
Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Just tried out Lust Brave for the first time. It doesn't seem to have a thread of it's own, so I'll just post my thoughts here.

First up, I know that it's cancelled, so all of my 'suggestions' below are hypotheticals rather than something I'm actually hoping for in a nonexistent future update.
Still it was an interesting twist with new ideas, so I like it.

IIRC, the reason for the cancellation was the art taking too much work?
Personally, I like the art for the main characters, it feels much stronger than lust-doll's chararacter-model. The backgrounds and such add a lot of detail too.

Frankly, LD was always kinda... abstract? You get a bunch of blocks in screen and you have to interpret that this is a tree and this is a stone pillar and so on.
That's still here, of course, but it feels a lot clearer.

The general plot of exploring an island feels simpler and more contains than lust-doll's random roaming, which is nice.
I also very much enjoy the dynamic you get when you have two characters interacting with each-other.
LD has characters and sometimes they even follow you around in battle, but they never really feel like party-members.
Also, having someone be around to witness the things the co-protagonist is going through is always amusing.

On the other hand, from the very first section of the game, it kinda felt like NTR bait.
That sort of thing doesn't bother me as much as some, and I might be barking up the wrong tree, but I've played some really awful NTR games that stick in the memory and now when I see certain things in games it just sends up red flags.

Main girl is the fighter, the boy is support/healing. That's fine, it's an interesting dynamic, and it's always good to give partymembers preset roles to grow into. Makes combat feel more engaging.
The guy not being able to deal any real damage, regen his own AP like she can, or take any action to free the girl when she's captured is a bit of a red flag though. It means that he spends a lot of time standing around helplessly, which is kind of a staple of the NTR genre.

Him getting turned into a plushy is...
Honestly, I'm not sure what practical or narrative purpose that transformation was supposed to fufil.
I was half expecting him to get turned into a girl or futa (since the kink-warning page popped up right before that) but him getting squished just seems to lock him further into the support role, which would be fine, except it also removes a bunch of his support skills, including HP and AP regen, which make him much less useful overall.
Edit: Actually that loss of skills seems to be from him losing his scarf thing, which for some reason he can no-longer equip after shrinking?
Not sure if that's actually intentional or not.

The mushroom section is interesting. I was expecting generic lust spores, not some sort of freaky hallucinogen that also lets her communicate with mushrooms.
The dialogue with them was pretty good too, though I never did find the jacket that got hinted at.

It did kinda bug me that there doesn't seem to be a reaction to losing to the mushroom boss. Even if she makes Alisa cum till she passes out, alisa doesn't really comment on it.
Or maybe that was just because I mopped up with Jin and actually ended up winning?
I know if you lose to regular damage before getting captured you just get the normal 'leaving the mushroom area, spores wearing off' message, except Alisa has her clothes on even though the dialogue says she doesn't.

Anyway, my thoughts on this is that Basil should have kept his human form and maybe gotten in on some of the lewd action. Either with Alisa herself or him being molested by monster-girls as much as she was.
I mean, monster-girls are equal opportunity sexual harassers, right?

If you didn't want to draw/write about a guy, then turning him into a futa (either in gameplay or retroactively) would allow him to serve basically the same role.

As for things I didn't like...
Water nymphs. They self-heal for almost as much as the fighter-girl does in one turn, and come in packs of three.
They're just a chore to fight, to the point where I flee whenever I encounter them.

Anyway, those are my thoughts ATM. I'll see if anything else comes to mind as I continue playing.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Help me out here. I thought I read this game was complete. So it's still receiving updates? Is it complete or not?


Game Developer
Jul 22, 2017
Just tried out Lust Brave for the first time...
Thanks for the extensive feedback, iamnuff!

It wasn't so much the art taking too much work, as it was the fact that is was significantly more work for something that didn't really do anything all that unique or better than other H-games. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it though, as well as the plot and chara dynamics.

I don't really understand the appeal of NTR, so it's def not something I had intended on having in the game. I can see where you're getting the idea though.

Transforming into plushy is meant to be an incentive to keep on exploring the island after things go bad. At points in the story, he would've gotten reverted back with the girl being plushified, and chances are he'd end up getting girl/futa'fied too during his segments. And yeah, most of the skills were tied to equippables iirc.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the mushrooms~. and thanks again for feedback!

