Collection - Pinup - LumiNyu Collection [2025-03-10] [LumiNyu]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Luminyu is my new favorite nsfw artist. I love how she draws exaggerated female bodies, their faces, and cum. This thread helped get me into sharing nsfw art of both Luminyu's and other nsfw artists that I've come across over time. Plus the people here all seem to just want the art and not much else, so it makes leaking Luminyu's art guilt free.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    ( Y )

    Review for the update of the [2022-04-22].

    Really trying to be objective here.
    I am not a fan of what I will mention next, but if you are, this collection is for you: exaggerated buttocks, breasts, legs and bodies.

    Positive things:
    + Variety of characters.
    + Lighting, in some cases it is very good.
    + Good art, even its evolution is noticeable.
    + If you like exaggerated bodies, this is for you.
    + Despite the fact that he exaggerates the female body in all his art, on some occasions he really gives it a good touch, one could even say that it looks better.
    + The background is often good to give context, because they are not just images that focus on the nude, for example:
    Nessa in the bathroom is detailed and this scene does not become secondary, but rather forms part of the central element.

    Negative things:
    - Variations... you can find up to 200 of a character.
    - The weight, you will need enough space if you want it all.
    - Well, I guess the exaggeration of the female body, but this point is personal.
    - Call me an idiot, but some variations I think are unnecessary, as an example, the one where the only change is that the woman drool a little.

    I'd say the collection is a particular preference, but you can find some great art here.