VN - Unity - Completed - Love Esquire [v1.3.8 Uncensored] [Yangyang Mobile]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1666680

    Doesn't really belong to this site. If we start including games like these, we can also flood this site with tons of pointless romance VNs without sexual content. This should simply not be here.

    The artstyle looks beautiful, a shame..
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1301861

    • One of the best Dating Sims out there
    • Very likeable and threedimensional characters - including the mc
    • Hilariuos dialogue
    • Story mode for people who want to avoid grinding
    • However, practically no sexual content - so adjust your expectations
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game , although theres still room for improvements , it's still enjoyable to play . also the voice acting is 5/5, i hope they make another one and more lewd scenens/animations if possible..
    two thumbs up , +25 mmr !
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played, the voice acting and story are top notch.
    This is what a good visual novel is supposed to be. I hope future games use this one as inspiration.
    - Interesting story.
    - The dialog between chars is well-made: not too long, not too short; you never feel the urge to skip them to advance the game.
    - Top+ tier voice acting. I can't stress this enough.
    - Simple strategy game activities.

    The only thing this game lack compared to other top tier VNs is diversity of meaningful choices in dialog, if you give this feature too much importance. Even so, I recommend you try Love Esquire; you are hardly going to regret it.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Played official Steam version myself, and I can say the game is pretty good overall. Art quality is pretty good for a western game(Though some of the pictures do have characters looking slightly off compared to their sprites...). The story is fun, though it can get surprisingly serious at times, and even pretty damn dark in the bad endings... managing money, skills and relationships can be a bit of a pain especially on first playthrough, but it doesn't get as tedious as it did in Sunrider Academy for example(As much as I loved that game, playing it could be a painful chore...).

    Strangely buggy for it's age though, it's over 3 years since release and there are still few random places with placeholder text(Not in dialogue luckiliy, just in one menu, and few object descriptions), as well as buggy volume of voices, especially main character's which sometimes becomes so quiet it's completely drowned out by background music.

    Also I definitely recommend getting the "Hip to Be Squire" mod, just to get the lewd scenes.

    Oh and a fair warning "friendship" endings for the princesses in the game essentially have you get cucked(One Princess with the other one nonetheless, so at least it's yuri... not much of a comfort after potentially playing for hours just to get cucked though.)... it's not exactly NTR, but you might want to try your best to avoid these, I'm glad I knew beforehand so I just made sure to make choices leading to romance ending.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Eh... Aside from the two princesses the other heroines are great but the story genuinely isn't, largely because even the other girl's routes revolve around the two of them way too much. The only satisfying route storywise is Vel(the little red head), the nurse's route is irrelevant to the main story but a nice character story too, but that's it for decent routes.

    h-content wise, the game has really nice well made art, but even if you apply the mod, you'll get one short h-scene per heroine right before the epilogue(honestly they're oddly satisfying from a narrative perspective, not from an h one though), and it doesn't even register in the gallery, so you need to preserve your save to see a scene again.

    No matter what you name him he'll be called squire just name him such it'll make a lot of scenes less awkward to read, probably the only character I considered to have bad voice acting, it's fine at first but it gets way worse and never fits the non-humor moments since he only has two tones cheeky or in the heat of battle, sad/earnest/serious moments just really don't work, also he randomly goes from barely hearable and really loud constantly later on, just mute him in the options menu once you get to that point.

    Your princess
    An inept idiotic brat not fit to rule, she's portrayed as a well meaning person but her personality makes her a terrible very easily manipulate fool of a leader that doesn't know how to take advice properly from her subjects(takes everything to extremes, never considers nuance, and prioritizes her own ego above all else)(If she were just some rich girl she'd still be great but she's a ruler). In her good route she gets by thanks to "might, Vel's might, making right" and "ignorance through stupidity is bliss", story wise it's implied that she essentially turned herself into a puppet ruler who allied herself with the people that likely poisoned her father to death, that are directly responsible for the destruction of Vel's homeland as a child, and that are likely still scheming against hers.

    Foreign princess
    Malicious evil spy that gets her way no matter what unless you force her bad ending, the game bends over backwards to try to paint her as a good person and shift the blame from her onto others but especially on her own route just no. I genuinely find her bad end the most satisfying for her, great to see the logical conclusion unfold after she actively backstabs everyone in the most retarded self serving way possible. (It'd make sense that if her kingdom was destroyed after a losing war or only saved after being crippled the player's kingdom would still be fine since the enemy force would still be weakened enough to steam roll them, but actively helping her enemy win unscathed and giving them a better strategic position to attack her from is just, wow.... I suppose her thought process always was that the player's people are an inferior people culturally so nothing is lost by sacrificing them, unless something in their culture can be exploited to help her personally, never any actual consideration for the strategic implications, just that getting an alliance would help bolster her personal standing in her own kingdom and possibly outside of it.)

