5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Jan 23, 2022
I'd pump Moonlight to 1.5 million (30k views a minute is nothing as long as servers don't blow up) but that might cause thisvid to take action. They did it before after a few porn users got frustrated about seeing too much anime shit on top, heh. (Also, that registration date reset glitch was hilarious.)
Only Aero can answer that. All the bosses already are coded up to 0.21 (if not ahead) but he likes to make non-Chinese people (or rather, people who don't want to identify as such) wait quite a while before delivering the CGs and content (and that has nothing to do with bugs).

Wonder if his VIP translators have early access. Patrons would feel very bad about that part if they do. Yeah, I'm quite frustrated but that's mostly due to leaks of versions that *already* have that implemented. Which I'll end up leaking here too if this is confirmed.

I can give you a comprehensive list of all the bosses that are already implemented, but you can also find them yourself in the game files. What developers seem to forget is RPG Maker MV/MZ both use an open-source friendly format (JSON+JavaScript - redundant since JSON is part of JavaScript), which makes the games not only entirely moddable at will, but also allow users to pretty much look for anything they want in the code while putting some (minimal) effort.

Hence why I'm mostly interested about CGs. I don't give a fuck about dialogue when I can do it myself, lol - but I definitely can't draw like 13o, let alone any artist.
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Reactions: HeHeHawHaw
Dec 6, 2018
Okay my bad, overreacted a bit here. So you want to know which ones are zako and which ones are regular bosses. Well, it's slightly harder to tell without the actual CGs but if you go through the /data/ folder you'll have all the battle information in text strings (in Chinese, but the file calls are self-explanatory).

You'll also know exactly what the CGs implemented are as you can't really position a CG as "placeholder" if you don't at least have an idea of what it looks like, dimension-wise. Once we get all of the CGs they already have but refuse to release, we'll be able to do that together.

Pointless to waste hours and hours again dumping text everyone has in their files.

Edit: The lack of sleep is showing for real. I can't even speak English anymore now. Great... :sneaky:
No problem, lack of sleep gets to everyone and can make it hard to type coherently. I would go to the the arca.live site, but I believe it would be best to avoid it for multiple reasons. One being I don't know Korean, so trying to find info there can be hard. The second being that not all of them are kind to those who aren't Korean from what I have heard, though it could just be a very small part of the community. As for the information relateing to the bosses, it was on patreon. While I do know that you don't have access to patreon in your country, would it be possible to use the "kemono" site? If not/you don't want to use that site, I have no problem dumping any info you might want if you ever need it. You already give us a lot of help with info most of us would have trouble finding.
Also, while I may know some coding for C#, is the data file for the battles easy to figure out without the rpgmaker for it? Last time I tried figureing out how rpgmaker worked it took me forever to find a setting to change the music volume of a game (the person who made it didn't add the function and the music was much louder than the other sounds). This was with an older version of rpgmaker (I believe VXAce), so it might be easier with this one to figure out.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Thanks a lot for your help Thatoneguy, would be appreciated but I think I can still access kemono. And yeah, it's literally JavaScript (in JSON format) for deployed releases. Things have been much easier for end users with RMMV/RMMZ since you already have all the code ready if you're a game modder or just want to mess a bit with the files (or just a player who's curious about the game, really).

The JSON can be a bit confusing so you can also grab RPG Maker MV/MZ directly. If you've been doing some VX/VX Ace stuff then you'll find MV/MZ even easier since it's pure JavaScript.

The files you are after for the most part are the following:

/data/CommonEvents.json (all common events, by ID)
/data/Actors.json (party actor entries)
/data/Enemies.json (enemy entries - not actual battles involving them, those are in Troops)
/data/Items.json (item data)
/data/Skills.json (skill data)
/data/Troops.json (troop entries - for the actual battles, pointing to enemies)

