Pledge for bigger updates ...

then this happened
Dev confessed <sort of> 'Yeah, my computer was acting up. I couldn’t do more than that'
The pledge we all cheered ... but got denied ... Alll of those faiths ... furies of chance

Dev pledged loyalty and fealty <not so much it seems> to this avenue:
"My new cards boosted the CUDA shaders with 1664 (GTX 970) + 2432 (GTX 1070ti) and now the total count is 4864 CUDA shaders. That means I can provide more images per update and I can improve the image quality. "
And ... another bombastic pledge ... hope we actually get IRL sorted and the real deal

Also my new 1070ti has 8GB of VRAM which means now I can render images with more than 2-3 characters in one scene.
Long story, short:
There will be more images per update and
those images will be with better quality.
Cheers for the best and Humongous Updates!!!