VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Love Sucks Night Two [Final] [Art Witch Studios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really fun game to play. It contains both a interesting story, good humor, very well drawn and sexy scenes, and good sexual content.

    I like that you can chose to make bad desitions in the game just to see what would happen, and then they actually flesh out the bad desition scenes very well too.

    This game has great attention to detail, and is well worth playing.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Had to have 2 goes at the game to click, initial style impression was a of a ditzy nature, not cause of the style but what I grew to associate with similars.
    Having played it, I'm very glad to change my mind. The game respects the classics of Vamp/Succubi lore, it delivers them to you in exactly the right way adapted to modern context.
    Good art, good-often amusing and funny dialogue and reliable archetype characters that you grow to love as you play.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best one here.
    The story, the art, the characters and the excellent voice acting, this game has it all.
    But don't let the completed tag deceive you, this is only two third completed; and the next chapter is estimated to be at least a year and a half away.
    If you don't care about the complete story and just want some lewd, feel free to jump in and enjoy.
    But if you rather wait for the full story (which I regretted not doing), you better wait till night three to play this.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely DELICIOUS!
    A little gem.
    Great story, great female characters, great graphic rendition, sex scenes are both exciting that varied and not usual/boring.
    And is bot fun than scary!
    I've only played Night One, so more to come.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The artstyle is unique and stylized for it's context. I would say the biggest draw of the game is the story. The sex scenes are are spread out and enjoyable, but are closer to static images and text. If this isn't up your alley then I would steer clear. If you're more of a story-based gamer then this would be worth considering a playthrough. There is also VA enabled in this game which is also a big plus
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This is supposed to be a three parter. Night 1-3, of which we get to play Night 1-2 with Night 3 yet to be released. So consider this a review of the two nights thus far.


    - The first thing that probably attracted your eye towards this game is the artwork and I can confirm that this is the best part of the whole experience. Sublime artwork that makes most other H games, even good ones, pale by comparison.
    - Well written characters, with an established lore, with dialogue that doesnt have me on the ropes to skip the whole thing
    - Surprising amount of gameplay considering that its a VN. Well, at least night 2 anyway.
    - The H, when its there, is good. If that's your sole aim, you wont be disappointed.


    - Night 2 is complex, and well paced. Night 1 however, is just a linear procession of choosing the right buttons or die. For those who played night 1 without knowing night 2 exist would probably not bother to play its sequel
    - The story is well written but has its own share of plot holes. Without spoilers, suffice to say that when your story contains a time device, it really does introduce tons of holes. And the story's lore attempt to plaster these holes are contrived at best.
    - Be prepared for a little grind because night 2's gameplay require quite a lot of backtracking. And there are certain situations where the game's 'save' system would end up screwing you from getting all the runes. Recommend that you manually save and save often.
    - There's a wolf girl in the game and you dont get to fuck her :/

    Alright, let's have a look at the story, without spoilers. You play as Theo, whose name you cannot change, but he has a nickname which you can change. Not sure why the contrivance but whatever. You are in the attentions of two girls, Jan and Anna, who are not what they seem. Long story short, theyre trying to do something which will require you dead, of which Noami, a monster police, is trying to prevent.

    Gameplay is basically VN style, with the plot centering on you thwrating the girls' efforts, while having them ride your dick along the way. Night 1 is a breeze because there's barely any choices that matter whereas in night 2, the game opens up considerably and now youre actually making choices while simultaneously trying to complete your rune scrapbook. I can say from experience that this is not an easy task; it'll likely take you several tries and even then there's at least two runes which Im sure you'll look out a guide to get.

    If youre wondering, yes the H is good. However, getting there takes up some effort. There's no animations in the H, but there is VA. You get to fuck a total of 4 different girls but somehow not the werewolf (shifter? some kind of druid nonsense) which is a bit disappointing.


    I'll be honest, if youre looking for a game with H elements then this game doesnt disappoint, at least night 2 anyway. But if all youre looking for is fap material then likely you'll find yourself looking elsewhere because there's not really a lot of it and getting there requires some bit of work.

