VN - Ren'Py - Love, Honor, Betray [Ep. 11] [Renio Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an incredible game. I absolutely love its heavy focus on lesbian content, and how it perfectly captures the female MC's descent into carnal hedonism and sexual self-discovery. The writing alone makes it a must-play, and the renders are top notch.
    Unlike most other games in the genre, it does not make the boyfriend character into a weak, sad-sack of shit (hard NTR), and instead justifies its corruption through blackmail and corporate espionage, which makes it feel more grounded, all things considered.
    The female MC is simply gorgeous (with very intricate expressions), and all the other female characters she encounters are brimming with sensuality and mystery. If you're a fan of female MC games, this is hands down one of the best on this site.
    The character development is also great, and the way the relationships progress is believable, with realistic dialogue and clear motivations for everyone involved. It's clear that the developer cares about the story he's trying to tell, and it's not a cash grab,
    However, if you're obsessed with seeing dicks in your game, this may not be your cup of tea - the "straight" path is nowhere near as vast as the lesbian one. Even then, it's not often we see a female MC who's not a complete idiot who gets taken advantage of.
    So I'd highly recommend it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice visual novel with beautiful renders. The story-line is on the light side and heavily focuses on the erotic content. The player can chose which characters the female protaginists engages with. And so, it is possible to follow any sexual orientation that one fancies. I like that a lot and that is why I like the game mostly.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Game too simple as a plot, graphics with proportional dysfunctions, poor audio quality, the degradation of the updates are slow, and not very incisive, even today, it is not clear what scheme the game has, I hoped for better.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Will adjust this rating when I finish the release. Great art! And the story so far is serviceable. But some things are off; like when Anna is riding Greg at the beginning... she looks to be about 1.25 times his size... bordering on "Giganticism Fetish"... which unfortunately I'm not in to. And the girls all seem to have a lot of... fur?... on them. I like that you're trying for detail, but scale that back a bit. And Chelsea looks borderline vampire, with her fangs trying to escape her lips. If she IS a vampire, great... but this doesn't seem the direction you're taking us.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I had a lot of fun playing this game. The renders at the start were a bit average but as the days progress it's obvious the skill of the developer is improving a lot.
    Essentially this is a kinetic novel but in general you get to choose who you fuck, there are a few exceptions to this, probably because it's integral to the story.
    There seems to be one main path with offshoots for lesbian or straight scenes.
    All the girls are hot and in the latest episodes things have been ramping up even on the straight path which is taking more time to escalate.
    The blackmail is there but seems to impact the sex scenes very little.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like Love, Honor, Betray, but the game fell short in a lot of ways that made it an unpleasant experience for me. The biggest issue is how the game forces you into certain situations without giving any real choice. I understand that the story revolves around blackmail and scandal, but it felt like my decisions didn’t matter because the main character, Lacey, constantly ended up lying and cheating, no matter how I tried to play.

    On top of that, the game forces relationships with another female characters, even if that wasn’t the direction I wanted to go in. It’s frustrating when a visual novel doesn’t allow for personal choices or alternate paths—especially in a game that promises choice-driven outcomes. (fuck Person A or fuck Person B is NOT really a Choice) It feels like it’s steering you down a very specific narrative path, whether you want it or not. Imho the Dev has learnt nothing.

    If you're looking for a game where your decisions actually matter and you can control how the story unfolds, this one will total disappoint you.

    This Game is nothing more, than an kinetic lesbian Simulator.

    Pro :
    - great Renders and hot MC

    - forced content
    - forced cheating
    - forced blackmail
    - Choices doesn t matter
    - forced Lesbian Content

    Don t get me wrong, i don t have anything against Lesbian Content, but i don t like it, if it is forced by the Dev. In this case this Game should be flagged with forced content and/or kinetic.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    if the game were only graphics, then it would be a nice full 5 stars, but these games are based on stories, on conversations, on the dynamics of the characters, porn or not porn, but which are well told, after starting with a base of story, the game has lost its identity, now everything revolves around the female protagonist, a traitor, a bisexual submissive with women, a manipulator, she has become everything a husband would have to kill if he found out about her, but as always, we have the implication of a husband, absent and unknown. More than a married woman, in many moments she seems like an escort or a kept woman. nothing, no plot, just a nice set of graphics and sex scenes.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    There is actually a lot to like with this AVN and it really started out great. I loved the concept and I love the FMC and the pacing was perfect. But, as it happens in some of theses AVNs, she put the pedal down and became a slut in no time.

