom's back and a voyeur look at my older sister in the shower.

    Seriously folks... until this improves GREATLY... I'd recommend a hard pass. It's got potential but I'm not optimistic the developer is really going to acknowledge that the flaws in the game are personal play style choices they are forcing onto the player. The problem isn't the game.. its the choices they are making when they release the game.

    That being said... I'll check back in a few months. If the developer starts making reasonable objectives and rewarding gameplay... I'll be happy to revise this.

    Until then.. go do ... anything ...else. I'm doing you a favor.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    v0.07.00: It's been almost two years since my original review and this is one of the few games on the site I find myself coming back to and putting time in. Bumping to four stars.

    This is a sandbox game and it is very grindy. But not like most sandbox games or trainer games where you do the same thing over and over until the bar fills and then they level up and it resets and you do it again. Instead it is a very broad game where you can interact with almost every location and a huge roster of characters. Anything you do (brushing your teeth, working out, watching porn) will give you points in the related stat and may give you a "topic". You can burn topics for more stat points or use them to talk to people (you can also buy items and use them instead of topics in conversations). They will talk back with their own topics and you will both gain stats (and you will get one of their topics). As your stats grow you unlock perks and reusable topics. When you get certain stats of characters high enough, you can encourage them to take on new interests and eventually level them up.

    Again, it is very grindy and I personally use a save editor but it is really well done in a way that I admire.

    As for the plot, this is one of the best corruption/transformation games on this site. Characters' outfits and daily activities change at every level. Maybe they wake up earlier, maybe they don't lock the door when they shower anymore, etc. It is very fun to level up a character and go through a week seeing what new scenes have appeared. This can also be a little frustrating as there are some hidden requirements for scenes based on characters' lust, dominance, and intoxication levels. But overall I just find it really enjoyable.

    So this game definitely isn't for everyone but it is very well made and I think it will appeal to people looking for a "game" as well as those who enjoy seeing subtle (and not-so-subtle) corruption/transformation. But if you are just looking for a quick fap, this is probably not the game for you.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    7.02 review update:
    3 stars > 4 stars

    amazing concept, hot girls,
    LOVE the progression and stats system.

    now to list all the problems.

    the UI is good navigation bar out side the house can use some rearrangement.

    the game needs a grind reduction. even with cheats it is VERY grindy.
    (hell, I set my 3 core stats to 10 so I would get stats and convert faster [about 5 - 7 times faster] and it was still grindy!!!!)

    need a better hint system or a away to tell what content is available, with certain ATs you can interact only 1 or 2 times per week and at very specific hours that are easy to skip over/miss. and with the new update its even more obscure as some scenes are unlocked only under very specific conditions.

    the 50 topic cap is very annoying and limiting especially when certain topics pile up insanely fast.

    there is a lack of convenient time pass actions, (again, cheats help but still lacking if you want to pass days).

    and finally, a more visually available goal tracker, I had to open the phone too many times to check what topics I need to hunt for or what topics are hated.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I lost my patience with this game pretty quickly.

    There is little to no direction, pretty much zero story, and any H stuff is behind a huge grind.
    I suppose if you like just clicking around and playing chore simulator for ages it might be alright.
    Without any reward for anything though... nah.

    I've seen worse. It has ok game mechanics. Just poor execution without reward.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Played Version 0.02.01
    Playtime: 10 Minutes

    It is a matter of taste.
    From the other reviews here, I saw that there are no super powers.
    Means, the Dev is making a total new game. A new aproach.
    This game has litteraly nothing to do with the former game from "Night city productions"

    The renderings look very good from what I saw. (compared to "Super Powered" the rendings are brilliant high quality elite Triple A luxury stuff.)

    Gameplay: (And the reason for the 3 Star rating)
    You are a Son, in a House, have a Sister and a Mother.
    Sister: Ultra big boobs. And a hip that is suitable to give birth for a cow-calf.
    Mother: Looks like a porn model.
    You might have noticed that I play only 10 min. Thats not because the lack of content, but the lack of interest. I played around 300 Games here.
    Most of them have the sceme:

    "I am a boy, live with my mother, have two sisters.
    For some reason I wanna fuck them all.
    My older sister is a bitch, but after a imprinting Event, she is
    supporting me and my best ally.
    My little sister cant wait to hop on my lap, giving her a ride.
    Mom is the endboss.
    All of this is done by hardcore grinding about the same actions over
    and over again.

    And thats exactly what I saw in these 10 min. "Super Powered" had a good idea. Some very exclusive mechanics. It was complex as fuck and total new to me. All the possibilities where so new and fresh... that was an very awesome game.
    Anyways.. "Loser" seems to come without anything that is special and unique. Gave me from begin on the feeling, that I absolutely dont care about the story, who I am, the character of the girls etc. (Because I already know all the informations. From the x-thousand other games here on F95. These games that already did what this game here is doing. )

    It was just the usual stuff that I saw a billion times on F95 but with models that makes me puke.

    And espeacily the turn from "all kinds of boob-sizes" (Superpowered) to the classic unnatural supersize Boobs, with clothes that must be tailored exclusive to these boobs (because it is impossible to get in or out of this clothes) makes me think only one thing:
    He try to milk the common cash cow.

    (3 Years of F95 games and the first negativ review I write is for one of the devs that initialy brought me to this site... that is really disappointing)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with a lot of potential in the future.Just so everybody knows this game has just started with the updates and you can still have a lot of fun in the game because it has a lot of content already and it only had 2 updates
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the way of this game very much, not super powers or miracles of demon gods,Not magic or sci-fi mind control.

    It just the subtle influence of constant dialogue in life,
    Whether it is weakening the object and letting itself in,
    Or maybe you can enhance the object and make yourself attack backwards,
    The degree of freedom is very high, which makes people look forward to it.

    In some ways, compared to himself as the protagonist.
    Behind the scenes let others do some affectionate father and daughter, red apricot out of the wall,
    More interesting and imaginative space.