    Have to recommend because its well written, well drawn, is somewhat complex for a VN game, and I had fun with it. But perhaps it would be better to wait for night 3 to release first.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is stylized well, but the lack of choices just make this super-boring and disengaging. The dialogue, plot, etc would have to be 10x better to make up for the lack of decisions. When the majority of your time is just -click-click-click- I'd so much rather just watch a well-animated adult-oriented cartoon with much better writing. Why bother?

    "A good game is a series of interesting choices."

    This is more a mediocre digital comic. Art and writing better than the majority of the games on here, which are often piss-poor. But at least they're games. I have higher standards for comic books and this fails.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Visual novel game with an excellent artstyle
    It features 3 Beautiful girls each with a different appeal, but only 2 girls have scenes.
    the voice acting was decent
    There is some choice variation but nothing major
    It's short but charming
    Check it out
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous art, good story, doesn't take itself too seriously, interesting characters and fun spooky theme. What more do you need in a game? Only criticism is that it's pretty short, and not a lot of choices.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played in a long time. Original, beautiful art, loveable characters (even the one that is supposed to be annoying is at least likeable). After playing a NSFW game, I usually forget all about it, but this one has me thinking about it days after I reached the end of this version and I'm begging for more.

    I've been on this website for a LONG time now and this is the first review I've written for a game, let's put it that way.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    i dont feel like going super in depth so im going to just right some lines that can give you an idea of what i though

    bad voice acting. i immediately wanted to turn it off and it worked for the most part but it was forced back on for one scene

    good art. pretty self explanatory i think

    too railroady. so while the game may appear as if it has choices it really doesnt, clicking what the game doesnt want you to basically just sends you to a red screen where you die and go back in time. this causes the game to not really feel all to much like a "game"

    overall the game has pretty good presentation all around, even if the voice acting is complete and utter garbage. if the studio is fully intent on finishing and actually does? than id say i look forward to future work
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    best game i've played in a very long time. art is excellent, body types is gorgeous but I am afraid it will be a furry game :( and i LOVE erotic visual novel voiceacted because i can really understand charas personality
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    TL / DR: Artistically gorgeous voice acting and art. Game that is more of a KN than a VN. MC kinda looks like a bitch. You need some comfort with sharing LI with men to enjoy the title since the main LI really don't hold back when talking about their former conquests. Too much femdom.

    +++Art is absolutely gorgeous
    ++Voice acting is super hot
    +Rewind mechanic is relatively fun and allows you to explore all routes in a play-through organically.
    +Doesn't over-extend itself by including too many characters.
    +You can feed a cat french-fries
    ++Writing is high-quality
    + Very clever use of the "mirroring" literary technique in the narrative / scenes.
    + Some pretty visually clever H-scene concepts. The Ferris wheel "shadow" sex and the mirror sex scenes both really stood out.

    ----- Male Mcs is very disappointing. The small build, the barrette, the dominantly feminine features, the submissiveness. Every facet of his aesthetic is un-fun to play as and not hot to watch. Bro is mega lame. Literally the only thing I like about him is how he validates the female characters inner beauty.
    -More of a kinetic novel than a VN. (day two has more pathing options, so it has escaped this problem a bit).
    ----- The second day had some borderline NTR stuff. Like a flashback to a LI getting gang-banged. Ew. I did not want to see or hear about that. Nor did I enjoy my MC just canonically thinking it was hot.
    - Other men being included in the sexual dynamic makes the MC being such a wimp even more disappointing.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I was in this for the fap material but by the end didn't even want to anymore I am really invested in the story. The story and the art are fantastic really great stuff! Keep up the good work looking forward to day 2!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game for sure. Gives me almost comic book vibes from the style which makes many scenes feel quite animated. Only real 'downside' is that there aren't really anything you change when repeating choices besides choosing the other choice from pick 2. More branches even if they dont lead anywhere or just loop around would be nice for this style of game.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun story, I enjoyed the read, the music didn't have to be adjusted too much and the writing was excellent.

