Unity - Lucky Shipper [Test] [pixxgame]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: [Test]
    Ok so yeah short AF but this is the test version so I'll go light.
    You have a quick don't touch nothing minigame where you "deliver" things to two of the LI's that are shown in the preview pictures (business woman and cashier) with two touching scenes and intercourse scenes... and that's it. you can upgrade but I don't know if that will carry over to the main game. It's not a one star like everyone is giving it, it just feels like a proof of concept.

    Story: 1/5 (It's there just not a good one)
    Art: 4/5 (The pixel art is nice and I like that each LI has a different pose, Dev could have been cheap, but weren't)
    Gameplay: 1/5 (Work on those hit boxes Dev, The smallest clip and its RESET?)
    All in all decent game and I will be watching how it goes.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    First of all, I will not harsh because its on... uuh... very early development?
    Second of all, not straight up dogshit, but there's a lot missing inside, and i'm not joking about "A LOT".

    TLDR: Okay to Good Gimmick, but very unpolished

    Basically "That Dinosaur game on Chrome", worse version of it, the head only went down for limited time, the movement speed is suddenly increased out of nowhere, not subtly, just flat out "Oh yeah i shall gear 4 riiiight... now!"
    Touch Game? In short, waste of time. All you need to do is Spam Click, wait "Protection meter" went down, and Spam click again, repeat till max.
    Energy system is... pretty much have no consequences if you run out of it. Just spam-click "Rest" until your energy return to max.

    Also, currently there's only have 2 poses, so there's no BJ like the thumbnail (sorry, minus one point coz i expecting that, kekw)

    I call it "Okay", definitely not the worst, overall is "Passable" but in term of sprite... there is 'room of improvement" and the only way is up.
    Understandably pixelated graphic can be 'harder', and the game still on early stage. so...

    So, sorry for the 1 star, can be better in the future tho.

    Can you safely expect more from this game? Too early to say, to be honest.
    Should you wait for next version? I will leave it by your decision.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I've got to agree with the other reviews, the previews look great but the game is currently completely unplayable.

    Currently the game consists of you playing as a delivery boy on a motorbike and you are jumping over snails and ducking under birds for some reason, and if the back wheel of your bike touches 1 pixel on the back of a snail then you die instantly and have to restart.
    The speed of the bike was inconsistent sometimes it started fast, sometimes it was slow but started to speed up more and more, and the more speed it had the longer drop you had so it's impossible to progress as you would have to jump over a snail and couldn't avoid a bird. Then after restarting a black bar covers the top of the screen hiding the UI.

    I'd like to review more aspects of the game but its basically impossible to get to those parts.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    это просто ужасно !! как можно выпускать настолько сырой (тест,бету или что это ) я даже попробовать поиграть не смог а все из-за того что не видел куда нажимать на экране ! тут нету настроек разрешения экрана !! так что если у вас как у меня маленький экран! мой 1360х768! то можете даже не запускать ибо вы хоть всю клаву перетыкайте кроме прыжка ничего не будет (( !! грустно ибо графика мне понравилась !! ну буду надеяться допилят этот (тестовый билд) пошупать то хочеться !!!

    Eng translate:

    It's just terrible!! how can it be released so raw (test, beta, or whatever it is) I couldn't even try to play, but all because I couldn't see where to click on the screen! there are no screen resolution settings!! so if you have a small screen like me! my 1360x768! then you don 't even have to run, because at least you can re - connect the whole keyboard except for the jump (( !! It's sad because I liked the graphics!! Well, I hope they finish this (test build) and I want to feel it!!!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I wonder if the dev tested their game before releasing a public test version.

    You have two controls, z/w to jump, s to lower yourself.

    you have to jump over some obstacles, and lower yourselfunder some others.


    You have no control of how fare/long you will jump or how long you will lower yourself, which very often ends in jumping over a ground obstacle to land on an air obstacle, or jump over a land obstacle to land over another one. When you lower yourself, very often you'll touch another air obstacle by the time you raise your head.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    You might think WOW those image samples looks great, the art is good enough and UI is easy to understand but there is a small problem in here. Gameplay is sloopy well it's okay tho, it's a sex game after all huh? Maybe the animations are good. Here's another sad news :/ They're not. I'm talking about the test version by the way. Poses look good, the angles and art are pretty good too but the animation feels like a slayt show. The worst thing is game has potential but needs a serious polishing.