Ah ok, yes that does add more variation! Might want to think about adding more dialogue for repeated losses since I feel that is what most people will end up doing when playing the game normally

For example having multiple randomized dialogue paths for the "Repeat" dialogue (Kinda like when talking to the shop keeper) would reduce the repetitiveness. Another idea could be to have a scenario for after you game over to them they will mention it next time, and it can change every 2 or so defeats. Eventually the dialogue could be something about how you're completely helpless against them or something like that.
A small little side note is that it's not really clear what white and black choices signify? I know it says white is supposed to be good, but does that mean being submissive, resisting, or something else? Not super important honestly but I was a little confused by the choices because they often seemed pretty similar.
You can probably tell tjat I really like the dialogue parts

Idk if allot of people like that part, so maybe it's not that high priority for your team, but if you need to add stuff while waiting for art then maybe this is good to work on. Either way I really like this game, the current dialogue system (which is why I want more dialogue xP) and the animation (It's amazing!)
I might look into the game over dialogue for the repeat tree again. Having it slightly randomized might make it more interesting to sit through, so that's a good idea! Another solution to the "problem" that I think could work is an actual ingame item that resets the experiences you had with an enemy so you can explore the other trees in a more convenient and logical way without always getting stuck at one of them.
It's just my 2 cents so feel free to discard this advice, but I think that this speed is a deterrent to new patrons. I know you guys are taking minimal risk, but in my experience running projects with and without Patreon, playing it safe makes things stagnate. I'd recommend seeing if you and Masker would be willing to do a bit of charity and directing the 1k a month to the artist in an effort to give the appearance that there's some real speed. Having no one getting anywhere near what they'd want to commit time safely just means that no area of the game gets a good development speed, and I think the animations are the biggest deal to most of the people who'd pledge money so that's where it should go until there's more support for the game. It's risky, but I don't think the rate things are going now, with the extremely high probability of that being the long-term speed, is going to get the game anywhere. Again, feel free to discard this, I am not in the team, that's just my take on it.
I absolutely understand what you are saying here. I will speak to the team again about those concerns but chances are that it's not as easily solved as giving Veila the money for now. It's definitely noted though and we're constantly working to make things go more smoothly and faster as well. While the animations are the biggest draw for most people - and I absolutely agree with that statement too - we also wanna focus on making it a good game first and foremost. So there will be times where art is also needed for other aspects of the game mainly. I'm going to release an official statement on Patreon concerning that today as well.
Personally, I'd like to see more cunnilingus. Femdom games and content in general are always severely lacking in what is really a rather dominant idea in a winner and loser scenario since at that point, it's all about her own pleasure and using the loser to achieve it. I don't agree with the idea that seemingly exists in many femdom games and materials that the submissive character isn't 'good' enough for anything beyond the foreplay that is a footjob, just as an example. And this is a common theme for femdom games, especially those developed for an eastern audience. The footjob is such a commonly depicted fetish now that by association, it's inherently a femdom activity when it actually isn't and should depend entirely on the context.
And then you hear people claiming that penetration is "overdone." Which I also don't believe is the case in regards to femdom games and literature. I think people only oppose actual penetration because it's often times too vanilla for them even though you can pair penetration with hardcore aspects of BDSM. They just prefer their own niche interests to be better represented (the armpit job that comes with the vampire chick) probably because they watch pornography and you don't even see this type of stuff in actual pornography to the same extent as vaginal/anal penetration. I think they are conflating what they see on PornHub and applying that to the femdom games when it's not really the case, as if the rest of us actually see that kind of intercourse as often as they do. Certain activities just aren't realistic enough in that it consistently gives any results during filming, and can't really be depicted in the same way that someone can animate it in a game or artwork hence why the demand for "more X, less sex" is there. The thing is, plenty of femdom games have a larger ratio of foreplay to penetration, and will even explore the more niche side of femdom which is never about penetration or oral sex either, so I don't really know what they are talking about anyway. Granted, both the fairy girl and wolf girl (if I remember correctly) have penetration scenes but, well, still no cunnilingus yet.
There's just often too much focus on male pleasure and that's exactly what an armpit job and thigh job, etc., are all about. This is an idea that is very prominent in eastern literature and H-games. The amount of doujinshi I see on a website like exhentai that is tagged as femdom but is all about male pleasure is just . . . far too common. It's almost like it's based off of that archaic idea that women don't actually derive pleasure from anything sexual and so even as the dominant partner, it must always be about the male. I prefer to see the woman being pleasured and I struggle to suspend my disbelief that the dominant female could possibly be deriving pleasure from having to service him as often as we do actually see that. If anything is overdone, it's the theme of the selfish male getting all the pleasure and attention. For being submissive men, they do sure like to try and make it all about themselves even if it is just a fictional story.