    For me, part of the appeal of a FMC and a corruption/blackmail plot, is watching the walls slowly break down until she is unsure how she got there but there is no going back.

    In this story, her husband is attentive, good looking, all the other women in the hospital think he's dreamy and he can take care of her needs in the sack. All of this, btw, is a plus in my book because it should make the FMC squirm even more. Instead, after banging some dude she has always been attracted to then letting herself get taken advantage of at the hospital by another nurse and a doctor, she comes home and wonders if she should send a sexy selfie to her husband. There was no internal debate. No guilt. No struggle reconciling her recent acts... nothing... just drop him a selfie or don't and then on to the next scene.

    IDK... The H scenes are fantastic, the writing is solid, the graphics and pacing are decent and despite the animation bugs that never seem to get fixed, it is a pretty good production with a talented developer.

    I am hopeful at some point there will be some consequences for her actions and I would hate it if the husband turns out to be the one to orchestrate all of this (which would not surprise me) but we will see. It's good enough to keep me interested when I see a new update released, but it's not one I anxiously await.

    Regardless, I have played too many of these so I may be a bit jaded at this point, so it is worth a download to make up your own mind.

    Good luck to the developer.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The game was initially surprising, graphically, soundly, and also the two characters and the plot, then gradually it declined, with the various updates we found ourselves with an unfaithful wife on multiple fronts, men or women, for her they make no difference, a husband foreign and also a bit idiotic, but it's a classic in these games, no important choices. Missed opportunity
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    + Lacey is hot
    + music
    + renders and some animations

    - poorly done straight content. If you are here only for that stuff - like me, save your time and stay away from this.. It's a total disaster.
    - boring story and conversations between characters
    - no gangbang/MMF/DP scenes
    - forced lesbian stuff, wtf? a big fucking NO for this :mad:

    Avn without deep story, forced shit and disappointing straight action. 1 star
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Dident really do anything for me, the blackmail feels stupid and its just to rush things along to FMC will do shit faster which also lowers any build-up or romance, it also jumps around a bit and overall it story dosent really make much sense.

    As for the girls its pretty much for people with big tit fetish only, theres barely anything in the normal or smaller builds which makes it even more boring, maybe some of them will have sex scenes later with FMC but i story is just not good enough to come back to this one and see.

    Girls 2/5
    Mostly boring bimbos, there are a few normal girls but not some you can play with but just watch them have fun with others? happens quite often.

    Animations 2/5
    Not all scenes are animated, some are really awfull, theres a few that are pretty decent but overall its not good.

    Music 2/5
    There is a bit of music but nothing special and set very low, some effects as well which is proberly better then the music really.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Very hot, and I get that the dev is trying to appeal to the lesbian community by making the game equal opportunity shagging.

    Girl on girl isn't my kink, but the rest are awesome renders. Keep up the good work!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    Pretty renders ,some hot scenes, has potential.

    Good Things

    • Some pretty great renders
    • Hot scenes
    • Good animations

    Bad points

    • Character development is inconsistent
    • Story jumps here and there without purpose
    • Not that many choices
    • Narrator explaining everything that happens
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    TD;DR = good game with female protagonist, who will get corrupted.

    Story: 4/5
    + Story follow this hot nurse who is sexually frustrated. Her husband doesnt have time for her. So she will start going out to drink and experimenting. And her friends will try to slowly corrupt her.
    + Nice thing about a plot is the fact, that you mave many choices how heroine will behave. She can be a faithful wife (to a certain degree). She can be a tease. She can pursue only lesbian encounters. Or she can go full slut route and fuck everything. Heh.
    - Only downside of the plot is blackmail subplot. It feels slightly stupid. Only very stupid naive person could fall for it.

