Alright lewdness runs are OP. If you are struggling to beat the final boss to unlock the recollection i highly recommend going for one.
What you need to do if you wanna try as well is as follows:
1)Before the game begins(starting perks)
Gather some meta currency to get the starting bonuses.I had played some games so i had the big one with +4 perks but its certainly doable with lower and lesser ones(read till the end of step 1 for which ones).You will need to go ham on rerolls to get the perks that matter.I highly recommend going for +10 flat lewdness and the starting succubus set.These make the starting game a cakewalk, giving you a lot of leeway on the events.Succubus set lets you start with 2x 2 mana cards that deals your lewdness stat as damage on the enemys RP. And why is that good you may ask?Like some other games you can defeat your opponents with 2 ways.If you drop the enemys RP to 0 the enemy gets stunned and you are given a card that one-shots the enemy.Yep you heard it right. One hit KO! And with lewdness being the easiest stat to raise and the enemies almost always have more LP than RP it explains itself.Some other notable perks you may want to get if you are bored rerolling are: +2 all combat stats,+2 def,lewdness raises are doubled,Faith +10(will explain why in step 2),forget me nows are doubled,lewdness +5,Refresh card,LP per turn.Try to get as many as you can of these, but starting lewdness and succubus set remain the best!
2)Before the game begins (class)
Loyalty Knight is the one to go for unless you picked +faith in step 1 as a perk.If you did pick +faith you will go for Forgotten Martyr.
Your goal in this run will be to survive till you get your lewdness cards. Basically you want def to survive the big hitters.So why forgotten martyr? In the game there is a mechanic called titles.Having 70+ faith unlocks a title and every title gives a unique boost for the current campaign.The 70+ faith one gives +5 def.So forgotten martyr doesnt only give a bunch of def but also a card that draws cards.As i will explain in step 3 this is amazing for our purpose!
You can find the combinations of how to get these from a post in Page 2!
3)During the game
Your goals are simple.Raise lewdness,biggest goal being to 15 where you get 2x 1 mana cards that deal dmg to enemys RP.Dont pick cards every time after winning.Always pick cards that lets you draw and maybe a couple cards that mirror the card you used last.These have low mana cost and will enable to get you another title where you need to use 7 cards in a turn.Also pick up 2-3 2 mana def cards.1x healing card is very nice to have as well just in case.When you reach 15 cards and unlock the title for that you will start using forget me nows to get rid of all your base dmg cards.You need your deck to only have lewdness cards,draw power and defends with a little bit of healing.Thats all you need and you need it to be consistent for the final boss cause its ruthless.When you get an option after fight to raise def always pick unless you rly lack the draw and there is a draw card.Same goes for max LP and max RP.
You can find how to get lewdness from events from a post at the top of page 3!
Apart from the deck and lewdness stat you will need to work on your titles.Read how you can obtain them and depending where rng leads you try to get as many as possible and focus on matching a full horizontal or vertical lines for more cards and mana per round.
You can go for any boss in any order you like to finish up the horizontal/vertical line titles, but i would recommend going for the red one first as it gives you LP per turn that helps a ton.
You will want to have your lewdness at about 30 for final boss.The higher the better!There are some more lewdness cards you can get if rng permits you like the cowgirl card.That card forces a battle of RP which is good for all other fights if you have a decent amount of max RP but its hella risky on the final boss(use at ur own risk).It can lower the RP very fast but it lowers yours just as fast.
Ofc this game is rng heavy and many things can go wrong.Unlucky with events can lead to lower lewdness and not enough forget me nows or lower amount of titles.Unlucky during fights can lead in an untimely death.You can only do your best and in case of failure to give it another go!
Tldr: Lewdness OP! If you wanna attempt one pick some starting lewdness and succubus set from perks.Get a defensive class and focus on getting draw power while having high defensive capabilities and as much lewdness as possible to fuck your enemies dead!
Hope this helps someone interested but struggling, as this game is very fun