Help me out here. I thought I read this game was complete. So it's still receiving updates? Is it complete or not?
It's complete in the sense that you can finish the game and get an ending. I'm just adding stuff since it's designed so that I can always add stuff. Anubis puts it in a good way; basically free dlc.


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
Thanks for the extensive feedback, iamnuff!

It wasn't so much the art taking too much work, as it was the fact that is was significantly more work for something that didn't really do anything all that unique or better than other H-games. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it though, as well as the plot and chara dynamics.

I don't really understand the appeal of NTR, so it's def not something I had intended on having in the game. I can see where you're getting the idea though.

Transforming into plushy is meant to be an incentive to keep on exploring the island after things go bad. At points in the story, he would've gotten reverted back with the girl being plushified, and chances are he'd end up getting girl/futa'fied too during his segments. And yeah, most of the skills were tied to equippables iirc.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the mushrooms~. and thanks again for feedback!

It's complete in the sense that you can finish the game and get an ending. I'm just adding stuff since it's designed so that I can always add stuff. Anubis puts it in a good way; basically free dlc.
Ahhh cool thanks. Because I really do like this game. Love the art work.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Transforming into plushy is meant to be an incentive to keep on exploring the island after things go bad.
Could just simplify that by having them be stranded there. They gotta explore because there's nowhere else to go.

Other types of transformations to prompt them to look for a cure, I can understand, but I don't really see any appeal of the plushy transformation. Like, it's just an annoyance, both for them in-character and for the player.
And I'm already wincing at the idea of having to do a section of the game where your only damage dealer is debuffed into a stuffed-toy. That sounds like it'd be seriously painful, unless he learned some attack magic first.

Turning her... I dunno, into a slimegirl or a dryad or something would be interesting. Turning the guy into a girl could line up a bunch of H-scenes, or you could mess with the party balance by turning him into a hulking iron golem with massive physical stat-boosts and a bunch of physical attacks, so he takes on the role of main attacker while she has to do support for a while. (because she herself was transformed into something that can't attack?)

You could toss all sorts of curveballs with physical character transformations, both for the characters having to deal with it, and for the player who has their party balance rocked back and forth over and over.
That'd mean way more art, and even more behind-the-scenes work balancing each form's skills and encounters to be doable.

The plushy-curse just feels like a 'you're now just all-round worse than you were before' sort of thing, so it didn't really appeal to me.
I mean, it did grant a passive buff that made him less likely to be attacked, which is useful for a healer, but you don't really feel that in action because it's causing something to not happen.

And yeah, lots of skills are tied to items, but shrunk-boy can't equip his own scarf, so he loses access to two of his starting skills when the transformation happens.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
Hmm... looking at the code, apparently it's decided by whether you're still wearing both tops and bottoms at the end... as in if you're still fully clothed, you'll get selected. Weird, what was I thinking :/.
"The involvement of alcohol is suspected" to paraphrase the average crime news piece over here :v


Game Developer
Jul 22, 2017
Mmh, well alright. Actually, one big reason I had for plushy-fying that I remember now, was so that basil couldn't really help alisa when she gets bound/grappled by enemies, or fall into a trap (or vice versa.) The idea actually being to emphasize how helpless you are if alisa gets grappled/trapped by the enemy (and I'd likely balance around this of course.) Transforming them into other things does sound fun too though.

How much M/M does this game have? Feels like most of it is leaning towards M/F or F/F.
Yeah, it's mostly M/F and F/F. I'll do more /M stuff when the remake happens, especially since I'll be putting more emphasis on preggers/creampie content.

"The involvement of alcohol is suspected" to paraphrase the average crime news piece over here :v
Ahaha, well...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Mmh, well alright. Actually, one big reason I had for plushy-fying that I remember now, was so that basil couldn't really help alisa when she gets bound/grappled by enemies, or fall into a trap (or vice versa.) The idea actually being to emphasize how helpless you are if alisa gets grappled/trapped by the enemy (and I'd likely balance around this of course.)
That's exactly why I said it sounded like an NTR plot.
I mean, I guess it depends if the player is supposed to project themselves into Basil's place, so his helplessness actually evokes feelings of NTR, or if it's just supposed to be an excuse for the scene to continue without him interrupting it.