Individual map files aren't too important as long as they aren't added ahead of time. If you're interested in digging stuff that Aero forgot to remove from the English version though, then it can be used to find stuff like the FPS minigame and confuse everyone lol.
Last time I tried figureing out how rpgmaker worked it took me forever to find a setting to change the music volume of a game (the person who made it didn't add the function and the music was much louder than the other sounds). This was with an older version of rpgmaker (I believe VXAce), so it might be easier with this one to figure out.
To give you a quick example on how you'd go around with this for RPG Maker MV/MZ, take a look at System.json:
For common events or map events, you do the same but within instructions that the engine reads and writes back and forth to the GUI in RPG Maker. (MZ also allows you to update the changes live when they've been modified externally.)
...{"id":21,"list":[{"code":121,"indent":0,"parameters":[5,5,0]},{"code":230,"indent":0,"parameters":[30]},{"code":250,"indent":0,"parameters":[{"name":"Jump1","volume":90,"pitch":100,"pan":0}]},{"code":231,"indent":0,"parameters":[1,"Tint_k",1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0]},{"code":231,"indent":0,"parameters":[2,"CP_Special3",1,0,418,312,100,100,0,0]},{"code":231,"indent":0,"parameters":[3,"CP_Special4",1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0]},{"code":232,"indent":0,"parameters":[1,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,128,0,20,false]},{"code":232,"indent":0,"parameters":[2,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,255,0,20,false]},{"code":230,"indent":0,"parameters":[30]},{"code":101,"indent":0,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face3",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":0,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text1}"]},{"code":101,"indent":0,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face2",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":0,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text2}"]},{"code":101,"indent":0,"parameters":["Plum_Face1",3,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":0,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text3}"]},{"code":111,"indent":0,"parameters":[0,18,0]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face2",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text4}"]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face2",5,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text5}"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[30]},{"code":356,"indent":1,"parameters":["指定位置にアニメーション表示 408 312 364 ウェイトなし"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[10]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[3,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,255,0,10,false]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[70]},{"code":356,"indent":1,"parameters":["指定位置にアニメーション表示 408 312 362 ウェイトなし"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[50]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[2]},{"code":117,"indent":1,"parameters":[46]},{"code":117,"indent":1,"parameters":[43]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[70]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Plum_Face2",7,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text6}"]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Plum_Face3",0,1,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text7}"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[60]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[1,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0,10,false]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[3,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0,10,true]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[1]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[3]},{"code":117,"indent":1,"parameters":[4]},{"code":122,"indent":1,"parameters":[20,20,0,3,3,2,8]},{"code":122,"indent":1,"parameters":[20,20,3,0,2]},{"code":355,"indent":1,"parameters":["var text = \"#{skill.fartlove.text8}\"+$gameVariables.value(20)+\"#{skill.fartlove.text9}\";"]},{"code":655,"indent":1,"parameters":["SceneManager._scene._logWindow.addText(text)"]},{"code":655,"indent":1,"parameters":["var text = \"#{skill.fartlove.text10}\";"]},{"code":655,"indent":1,"parameters":["SceneManager._scene._logWindow.addText(text)"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[15]},{"code":311,"indent":1,"parameters":[0,3,1,1,20,false]},{"code":313,"indent":1,"parameters":[0,3,0,4]},{"code":313,"indent":1,"parameters":[0,3,0,62]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face3",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text11}"]},{"code":0,"indent":1,"parameters":[]},{"code":411,"indent":0,"parameters":[]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face2",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text12}"]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face2",5,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text13}"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[30]},{"code":356,"indent":1,"parameters":["指定位置にアニメーション表示 408 312 363 ウェイトなし"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[10]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[3,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,255,0,10,false]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[70]},{"code":356,"indent":1,"parameters":["指定位置にアニメーション表示 408 312 361 ウェイトなし"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[50]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[2]},{"code":117,"indent":1,"parameters":[3]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[70]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Plum_Face2",7,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text14}"]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Plum_Face3",0,1,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text15}"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[60]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[1,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0,10,false]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[3,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0,10,true]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[1]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[3]},{"code":117,"indent":1,"parameters":[4]},{"code":122,"indent":1,"parameters":[20,20,0,3,3,2,8]},{"code":122,"indent":1,"parameters":[20,20,3,0,2]},{"code":355,"indent":1,"parameters":["var text = \"#{skill.fartlove.text8}\"+$gameVariables.value(20)+\"#{skill.fartlove.text9}\";"]},{"code":655,"indent":1,"parameters":["SceneManager._scene._logWindow.addText(text)"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[15]},{"code":311,"indent":1,"parameters":[0,3,1,1,20,false]},{"code":313,"indent":1,"parameters":[0,3,0,62]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face3",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text16}"]},{"code":0,"indent":1,"parameters":[]},{"code":412,"indent":0,"parameters":[]},{"code":121,"indent":0,"parameters":[5,5,1]},{"code":0,"indent":0,"parameters":[]}],"name":"屁之戀","switchId":1,"trigger":0}...
This one is Common Event ID 21:屁之戀 (Fart Love), as you can see at the end of the arguments (key name with value 屁之戀) for that JSON entry. CEs are separated by commas and each one is a one-liner, so you might want to use a JSON parser as well.
Last edited:
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Reactions: Thatoneguyyyyyyy