There's a lot of kinks and fetishes associated with the world of femdom but I've never met a woman, irrespective of her personality traits, who wouldn't enjoy receiving oral sex. So any character designed can probably receive that type of animation.
You make a lot of good points! Let me try to chime in on some of those statements without causing a ruckus! I'll do my best to explain why we do things the way we do and why our focus may be more on male pleasure and other types of pleasure than penetration. I agree with you that femdom games in the east focus on quite different things than penetration or cunnilingus most of the time. I don't have any stats for it but paizuri is extremely popular there and penetration shouldn't be too far off of the top either (although it is most likely considerably lower than in the west). Now with cunnilingus you are spot on in the sense that the east doesn't seem to implement that at all. In the end I believe it comes down to taste in those regards. That's the same on our end. We like to portray what we think is arousing or attractive to us, although that mostly counts for me (Avan) and our artist Veila. She for example feels the same way about being able to have penetration scenes with certain characters would take away from the concept/idea of them.
In the end I feel like devs should portray what they "want" and think is attractive, since those are the parts they can appreciate and try their best to deliver. If someone doesn't necessary feel the appeal of certain actions, it may become a bit difficult to put your heart into it if that makes sense.
Now, there are two more points I wanted to talk about real quick. One of those is the part with focusing on the pleasure of the woman. I know the story is not implemented yet but a lot of it also comes down to the setting. The girls as a whole usually have ulterior motives and don't really engage with the MC for their own pleasure. At least it isn't their main reasoning! Now there might be outliers to that in the future and that will then show in their scenes too. It really isn't about "girls don't feel pleasure" or anything the likes. We're neither that oldschool nor inexperienced to think in a way like that. Especially our female member of the team. The part about we haven't added cunnilingus
yet is absolutely true. We can't have implemented every position asked for at this point. Anything involving breasts is currently our most asked for scene and we have plans of implementing that one soon.
The other is about what I mentioned concerning "personality". I think it was a bit misunderstood but that's a mistake on my part! When I talk about the "personality" of a character, I meant it more in the sense of their "idea". What are they supposed to be? To represent? How are the visuals inspired by it and how do we enhance the vision/idea of the character with the visuals? How do we do it with the scenes and the dialogue? It was less about "Well, they'd like so they'd want to do it which is why we do it." That is not to say that character motivation doesn't matter at all, but oftentimes even character motivation aligns with the vision and what the character is supposed to do. We
could give every girl penetration and make it vary with different positions and whatnot for example but it wouldn't exude as much "personality" as we'd like it to.
tl;dr: It's all about flair and what we personally like! I hope that gave a little bit of insight.
i love the vampire girl so sexy grab <3 please do more vampires
While it's unlikely we'll do more vampire characters as we want to vary with the monster girls the best we can, there is a chance that our current vampire will get more content in the future. But that will be much later on, maybe even towards the end of the games development!
Will you be able to get Info to progress on the game from the dialogue system later on the future?
This is a good question! The answer is that I absolutely want to avoid that. Now hear me out! Don't get out the pitchforks! I really, really like the idea/concept of it! It's mostly about the "to progress on the game" part. There are certain problems that could arise from it.
With how the dialogues are built into the game right now, textboxes could easily be missed (thanks to the varying dialogue trees that one may encounter). So what if you miss the textbox? What if the player doesn't know what to look for? What if they don't want to see the adult scenes but just progress through the game?
Also, if you put the progress behind the dialogues as a hard gate (so you cannot know how to proceed without having seen the dialogue) then we force players to go through a certain one which feels...not natural and off. But if we make it so it only nudges you in the direction and you can easily figure out how to proceed besides that, then what is the point of not just making it clear through more intuitive gameplay instead and focus on keeping the dialogues for sexy moments?
There are more issues that may come up with it but I will leave it at that! Now that being said, something that I do want to implement via dialogues is more information on the lore and world of the game and
optional secrets. Maybe they give you information on a hidden wall somewhere or how to open a locked door that you didn't know how to get through earlier. So for optional things I am all for hiding information in the dialogues! When it comes to actual mandatory progress, I wont do it. I hope I managed to explain it well enough.