Wolf RPG - Completed - Lust Brand Prostitute - Branded Azel [Final] [Black Train]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Lust Brand Prostitute Branded Azel is a very short management game made as a spin-off to Niplheim's Hunter Branded Azel, both developed by Black Train. The game consists of the girl Azel becoming captee in a brothel and then gaining her freedom through fame and fortune. The gameplay mechanic is a simple selection of actions to get the attention of customers and fitting their needs to the preferred. There is a low importance leveling system, some interaction with money and that is the entire game. It is so short that a player can finish it in one hour. Besides the gameplay, the artstyle from Black Train is nothing short of stunning. Focused entirely on the main character, the level of detail for each scene is quite impressive and unique, feeling totally different from the majority of anime artstyle. Because of its size, the game does not have a significant number of scenes, but considering its proportion, it's very good and diverse. The publisher Kagura made sure to uncensor it, a crucial element for any japanese game to have its worth, for censored games always have their enjoyment ruined. Lust Brand does what it wanted to do very well despite lacking hours of gameplay. I recommend to appreciate not only the art and simple gameplay, but also to enjoy the sequel and the overall fantasy world created by Black Train.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A very short game. My review has this in mind.

    Great Art IMO.
    Great story line for a short game that most doesn't even have.
    Game isn't grindy and was easy enough to unlock everything.
    Mechanics is also easy enough to understand.
    So yeah, A fairly great game for a short game.
    Still haven't played the 'Main' Game so I'm looking forward to it.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's kinda bad, incredibly short, bored-to-death easy, and has a small amount of scenes (that might be a good thing). You can probably run through this in 7 minutes. The art is also questionable in terms of body proportions, as in at least two scenes the girl's body parts are too long or are not "where they should be." Regardless, in an odd twist its nice that its so short as it is the prequel to "Niplheim's Hunter - Branded Azel", an actually good game, so you can get the backstory from this game quickly then move on.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    (Reviewed after completing)

    I finished the main game in less than an hour, then spent about twenty minutes more finishing up everything else.
    I enjoyed the game quite a bit, the art was good and I would recommend the game, just remember it is a spin off prequel to the main game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a single complaint about this one. Great art, no grind, and connects into the main game

    Maybe some will complain about it being too short but it's a spin-off so... that.

    The game also uses Wolf RPG which to be honest I really like in comparison to RPGM.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Short game but filled with excellent H scenes, the ahegao are good and each secondary chracters has 2 lewd scenes.
    Not grindy at all and done in a few minutes. I really recommend it.

    The owner is a cool guy too, it doesn't go into full mindbreak and ruining the protagonist's life.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Eh its ok, just not much to do and ez to rush trough fine little game but not much more. Art is fine Azel is pretty attractive the sidechar. sadly not so much.

    Mechanics are kinda boring. Good Sound thou.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The game play was really boring I couldn't really get into it. There was a huge lack of images and the ones that were there were not even that great. The girls are cute though and I did like the sounds as well but that is the only thing the game has going for it in my opinion.
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    James Cook 1232

    lack of animations and other stuff, its bascially a point and click with bare minimal animations and sexual content, all you do is tap keys and nothing else, i wouldnt even consider it a sex game, it has great potential just needs actual sex content, a more work as well as actually caring about making a good game and it could go a long way
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    not much to it. very short game you can finish it in under 10min. nothings really animated, lot of typical text.
    eh idk it was okay but its so okay its not even worth being played.
    thats really all i can say, its just boring
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Not really challenging and the interface is pretty cluttered considering the simplicity. Not sure if it was meant to be so quick, but we did get to meet our heroine and this did lead me to look at the other game. So if it is meant to whet your appetite to try the main game or just bonus content for those who like the main game, it certainly works on both counts. But as a stand alone effort, there is not much here. There is little sense of satisfaction on either the game play or the story.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game ! pretty short but still enjoyable, I really love the style of those games, and they weren't greedy in terms of CG per playtime. The gameplay in itself may however actually be too easy, you don't really feel any kind of rewarding feeling because of it
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    + High quality artwork
    + Decent voice acting
    + Simple easy to use interface
    + No lag
    +Animated Pixel Art during the Prostitution mini-games

    - All the supporting gals are weird looking lolis (I know some of you are into that but that grosses me out.) That look so different form the MC I wonder if they were done by a different artist.
    - Overall the game is very short, and unchallenging . I think I completed the whole game in less than 30 minutes.

    In summary this is overall a good game. It's certainly worth a shot. I think I spoiled myself a bit by playing the sequal before this one. Nephelheim Hunters the squeal to this, is still the best H-game I've ever played. So if you liked that you'll probably enjoy this, and vice versa.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Learning more about her previous life was interesting it's sort of like a prologue The art as per usuall from this series is amazing the mini game is fun my only downside is it's not very long
    its essentially a prologue for the previous game branded azel I definitely recommend this if you played the previous game or are downloading the previous game great game overall
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a short game so you can finish it in about 1 or 2 hours. The game is simple and fun to play.
    Art: 9/10
    CG:9/10 despite being a sequel / prequel ( i don't know ) but it's really well made with tons of quality scene.
    Sound: 9/10
    Yeah, that's all. but i would recommend you to play the main game
    Niplheim's Hunter - Branded Azel first before trying this one. In that way, you can understand more about the situation and everything in this game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This was an incredible release that had the fortune of getting an english translation. It's a short game, roughly 2 hours long, it's not too complex or difficult which is pleasant as well. The CG's are fun to view, and have nice sound effects, along side good quality voice acting in some scenes. It's not as compact as Branded Azel, but I belive you can enjoy it all the same.