Jan 23, 2022
Thanks a lot for your help Thatoneguy, would be appreciated but I think I can still access kemono. And yeah, it's literally JavaScript (in JSON format) for deployed releases. Things have been much easier for end users with RMMV/RMMZ since you already have all the code ready if you're a game modder or just want to mess a bit with the files (or just a player who's curious about the game, really).

The JSON can be a bit confusing so you can also grab RPG Maker MV/MZ directly. If you've been doing some VX/VX Ace stuff then you'll find MV/MZ even easier since it's pure JavaScript.

The files you are after for the most part are the following:

/data/CommonEvents.json (all common events, by ID)
/data/Actors.json (party actor entries)
/data/Enemies.json (enemy entries - not actual battles involving them, those are in Troops)
/data/Items.json (item data)
/data/Skills.json (skill data)
/data/Troops.json (troop entries - for the actual battles, pointing to enemies)

Individual map files aren't too important as long as they aren't added ahead of time. If you're interested in digging stuff that Aero forgot to remove from the English version though, then it can be used to find stuff like the FPS minigame and confuse everyone lol.To give you a quick example on how you'd go around with this for RPG Maker MV/MZ, take a look at System.json:
For common events or map events, you do the same but within instructions that the engine reads and writes back and forth to the GUI in RPG Maker. (MZ also allows you to update the changes live when they've been modified externally.)
...{"id":21,"list":[{"code":121,"indent":0,"parameters":[5,5,0]},{"code":230,"indent":0,"parameters":[30]},{"code":250,"indent":0,"parameters":[{"name":"Jump1","volume":90,"pitch":100,"pan":0}]},{"code":231,"indent":0,"parameters":[1,"Tint_k",1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0]},{"code":231,"indent":0,"parameters":[2,"CP_Special3",1,0,418,312,100,100,0,0]},{"code":231,"indent":0,"parameters":[3,"CP_Special4",1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0]},{"code":232,"indent":0,"parameters":[1,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,128,0,20,false]},{"code":232,"indent":0,"parameters":[2,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,255,0,20,false]},{"code":230,"indent":0,"parameters":[30]},{"code":101,"indent":0,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face3",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":0,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text1}"]},{"code":101,"indent":0,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face2",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":0,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text2}"]},{"code":101,"indent":0,"parameters":["Plum_Face1",3,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":0,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text3}"]},{"code":111,"indent":0,"parameters":[0,18,0]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face2",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text4}"]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face2",5,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text5}"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[30]},{"code":356,"indent":1,"parameters":["指定位置にアニメーション表示 408 312 364 ウェイトなし"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[10]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[3,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,255,0,10,false]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[70]},{"code":356,"indent":1,"parameters":["指定位置にアニメーション表示 408 312 362 ウェイトなし"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[50]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[2]},{"code":117,"indent":1,"parameters":[46]},{"code":117,"indent":1,"parameters":[43]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[70]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Plum_Face2",7,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text6}"]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Plum_Face3",0,1,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text7}"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[60]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[1,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0,10,false]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[3,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0,10,true]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[1]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[3]},{"code":117,"indent":1,"parameters":[4]},{"code":122,"indent":1,"parameters":[20,20,0,3,3,2,8]},{"code":122,"indent":1,"parameters":[20,20,3,0,2]},{"code":355,"indent":1,"parameters":["var