VN - Ren'Py - Lost & Found [v1.0 Part 1] [Jun1or72]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Just played though this novel game. At the beginning its very slow in the story, but than its a good harem game.
    At the end it feels like the same and same scenes again and again with not much changes and the story is all about pregnancy and marriage. New Ideas for scenes are missing. There is a cliffhanger at the end of this version I dont really care about. I would have given 5 of 5 Stars if the end wasn't so boring and so much repeat of scenes with different girl models. So only 4 of 5 stars for this one.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    There are AVNs with proper stories and character development, then we have adult games with flaky porn stories that one accepts to get to the sex. I thought I've seen them all, then I was humbled by Lost & Found - an out of the world experience in a league of its own.

    L&F is a bizarre porn game that comes up with the cheesiest scenarios, characters behave in the most illogical fashion, spews the corniest dialogue all the while delivering them in all seriousness as if it's in the running for the Pulitzer.

    The story is the usual incest + harem fare that doesn't warrant discussion. It's the way the whole thing is put together that is bizarre and unintentionally comical. I term this the "seriously spewing nonsense" genre that makes you go WTF throughout.

    MC fucks his sister, step sisters, mum, grandma, aunt, cousin and any other character with a vagina. That's par for course in porn, but what we don't see often is the MC and girls declaring their undying love for each other, want to get married have kids, how warm and protected they feel with the MC, give cutesy pet names to each other etc. all within the span of 72 hours knowing each other.

    The craziness extends to other plot points - A boss who gives pool villas to staff to thank them, settles all of MC's debt and buys him a sports car on his first day of work, tells the MC and his mum to take a day off from work any time. A psychologist who bares her tits to assess whether MC is loyal to his girlfriend, friends / colleagues telling MC how they admire MC's love for all his family members.

    A stranger couple who pops by requesting MC to fuck the wife for a baby because husband is sterile, MC miraculously developing black belt Taekwondo skills to KO a violent and armed criminal, whole co. quitting because boss was jealous and the list just goes on.

    Game Mechanics
    A kinetic novel with no choices.

    Background / Character Renders
    Most of the background are standard Honey Select assets that are seen often while the characters are adequately customized with some minimal post processing. This is an area of L&F that's actually slightly above average compared to the competition.

    Character Development
    The writer tries to develop the characters, but it would have been better if he hadn't and just leave them as straight forward props for sex. It's like watching Mia Khalifa trying to convince you she's a complex multi-faceted character with a deep history while sucking a random cock on the street.

    Sex Scenes
    No shortage of them and to be fair all of them are animated with basic sound effects which demonstrates effort on the developer's part. However the game shows pussies in great detail with still renders and then makes it a point to hide them with strange camera angles during sex animations.

    This happens to almost all the sex scenes and I'm not sure if this is some unique kink or it's due to limited skill of the animator. I suspect the latter because the few featuring an animated pussy came out looking grotesque with a pussy simply overlapping with a cock.

    BGM and Sound Effects
    BGM is generic but does the job well enough, I do not recall any sound effects outside of sex though.

    L&F is certainly unique, but not in a commendable way. As a pioneer of the "seriously spewing nonsense" genre, it piqued my interest well enough for me to skim through the entire Season 1 out of curiosity.