    The red haired girl(Vel)
    Lovely character with easily the only actually good route storywise, she manages to get the foreign princess to get over herself and her delusions of being righteous born from focusing on other's faults and ignoring her own. Both princesses are made to acknowledge that they're in the wrong for trying to brush off the destruction of Vel's homeland, a land your princess had a duty to protect/restore and the other a duty to atone for the destruction of since it's destruction was deliberately enabled by her country, in all likely hood directly ordered for, and it wouldn't be surprising if the "pirates" were their soldiers in disguise either.

    The nurse
    A very good likeable character with a nice eh... sub-route?, it's just your princess's route told from the perspective of what if I had instead spent time with the nurse not the princess. Literally no real impact on the main story, just a nice little background story where you help a girl out.

    Your step-sister (save her route for last)
    A nice likable character, her route just really sucks though, "THEY KILL OFF BESSY!!!", like the nurse route it's irrelevant to anything but unlike the nurse route no one is better off as a result of you having done this route Bessy dies a painful death due to poisoning, good end is dependent on the relationships you've built with every other character(hence save it for last) and Bessy doesn't reset on new game+, lastly storywise it's just your princess's route all over again except your family is much worse off both prior to the war(your farm is destroyed, animals murdered) and after(forever under scrutiny, that might end in your family dying) compared to every other route. it just sucks.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This game looked really good, and was a huge disapointement.
    Graphics are really good, each character is well drawned and voiced.
    But unfortunately, this game barely have sexual content. After 3 hours of playthrough, still nothing. Sex happen at the ending. The gallery have many slots but there is only "less-clothed" pics, nothing more.
    That's shame, nothing worth the time here.
    Kamala was really sexy tho'.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It is good, but not too much, it is one of those who enjoy passing it to you once, it has a horrible game save system, when the game finished I got bored trying to get the other endings, the hentai scenes are in a mod and they come without audio or with gallery. The best route is that of the redheads, all the others have a boring story for my taste
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty great imo, characters are 10/10. Even the ones I expected not to like much if at all grew on me pretty fast.

    The only exception to the above was the MC, who kinda grated on me a bit throughout (He comes across as a bit of a dumbass sometimes). Thankfully there are voice volume options, and I lowered him to about 2% right away. Negated that problem entirely for me.

    In any case, the game is worth a try if you'll stick with it, but it can take some work to get somewhere.

    The NSFW mod can be a pain for some, there's a guide up on page 29 to get that working now though.
    The game has a fair bit of grind for the first run. If you want a save to help with that - without doing the entire gallery for you, I also put one of those on page 29.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I wanted to give this 4 but given it unique to a extreme amount went ahead and boosted it by 1.

    It great, the cgs are beautiful, story + more so characters are terrific, you get a harem ending, TONS of conversations (again why story+characters so great), has some ways of skipping certain things, new game + when it works helps deal with multi routes, etc...

    The only real Bad thing that I am not sure is still bad (idk if it fixed yet) is things like new game+ not working properly (I used a save file someone gave after 2 playthroughs to get the other routes).
    and battles be grindy + slow after 1st playthrough (though some may like this or accept it easily so up to you if that bad).
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    A good game with a lot of bad mechanics.

    + Voice acting
    + Drawing
    + Main characters

    - I never seen a visual novel with such a terrible save system.
    - Some key events are not marked, so you often waste a lot of time without knowing it.
    - The worst kind of buggs, the ones you can't see. Most often you'll find out at the end of the game.
    - There is no indicator of how much remains to the next level of relationship.
    - Requirements for last levels of relationship are too high.
    - Choices are not intuitive, one mistake and you get the bad end.

    Maybe in the coming months they will be able to remake some of the game mechanism. But in the meantime I can't recommend this game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    the game is pretty good. it isnt a gem of the category, but it does have its charms. i particularly found the humor quite good, with lots of suttle references; and im like the story so far.

    the only complaints i have are: the game has a small bug on the fishing pond, not sure what was suposed to happen, but there's bug there, and the issue with the patch/mods. i read a comment saying that this game could be one about the journey, not the destion, but as mentioned by another user: it doesnt hurt hit the destinatio now and on, specially with such good art and characters. Next time, i wsh the devs do things another way regarding 18+ content.