text = \"#{skill.fartlove.text8}\"+$gameVariables.value(20)+\"#{skill.fartlove.text9}\";"]},{"code":655,"indent":1,"parameters":["SceneManager._scene._logWindow.addText(text)"]},{"code":655,"indent":1,"parameters":["var text = \"#{skill.fartlove.text10}\";"]},{"code":655,"indent":1,"parameters":["SceneManager._scene._logWindow.addText(text)"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[15]},{"code":311,"indent":1,"parameters":[0,3,1,1,20,false]},{"code":313,"indent":1,"parameters":[0,3,0,4]},{"code":313,"indent":1,"parameters":[0,3,0,62]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face3",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text11}"]},{"code":0,"indent":1,"parameters":[]},{"code":411,"indent":0,"parameters":[]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face2",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text12}"]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face2",5,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text13}"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[30]},{"code":356,"indent":1,"parameters":["指定位置にアニメーション表示 408 312 363 ウェイトなし"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[10]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[3,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,255,0,10,false]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[70]},{"code":356,"indent":1,"parameters":["指定位置にアニメーション表示 408 312 361 ウェイトなし"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[50]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[2]},{"code":117,"indent":1,"parameters":[3]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[70]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Plum_Face2",7,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text14}"]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Plum_Face3",0,1,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text15}"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[60]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[1,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0,10,false]},{"code":232,"indent":1,"parameters":[3,0,1,0,408,312,100,100,0,0,10,true]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[1]},{"code":235,"indent":1,"parameters":[3]},{"code":117,"indent":1,"parameters":[4]},{"code":122,"indent":1,"parameters":[20,20,0,3,3,2,8]},{"code":122,"indent":1,"parameters":[20,20,3,0,2]},{"code":355,"indent":1,"parameters":["var text = \"#{skill.fartlove.text8}\"+$gameVariables.value(20)+\"#{skill.fartlove.text9}\";"]},{"code":655,"indent":1,"parameters":["SceneManager._scene._logWindow.addText(text)"]},{"code":230,"indent":1,"parameters":[15]},{"code":311,"indent":1,"parameters":[0,3,1,1,20,false]},{"code":313,"indent":1,"parameters":[0,3,0,62]},{"code":101,"indent":1,"parameters":["Cecilia_Face3",1,0,2]},{"code":401,"indent":1,"parameters":["#{skill.fartlove.text16}"]},{"code":0,"indent":1,"parameters":[]},{"code":412,"indent":0,"parameters":[]},{"code":121,"indent":0,"parameters":[5,5,1]},{"code":0,"indent":0,"parameters":[]}],"name":"屁之戀","switchId":1,"trigger":0}...
This one is Common Event ID 21:屁之戀 (Fart Love), as you can see at the end of the arguments (key name with value 屁之戀) for that JSON entry. CEs are separated by commas and each one is a one-liner, so you might want to use a JSON parser as well.

I usually use this site to access the files in the game, probably for seeing Butts and something new every update
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
You only really need to "decrypt" the media (pictures, audio, etc) though. Most developers don't even bother with RPG Maker's pathetic attempt at obfuscation, only the really paranoid ones will go out of their way to also try and obfuscate the JSON as well (lol).

Agreed though, if you aren't automatically doing it by now, Petsch's MV Decrypter is a good tool, though it does not preserve timestamps (they are generated during deployment, though, so not super important; JSON files on the other hand keep the timestamps they had when last written to, unless the developer messed with that to make it look like it was updated or changed a few things back and forth when there's actually nothing really new).

This is where versioning tools come in handy, so you can see what changed (removals, additions and edits) and where in the code. Kind of like for github commit compares if you're familiar with that.