    Art and Sex Stuff: 5/5
    + Girls are hot.
    + Renders are good.
    + Sex scenes are hot.
    + There is a lot of sex scenes.
    + Many times you can choose between lesbian sex or straight sex.

    Gameplay: 4/5
    + This is typical VN with choices.
    + Choices will mostly influence whom the MC will fuck (or not).
    + English is decent.
    + Game has soundtrack. It is nothing special, but it gives nice ambience.

    To sum it up:
    I really liked this game and I am giving it 5/5.
    I will recommend this.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Its not so big

    first of all the renders are pretty good. there are not many games featuring female protagonists that have the same or better quality.
    in this early state there are many lesbian love interests which isn't for everyone. i personally like it.

    now we come to the things i don't like. the game generally has a good pacing, but there are some lewd scenes where you think "that escalated quickly". because it happens all of the sudden i first thought i missed something. that wasn't the case.
    i assumed she would be more hesitant considering she has a husband. it feels like her husband doesn't exist at all.
    that doesn't mean she shouldn't do lewd things with another person, but she should at least not do that with someone she met for the first time.

    all in all it looks like a promising game and like something to keep an eye on.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    There's a lot of things this VN does right on a surface level. The visuals are near top tier for F95, and I particularly commend the facial reactions even as I nitpick the rather cartoony blush effect. I also like how the VN uses sound, something that the vast majority of non-voiced VN's pay very little attention to.

    But what really makes this VN for me is the substance. The writing is really good, and if the dev is not a native English speaker then the writing is all the more remarkable. The dialogue flows well, and each character seems to have their own personal voice. The character development of the protagonist proceeds at a reasonable pace, something which a lot of "slow burn" VN's struggle with, and I feel invested in following her growth, at least on the "lesbian path" I took for the MC. I think it is one of the better lesbian paths on a site littered with so many middling ones.

    On the flip side of the writing, there is a blackmail element, of which could be the source of endless frustration for me, but so far it is not totally bereft of sense and does not lock you into scenes you don't want to see. As of this writing, there's no prospect of the MC stumbling mindlessly onto an unavoidable rape scenario. So, this is that rare blackmail storyline that hasn't detracted from the experience and hasn't devolved into pointless character degeneracy. At least for now.


    I reserve the right to alter the review should things change at a later date.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    game looked promising until the blackmail stuff happened, from that point on the story doesn't make any sense. sadly because it really started pretty good i was interessted in some lesbian routes etc. but yea it's all not worth continuing when the main plot of the story just doesn't make any sense.

    renders were not bad while lewd/sex scenes were not all animated. if I would have to give this game a piece of advice i would say either remove the blackmailing content entirely or make it more believable and not just a tool to make the protagonist do sexual things faster than she would do normally.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks promising!

    Good renders, solid writing, interesting story so far. Characters, especially the MC, are nicely done. Hoping the Blackmail won't go too crazy as it's a very overused thing in my opinion, but other than that I think this game deserves much more following.

    Frequent updates are also a big plus. Something you don't see too often in recent days with most games, and I sure do hope the developers will be consistent with it.

    Keep it up!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting game. To me personally the main reason is the main character Lacey. She is incredibly cute. Renders are very good too. The way i usually rate games is how i feel when i finish the update. At the end of this update i was like, oh shit i got to the end and and i cannot get enough and i crave for more. Means the game deserves high rating. So 2 main ingredients for an amazing experience are here, gorgeously cute main character and very good renders. When i say i crave for more, mostly i think more Lacey, she is adorable.

    If i could say what i would like more and what less. I would say that so far the game focuses mostly on lesbian sex. Would have loved if in the future her relationship with men gets similar attention. And i do not mean her boyfriend when i say men.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Love, Honor, Betray has very high quality renders. The writing is also much above average. It's a short game so far, but the potential for this to become something very good is definitely there.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the updates for this game. Good start.