    Beyond that it's just a standard HS game with lots of repeated template sex in weirdly angled animations.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this is so, so bad, it warped back into actually just being hilarious and forcing me to give it at least one star above the bare minimum. The writing is terrible, genuinely, to the point it's hilarious. Extremely early on and with a woman you've never met you're already hit with the glorious "You staring at my breasts during dinner got me in the mood" which pretty much sets the tone for the rest of the VN. The leaps in actions and in logic are so huge and the writing is so flat it took some really good laughs out of me. It is simply bad. The renders are not too appealing and don't really seem to get better and the MC in particular is one spawn of satan. Song choices aren't bad, just not memorable nor fitting either.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    rating is of the first 15% of version 1.0, I couldn't read more than that:
    the writing grade level seems very low. there are several scenes where the characters do not have their own point of view (are omniscient), and make leading statements or questions where they would have no way of knowing enough to make that question. the only relationship that made any sense was the gamer girl, there were 4 other girls that jumped on MC's dick with no reason other than this is a porno. every other scene someone was praising MC for being such a good person and how he changed their lives for the better, after having been there for hours/days, doing nothing extraordinary, and being a creep staring at breasts not listening to conversations.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Appealing art
    Lots of beautiful girls
    Touching love story in the beginning
    The protagonist is aesthetically unappealing and unlikeable
    EX : He immediately cheats on his gf/long-lost love shortly after getting together
    He is unsatisfiable, chasing everything that moves and you cant do a thing about it
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This VN/game makes sure to not make any sense...
    We have characters that have illogical reasoning, delusional rationalisations, shallow characters that have nothing except "me too love him".......
    Main Character, if you can call him that... acts like a background character, being swept up by other characters
    When it comes to the world it is indeed pathetic, ignoring common-sense that was somewhat established by the game itself and going for whatever came to the mind of the author to justify it the most lazy way possible
    To put it simply stuff happens for the sake of it, not in a logical steps, that somehow you ended up there with progression
    Not sure if I can comment about Derek, that whole scene where He is arrested shouldn't even happen, because they already saw him, but instead of actually following common-sense and doing something, when they had enough on him already after the assault on (...) I mean the boss herself said she saw it, when reviewing the CCTV... but it's all swept into the rug just so the dumb scene later can happen.
    I can keep going and keep saying bad stuff about it but that would be pointless... I already feel like this is a rant not an actual review.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why people give this an average rating. It's a kinetic novel, so what? Could it be graphically better? Sure!
    Could they have NOT uses Honey Select assets? Sure they could. Is the story a simple one? Yeah, it is. It is actually quite straight forward.
    Does that make it bad?
    No, not at all. The fact that there are actual emotions in this is cool.
    Still, while I get why people may find this iffy is because it has pretty much the same narrative as My Family, by Killer7. Dunno if this is told anywhere by the dev that wanted to create a spin-off. I assume it is one. Anyways, here's my take.

    If a VN can give me a tear-jerker, well fuck you very much. 5 stars!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoying it so far. Simple enough game with attractive models and tons of sex. Hope to get more of the same in the future.

    Not a game for you if you need complex stories or mechanics. Would be greatly improved with the ability to edit the relationships between the characters. Not to drag out the old argument, but the 100th time I hear "landlady" really starts to grate.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    its ok, id say maybe a 4/10

    I know this has probably been said before but its basically My New Family but with significantly less build up and less reasons to care about the characters within, everything feels very rushed and the models used whilst not identical to MNF are very much in the same vein including if im not mistaken the exact same house model used for the background.
    Just tweaking the characters and background probably would have changed my opinion to maybe 7/10 but the lack of originality somewhat killed it.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Cheap version of My New Family.
    Another son who got separated from his mother by his father - who is a criminal drunkard.
    Again the mother just gets on with a new life, gets two new daughters with another scumbag, and ends up on her own while her son struggles, gets cheated on, and ends up in a bad place. Then he rekindles his relationship with his mother...
    Another boss-b*tch, another crazy aunt with another cousin for our mc...
    The elder sister is overly welcoming, the younger one is bitchy...
    The development here is non-existent, the "storytelling" is a damn joke.
    (MC gets a call after his life fell apart. He has been a mediocre photographer for weddings and events with barely any practice and gets a joboffer from the biggest company in a totally not related field offering him the position of a COO... Totally bs. When he meets his new boss he is a total creep and his new boss states more or less how hot she finds his creepyness, pitching a tent and ogling her all the time while not paying attention. She clearly now needs a good fuck by this dude she never met before... There is so much bs in this game in the first 10 minutes...)
    It's the worst knockoff I've sadly seen so far.

    Edit: Even the house and the layout of rooms is the same as in MNF. The worst case of copy-paste I've encountered so far. Like ordering the worst version of MNF on Wish.

    Can't be bothered to go on with this. It's an insult in itself and an insult to @Killer7 , the author of the original. This isn't about being inspired, it really is 95% copy-paste and 5% slight alterations.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Lost & Found [v0.9]
    • A good story emphasizing incest & polyamorous. MC will have sex with numerous females. Especially three generations mother, grandma and sisters.
    • Fairly good quality of image renders.
    • Excellent quality of animations.
    • Playability, performance and are all just OK no issue
    • Good lewd sound / voice.
    • Sound: Almost no sound except background music.
    • Lack of genuine or more of fictitious for sexuality starting with the first one Marion as well with everyone.
    • Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach.
    • Exaggerated / buildup for the MC introduction with the new life; but no justifications like MC’s some extraordinary skills/talent etc.
    • Poor grammar / sentence forming.
    • More dramatic right from the prolog.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Lost & Found [v0.9] [Jun1or72]

    • LIs are hot.
    • A lot of sex scenes.
    • Not much drama but it handles the one it has in a way better fashion than the OG game this one is based on.
    • Story is rather fast paced; the game is basically a nukige.
    • MC genuinely loves and cares for his girls.
    • MC could be a bit better; the girls want to fuck him and he gets surprised by this every single time.
    • The dev removed the incest and I had to manually go into the script and fix it.
    • Some very weird sentences and sentence structure in the script that I had to fix too.

    A way better take on the OG game. It's fast pace and fun and has tons of hot girls for MC for fuck. Don't expect Shakespeare but a fast paced incest game where you fuck your family and more.
    Likes: Lerd0
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    -Models look nice
    -Sex Scenes are animated well and fairly abundant
    -Lack of real drama can be nice for those of us who want a break from it

    -Story is rather fast paced with nothing new to keep people hooked
    -Lack of drama can be quite the negative for those who seek it in their erotic stories
    -Sex Scenes could be longer (Currently half a dozen to a dozen lines each)

    For a first game I'd say it's a solid 3/5 Star average game, it's neither great nor terrible and I would very much be interested in seeing how the developer improves.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Hmm, where do I start? This is not going to be a positive review, so if you do not want to read it, then move on.

    The writing is terrible. There is no character development and no suspense, drama, or storytelling. It jumps right into your mom is not dead, and I will hire you, without any story leading up to how the boss lady found you. Also, there is no suspenseful build-up to realizing your mother will be your boss. It is just wham bam, thank you, mam. There are no background stories for any main characters except for a few cliche fantasy troupes about fathers and families. I am not sure why this even has three stars. It feels like a horny 13-year-old has written this without any creative writing skills. Also, the story is a complete rip-off of many other titles without original ideas. I am not trolling, just stating facts and this is not an English is my second language issue either, it is just poor writing.

    Other issues:

    VN advertises you can select your relationships. This is entirely false.
    The MC is a terrible design. He looks like a Hobo.
    Relationships are poorly designed.
    There are many weird anomalies in renders.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Probably the best example of wank material on this site. Visually it's great, even with the limitations of the engine/style. The sex scenes are animated well, the lighting is great. The models look very similar to each other, which lends itself almost perfectly to just meaningless wank material. The story is kinetic, and also sucks, so it's very easy to skip past it and just get to the meaningless sex. The story definitely pretends it's good and emotional, but it really is just absolute melodramatic garbage.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Couldn't make it 5 minutes through this disasterpiece. Where do I even begin? Renders are fairly mediocre, there's straight-up missing CGs during the phone call with Marion (which is ~2mins in), but the worst of it is the writing.
    Marion calls the MC with a job offer that sounds like a bloody cult or pyramid scheme ("come work for us, we've already taken care of all your debt and we'll also handle all of your living expenses while you're with us; I assure you that your life will change for the better"). The MC's supposed to be mature and independent, having had to grow up faster as a result of his neglectful, drunk father. But the moment he sees Marion he leers at her incessantly (even going so far as to imagine her in lingerie, and then all but naked), and somehow, someway, Marion isn't disgusted by him being a complete creep. Then after a quick conversation about the job (which again, sounds sketchy as all hell), she catches the MC staring at her tits again, and again she just laughs it off and thinks it's flattering. Then she takes the MC to the hotel room he'll be staying in for the night and basically says "so I like how sleazy you were, let's fuck".
    No lead-in, no build-up, completely nonsensical and unrealistic flaming dog shit level of writing. Don't even waste your time.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Would give this 3.5 if I could so 3 feels more fair to me.

    Disclaimed I haven't finished the game yet but I played enough to have mix feeling. I'll be upfront im not into harems but the story in this one grabbed me attention .

    TLDR : if you like harem + incest this is the game for you. It's enjoyable for what it is. Would of been better to me if it wasnt a forced harem game but a harem if you choose for it to be one. As it has a pretty romantic plot with the first girl. Especially because the relationships and harems comes to fast and feels way to forced for my taste. But I can still enjoy something I have issues with or dont like entirely.

    Lots of content
    Pretty Looking girls for Honey Select
    lots of red heads
    decent looking renders and animations

    Kinetic Novel

    Relationships + Harem past the first girl feels very forced to me. Almost was enough for me consider dropping this game but I still enjoyed it for what it is.
    I thought there was decent enough plot there that it would of made for a better story if just all about Kylie since she did not feel forced. Or at least give you the option to pick who you want to include in said harem

    Forced harem do to it being a Kinetic novel . So you have no choice on who to include in said harem or if you even want to have a harem because of lack of choice do to it being a Kinetic Novel.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    i have to admit that, like the person who left the review before me, i was originally drawn in by the look of the honey select characters (redheads are super cute) so i gave this one a shot! i was liking the game and the look of it seemed crisp and clean (maybe honey select 2 models over the old honey select made it look that way)! im a sucker for the tan lines and pubic hair that honey select characters tend to have over more hyper realistic looking models, so this was a huge plus for me!

    unfortunately, i have to point out the elephant in the room! as other reviewers have mentioned, the plot/story kinda falls short! it also seems like this story was a rehash of the plot from "My New Family"! there its been said! i mean the whole alcoholic father keeping his son away from his mom and they reunite and he just happens to have 2 sisters and one went through a traumatic experience... its too close to not at least be the inspiration for the story! its not a complete copy of MNF as at least the finer details have been changed and the two sisters from MNF are basically combined into one here and the second sister is more of an original character that doesnt see a whole lot of development!

    that being said, its not a bad game and at first i was pretty well invested! however around the point where a certain character shaves her cooter, i kinda started feeling like the story was dragging along! i was hoping something would happen that would spark my interest again but it continued to drag until the point where i ended up skipping content just to see the naughty bits! if i could offer any suggestions, id say the dev needs to work on the story pacing and going forward try giving us something that will make this title stand out from MNF!

    art/renders- 9/10
    story- 2/10
    gameplay- 5/10
    lewd scenes- 9/10

    UPDATE to review for v0.9
    so most everything in my review stays the same, but i thought id make a note here that as development progresses more and more of the LIs are getting upgrades to their renders and look good except for the fact that everyone has seemed to decide to shave their pubic hair! i know its a small detail but it was part of the charm of the game when i first started playing! i loved the way the characters looked and the tan lines with pubic hair look was really doing it for me! with the updated look everyone is getting better hair and smother faces yet the one thing i didnt want to see smoothed out was their bikini line!
    the story hasnt really improved either as i still find myself wondering when the dialogue will end or when someone will get to the point! it almost feels like the dev has a minimum word limit he needs to fill with each update and lewd scenes suffer the penalty for it!
    still like these characters but something needs to happen in the story because its dragging along too much at times.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    As I have said in many games, everything that has to do with honey sleect catches my attention and in this game that was what impacted me the most...

    I must say that the synopsis did not have many details, and well the story, to be honest, is made very randomly and with little context (With all due respect to the creator), but it has its good things.

    The truth is, what I liked most about the game is the design/render of the waifus in the game, they are super well done, I really appreciate that, because normally in most games you find characters that are a little flat, but in this one The waifus are all excellent in their design.
    Something that also stands out is that the story was quite fast, from moment 1 everything was at 100 km/h. The number of waifus with whom you interact is quite a lot and the mini arcs or stories within it are quite short so you don't get tired of the melodrama of most games of this style.
    We must be frank, the story itself is poorly written, that is, there is little context and the things that happen make no sense. I mean the story has no logic at all, at least in a vn game I look for a good story and if I'm honest this one is not bad but it is not good, the simple fact that from moment 1 everything already escalated very Fast can be excessive, but let's say that the charm of the game is that everything goes fast enough for the player to reach those +18 scenes.
    On the other hand, speaking of a VN type game, this "game" would be a 100% visual novel, in fact it has nothing in terms of gameplay, because it doesn't even give you the option to choose dialogues or things like that, which is Thank you if what you are looking for is a short story that has good scenes, this might not be considered good, but it is something to point out.
    At the beginning of the game, it takes you a while to get those +18 scenes, but afterward it has a lot of content.

    THE BAD... or not?
    -We must be frank, the story itself is poorly written, that is, there is little context and the things that happen make no sense. I mean the story has no logic at all, at least in a vn game I look for a good story and if I'm honest this one is not bad but it is not good, the simple fact that from moment 1 everything already escalated very Fast can be excessive, but let's say that the charm of the game is that everything goes fast enough for the player to reach those +18 scenes.
    -On the other hand, speaking of a VN type game, this "game" would be a 100% visual novel, in fact it has nothing in terms of gameplay, because it doesn't even give you the option to choose dialogues or things like that, which is Thank you if what you are looking for is a short story that has good scenes, this might not be considered good, but it is something to point out.
    -As everything moves very quickly, many things do not make sense and as it seems that more and more characters are involved, some others are forgotten in the plot, let's say that this can be a bad thing, because if one becomes attached to a character (which seems to will have an impact on history) and we see that later it doesn't come out anymore, because many of us would feel disappointed.

    -The truth is that it is the first project of this creator, I must congratulate him, for my part, he gets some applause. This more than all because of the renders, they are super well done, leaving aside the story that is not entirely well structured, the background music, the renders, the character designs, everything is very well done.
    What I can tell the creator is that perhaps in his next game (after this one is finished), he will consider structuring a more solid story, because its visual already draws the attention of the public and if he manages to create something quite solid it would attract much more people.

    Today, I played until version 0.7.5. Would I recommend the game to you? The truth is, yes. Even though the story doesn't make much sense, it is fast and if what you are looking for is something visually good and not very long stories, this game is for you. Besides, this game has a lot of +18 content, so you will find what you are looking for here and not just pure text.

    Summary (SCORE: 7.2)
    o Character Design/Visual: 9/10
    o Background music/sound: 9/10
    o Plot: 3/10
    o Animation: 9/10
    o +18 Scenes: 8/10
    o Gameplay: 3/10
    o Interface: 10/10
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't read any reviews before downloading and playing so it's my honest view.
    Writer of the text have zero skill in writing, that was my first impression.
    I don't really pay much attention to renders' quality but after some time I began to see the similarities. That game is a bad clone of "My new family" but without all good that is in MNF.
    Dev certainly has no idea how to write a VN but he watched a lot of porn. So game is like a porn movie. MC sees a girl/woman, MC wants a girl/woman (reason for this... do we need one?), MC and girl/woman are fucking (what a dumb question again - why? 'Cause it's a porn game, so it's porn you see). Show a new girl, repeat. Story? Reason? Choices? There's no such things in porn movie. And this is a porn movie. That is clearly a clone of MNF. Only it's porn movie clone. You know, like Romeo and Juliette porn movie. That's the same for MNF here.
    Congratulations, killer7, your game impressed people enough to make a porn movie out of it.