If the files do not have any kind of obfuscation then they'll have their original timestamps since RPG Maker won't have touched them at all (unless of course they were modified with some editing program by the dev/artists).
Last edited:
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Jan 23, 2022
You only really need to "decrypt" the media (pictures, audio, etc) though. Most developers don't even bother with RPG Maker's pathetic attempt at obfuscation, only the really paranoid ones will go out of their way to also try and obfuscate the JSON as well (lol).

Agreed though, if you aren't automatically doing it by now, Petsch's MV Decrypter is a good tool, though it does not preserve timestamps (they are generated during deployment, though, so not super important; JSON files on the other hand keep the timestamps they had when last written to, unless the developer messed with that to make it look like it was updated or changed a few things back and forth when there's actually nothing really new).

This is where versioning tools come in handy, so you can see what changed (removals, additions and edits) and where in the code. Kind of like for github commit compares if you're familiar with that.

If the files do not have any kind of obfuscation then they'll have their original timestamps since RPG Maker won't have touched them at all (unless of course they were modified with some editing program by the dev/artists).
Oh I see
the Skunk sisters boss sure is gonna be wet~ especially the onee San one, I feel uncomfortable of her. On the other hand, Fafnir makes me feels like a final boss, and a giante size? I mean She's a dragon literally (it should be) but what if she can turn her size like the human size before the big battle? that would be sick (i can imagine her in a loli body for some reason) Screenshot_٢٠٢٢٠٨١٥-٠٨٤٩٠٧_Gallery.png


Sep 2, 2021
Is it possible to play the game in Chinese as shown in the picture?
Or is it a video?
If it's a video, please leave a link


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Thought I had posted these before. Probably in a rar file, but thanks for reposting them zinu. Those are facesets for the "future" ones. The battlers and variations are already drawn in full by 13o. Maybe we'll see leaks on some other site.

I still don't understand why Aero thought it also was a good idea to add so many locales to a demo when they aren't even coordinated, either...


Jan 23, 2022
Thought I had posted these before. Probably in a rar file, but thanks for reposting them zinu. Those are facesets for the "future" ones. The battlers and variations are already drawn in full by 13o. Maybe we'll see leaks on some other site.

I still don't understand why Aero thought it also was a good idea to add so many locales to a demo when they aren't even coordinated, either...
he loves us.
Wow this thread getting constant attention nowadays huh I am suprised but also happy about it as well:)
wdym Vergil? It's a masterpiece game.
  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
At what level does it open?
I got to level 41 but it's so hard
Is there anything other than that technique?
It doesn't become available. It's a dummy skill that Cecilia doesn't learn naturally. It's literally just text and the description when you cast it, it doesn't call any common event or anything - targets one enemy and does nothing. (It's also highlighted outside of battle since it's set to always be usable.)

There's no point in leveling past 25 at the time. If you don't know how to save edit or modify JSON and JavaScript to mod stuff you want in or out, you shouldn't either because the way RMMV default skill learning works, you'll become unable to learn skills if your level is higher than the level the skill is learnt at without level draining yourself.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I havent played this game in a very longtime, the last time I played I believe I just got off a boat, and the last enemy that I was able to fight was a mushroom girl..? has it been updated since


Jan 23, 2022
It doesn't become available. It's a dummy skill that Cecilia doesn't learn naturally. It's literally just text and the description when you cast it, it doesn't call any common event or anything - targets one enemy and does nothing. (It's also highlighted outside of battle since it's set to always be usable.)

There's no point in leveling past 25 at the time. If you don't know how to save edit or modify JSON and JavaScript to mod stuff you want in or out, you shouldn't either because the way RMMV default skill learning works, you'll become unable to learn skills if your level is higher than the level the skill is learnt at without level draining yourself.
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Hmmm werd...


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
I havent played this game in a very longtime, the last time I played I believe I just got off a boat, and the last enemy that I was able to fight was a mushroom girl..? has it been updated since
There aren't mushroom girls, only regular mushroom enemies in troops as far as I know. From your description, that would be the end of chapter 2. I think the "new" chapter 3 was at least partly implemented, so you've got a few boss battles, a new party member, some minigames and some storytelling at the end (the 0.18 update was largely focused on story hype).
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes