
Jun 26, 2018
Some Game developers get really upset over people using there games with out their permission I've seen it happen over the years nothing much to do and hope she will be reasonable.
Not just upset. I was almost in rage. If I were a little yonger, he'd be already banned. And everyone else who is pirating my game.


Jun 26, 2018
Aren't you using some hacked version of Sexvilla to do this game :p ?
(someone correct me if i'm wrong)
I bought villa in the first place, for making artwork for my game. And then found big community, where i downloaded alot of mods for it. Also im a patron of an awesome graphical modder for villa. I'm not using pirate games\soft etc. at all.


Sep 15, 2017
I bought villa in the first place, for making artwork for my game. And then found big community, where i downloaded alot of mods for it. Also im a patron of an awesome graphical modder for villa. I'm not using pirate games\soft etc. at all.
Sorry to say but as far as they are concerned you are "pirate" for them.
"14. All materials included at thriXXX.com are for the private use by Subscribers only. No other uses are intended by the thriXXX.com and any other use is strictly prohibited."
Not saying it to be a dick, just maybe trying to show you (possible) uploader viewpoint. You tohught you could use it to make your game since you've paid for it. He thought he could give you more patrons by translating it. You both had good intentions, just saying :)


I trolled so N7 could soar.
Respected User
Former Staff
Jul 19, 2017
Some Game developers get really upset over people using there games with out their permission I've seen it happen over the years nothing much to do and hope she will be reasonable.
It is always the ones who top out at about 30 pledges and then wonder why their pledge count never goes up, either.

(also the irony of obvious pirate using obviously pirated software to make their game, going on about piracy)


Jun 26, 2018
Sorry to say but as far as they are concerned you are pirate for them.
"14. All materials included at thriXXX.com are for the private use by Subscribers only. No other uses are intended by the thriXXX.com and any other use is strictly prohibited."
Don't try to fool me. Im not sharing their product. Im not posting any files from villa. You CANT play their game, by downloading and playing mine.

He thought he could give you more patrons by translating it/
Lol... Seriously, been a while since a laughed so hard :DDDD


Sep 15, 2017

Don't try to fool me. Im not sharing their product. Im not posting any files from villa. You CANT play their game, by downloading and playing mine.
"Any other use", as in using their game to make your own game. Their EULA states clearly only thing you are allowed to do is to play it. Don't get me wrong i do not care about it tho, do what you want.
By this point it is obvious this game will stay in russian only, hey it is your right, many people never publish their works and put it in the drawer as they write for their own pleasure and it's fine. I just think it is all bit... weird, as you are contradicting yourself a bit in places. You say you do not do it for the money, and yet you put it behind paywal etc.

Lol... Seriously, been a while since a laughed so hard :D
Glad something positive came from me writing those long ass posts :)
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Jun 26, 2018
"Any other use"
Yeah. Say it to all big and official comunities with screenshots\movies\sequences exchange etc. As I said, don't try to fool me.
And yes. Untill someone, brave enough to send me a message, suggest something about translation and stuff - the game will stay in Russian. If someone need a translation - it's in his\their interests, not mine.
Hope I wrote it clear enough to understand. Further dialogue is pointless.


Sep 15, 2017
Yeah. Say it to all big and official comunities with screenshots\movies\sequences exchange etc. As I said, don't try to fool me.
As i said i do not mind. Heck i'll try to make your day bit brighter and promise not to play your game, so you will at least know registering here on forum was not waste of your time.
Further dialogue is pointless.
Fair enough.

P.S. Someone should give her game dev badge :)
Jun 29, 2018
Not getting into the piracy thing, its a tired argument, but this thread absolutely could get you more patreon subscribers. I just found out about this game maybe 5 hours ago, downloaded and played through it, and I think its great. The animations are the best out of any game and I like the futa on female corruption deal a lot. I'd be more than happy to drop you some dollars every month but I'm not paying for a game in cyrillic that i can't even make out. If you're mad that the game is getting pirated thats one thing but getting mad someone translated the whole thing is just insane, most devs have to pay people to do that for them.

And just as a side note you should really change the pictures on your Patreon page, they're suspending pages for nudity and you have 2 pictures with tits front and center
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Jun 9, 2017
This is quite hilarious. I love watching a good dumpster fire :tf:.
In all seriousness though, the mods should keep an eye on the thread from now on. I foresee a flame war in the future with lots of worthless posts, like this one :p

Still a good game, but not good enough to warrant this drama.
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Jun 29, 2018
Dude why are you so pissed off more people get to enjoy your game? Like I said getting mad people are pirating it is one thing, but you're just getting mad than people who speak english can understand whats going on in it. Its complete nonsense.

I mean, lets say he just releases the translated script file and not the game would you still have a problem with it?


Staff member
Dec 22, 2016
Ever since your game was posted here and translated, your patrons have trippled from 10 to 30. Do you not think there could perhaps be some correlation there?

Regardless of the legality or ethics behind it, a much much wider audience is now exposed to your creation. If you're not in it for the money, then as an artist or creator wouldn't you prefer it being seen by a much wider community? If you do want the increased revenue, then the enormous amount of publicity having an English version brings is surely a good thing?

I understand you might be upset about your game being altered without your permission, however, whatever your reasoning behind creating your game, the outcome of an English translation is win-win.

Also, I'd strongly recommend removing the nudity from your Patreon page, Patreon have started clamping down on any public nudity and 'implied' nudity, and your page will get suspended if it's not removed.


Feb 21, 2018
WTF !!! FOLKS please calm down with that bullshiting. Let them get togeter and work this out and erything is fine :)


Jun 26, 2018
Also, I'd strongly recommend removing the nudity from your Patreon page, Patreon have started clamping down on any public nudity and 'implied' nudity, and your page will get suspended if it's not removed.
Thank you. I didn't know that. But i checked \"adult content\" in my settings. The page is not shown in patreon search results, and its said that by checking this option \"I mean that my page will contain sexual imagery or nudity.\" It's said right under that option. So there should be no problem.
As for everything else, i won't answer to everyone, asking the same thing over and over again. And yes, I know that all this can increase the number of my patrons, but the way it is now - it just won't work. I won't allow pirating, period.
Jun 29, 2018
I can understand your problems with piracy and as I said I honestly would be more than happy to pledge to you, because I really do like your game, but I just can't if all I'm gonna get is a bunch of cyrillic text I can't read and menus i have to just blindly click until something happens. In the end we all just want to play your game and be able to enjoy it. Try to understand that and do your best to try to separate the piracy aspect of it away from the translation itself.
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Staff member
Dec 22, 2016
Thank you. I didn't know that. But i checked \"adult content\" in my settings. The page is not shown in patreon search results, and its said that by checking this option \"I mean that my page will contain sexual imagery or nudity.\" It's said right under that option. So there should be no problem.
Unfortunately that isn't good enough anymore, patreon have been suspending creators en masse. Regardless, I see you've removed the nude image so you should be fine now.


Dec 8, 2017
Been following this all morning at work just could't respond.
Firstly going say thanks to all the ones that tried to discuss this.
Secondly I have initiated talks i just stopped replying to consider my options so the comments about me being brave enough is full of shit.
And finally regardless whether i release the next version in english your "pirates" will still exist your piracy concerns were there with ppl sharing the russian .2 days before i released the translation. You can ban me on Patreon but wont stop the fact I can get sources other places but my "principles" were to support you so i became a patron and had no plans to drop you long as i did my translations but paying you was never necessary was just my "Principle".
I've been asked to share the RU version but I never did i didn't get it to steal your thunder or work but to translate it for ppl you "chose" to ignore... I've said plenty times in my post to support you I'm not claiming the game is mine all that is on you.... OP is linked to your pateron even told ppl to if they wanted official to pressure you to release English version. Translating your work is a tedious task for me while i know some basic russian i still have to research. Line by line shoot a Russian player would have no choice but to get yours as almost all instances of russian are gone except a few images i never redid. And what do i get for my work?... nothing but slight satisfaction of spreading your story to ppl you neglect.
Rage at me I don't mind, ban me from your patreon, doesn't change fact I can still translate it, I just won't have to pay you for it. If you you really want to avoid "pirates" your only option is to remove it from a store format and just make it for yourself the min you posted it online for others to purchase..... it found its way outside to those dirty "pirates" hands. Name one software company that has stopped it, ones with millions of dollars in resources still can't.

I still want to rant and rage but reading all those posts i see ignorance is bliss so I'll leave you to your blissful thoughts.
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