    The version was 1.16i, and I really feel this is a mix between a kinetic novel and a VN, seeing as the choices lead you back to a point where you can correct them, there is really no need for saving or rollback at all. Still it was fun to make the incorrect choices and view the "bad ending".

    All in all, I enjoyed this, and will certainly be watching for Nights 2 & 3. Keep up the good work!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is absolutely fantastic, and the story is fun and well written. Curious to see where it'll take us, and if more characters will get involved - story might end up a bit short if not. Really looking forwards to what comes next, it's very high quality.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    EDIT: Now that Night Two has been released, I'm updating this review and bumping the score up to five stars. Night Two is MUCH longer and more ambitious (seriously, Night One might as well be a tutorial in comparison) and the writers also appear to have gotten much more proficient with their craft; events now flow much better and, most importantly, feel natural, an enormous improvement over the rather rushed pace of the first night.

    Character motivations have also been expanded; the girl's reasons for going forward with the plan feel at least plausible and the writing indicates that there is a lot under the surface. We'll see if Night Three sticks the landing, but for now, I'm satisfied.

    The main character is the one sticking point; the fact that he is willing to go so far for the two main LIs still beggars belief, but I'm not going to knock down the score beause of it yet, given the type of game this is. So far, it hasn't been immersion-breaking, and there is still a chance that Night Three will retroactively make it understandable. If nothing else, we at least now have a decent motivation in his desire to keep Naomi alive, even if it isn't a perfect solution, since his (so far, unearned) affection for the two main LIs is omnipresent in the writing.

    Oh, and the sound mixing is much better now. The soundtrack is still a bit repetitive, but branches out enough that this flaw isn't as easily noticeable.


    Great little game. The characters are interesting, the art is superb and the plot hooks you in, in spite of its simplicity. The main gimmick is a bit clichéd, but the narrative explores it well enough that I never caught myself thinking I had seen this premise several times before.

    I only have a few pieces of criticism:

    1 - the music is rather repetitive. The authors have stated they had to rely on copyright-free music, but a little bit of variety wouldn't have hurt.

    2 - The moans are LOUD - much louder than the music. When the first sex scene came around, the girl started moaning with such thunderous force that I was afraid I was going to wake up my girfriend, despite the speakers's volume being set to low and the fact that I was playing in another room. If you don't intend to use headphones, I recommend tinkering with the voice volume in the settings. Hell, maybe even if you're using headphones, since I imagine those moans are liable to cause a bit of pain if you're using headphones with the volume turned up.

    3 - The MC is a bit of an idiot. Maybe exceedingly so. I understand what the writers were going for, but the fact that he is so willing to go to such lengths to save two murderous individuals he isn't truly familiar with feels a bit silly. Making him better acquainted with the two girls or injecting a bit of complexity into his motives would make a huge difference.

    The girls' motives also feel... incredibly shallow, at least at first, but the writers have dropped several hints that there's more to all this than meets the eye, so I'm willing to wait and see on this one.

    4 - Plot feels a bit rushed at times, like the game is in a hurry to give you one-on-one scenes with the LIs, without worrying too much about attaining a natural pace.

    5 - The game is rather short, and you will want more. Despite these flaws I mentioned, the game is truly, genuinely entertaining and has a LOT of potential. I'll be eagerly waiting for updates.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing VN!
    gorgeous art and great writing, and last but not least really sexy.
    voice acting is present in clue (aka sex) scenes mostly, and i think it fits well the characters.
    It's short n' sweet (it's only the first night!) and i can't wait for the devs to develop the rest.
    i highly suggest to try it out (It's also out on Steam, free if you prefer)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Art-style: 2D
    Game play (approx): 15-20min~
    Animation: None
    Voice: Some
    Scenes: Yes, but system needs reworked.
    Replay-ability: Fappable

    Great game so far. I'll preface this by saying that they say that this was more of a proof of concept and it shows, but don't let that deter you from playing it. The story is good and has a lot of promise, the characters and their designs are fantastic. The voice work is phenomenal albeit short, but considering that they paid for all of this out of pocket, shows that they're serious.

    The game is short but sweet and definitely worth the time to play it.