The scene where she falls through the floor and gets harassed by the water nymphs(?) comes to mind.

There's also the fact that Basil himself probably won't be getting any action at least until the transformation is removed.
I mean, I guess he could, but plushy-sex is kinda... uh.


Game Developer
Jul 22, 2017
That's exactly why I said it sounded like an NTR plot.
I mean, I guess it depends if the player is supposed to project themselves into Basil's place, so his helplessness actually evokes feelings of NTR, or if it's just supposed to be an excuse for the scene to continue without him interrupting it.

The scene where she falls through the floor and gets harassed by the water nymphs(?) comes to mind.

There's also the fact that Basil himself probably won't be getting any action at least until the transformation is removed.
I mean, I guess he could, but plushy-sex is kinda... uh.
Ah okay, fair enough. I usually don't project in games, so that didn't occur to me. It was more for the sake of 'how do I lewd alisa without basil stepping in to help her, and vice versa' kinda thing. Which is sorta the problem with hrpgs that have multiple party members; how do you lewd just one of the characters without the others all stepping in to help, assuming they're not all knocked out, chaotic evil, etc.?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Ah okay, fair enough. I usually don't project in games, so that didn't occur to me. It was more for the sake of 'how do I lewd alisa without basil stepping in to help her, and vice versa' kinda thing. Which is sorta the problem with hrpgs that have multiple party members; how do you lewd just one of the characters without the others all stepping in to help, assuming they're not all knocked out, chaotic evil, etc.?
That's true, and it's a tricky problem to really deal with.
I know some h-games have party-members with specific skills that DO free characters from grapple-attacks in combat, at the cost of their turn, and there are tactics built around it...
but from a story perspective where you want to stop that from happening.

I suppose the answer is to have them either be restrained themselves somehow (the mushroom boss has paralytic spores, right?) or to be trying to free their partner and just take till the end of the scene to succeed.
The scene where she falls through the floor and the water-nymphs tease her, for example. He could be pulling her by her arms, trying to drag her back onto dry land while the girls underwater pull her back and play with her.

That also gives an excuse for him to be right up in her face (actually, probably with his crotch at her face-level) seeing her reactions to being teased for that voyeur-kink bonus.

The current scene has him being totally useless and being essentially told to go sit in a corner out of sight and wait till they get bored with her and she gets out on her own.


Game Developer
Jul 22, 2017
The scene where she falls through the floor and the water-nymphs tease her, for example. He could be pulling her by her arms, trying to drag her back onto dry land while the girls underwater pull her back and play with her.

That also gives an excuse for him to be right up in her face (actually, probably with his crotch at her face-level) seeing her reactions to being teased for that voyeur-kink bonus.
Ooh, I actually rather like this. Getting an awkward boner and having to explain it while trying to pull her out would make for a fun scene XD

And yeah, suppose there are ways around it. I'll think on it more if I go back to that game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Ooh, I actually rather like this. Getting an awkward boner and having to explain it while trying to pull her out would make for a fun scene XD
I was thinking more about her getting her face ground against his crotch while being eaten out from below, but yeah, that too.

And yeah, suppose there are ways around it. I'll think on it more if I go back to that game.
Rather than going back to the old game, I was more thinking of things you could do with the newer ones.
I know you put Rainy Skies aside to focus on Elf Jail, but it's not dead is it?
That's a game where you gain what looks like a permanent party member pretty early on. You could have all sorts of coop/voyeur scenes with the PC and Mable.
Though the transformations probably wouldn't work. Even if you could use high technology to justify them, it'd still not play quite the same, since balancing combat and party dynamics is way harder in a freeform game.
Like, the parasite transformation is in Lust Doll, as are a bunch of other physical transformations, but they don't do much to effect your game-play experience, since... you'd have to write multiple variations of every scene to have them be constantly relevant.
If the transformations are plot-mandated like in Brave, then you don't need long lists of checks and flags to see if you have mega-boobs in this scene or not, because the transformation would begin and end at set points, and effect every scene between those points, and only those.

Rainy Skies feels like a more open-world type game like Lust Doll.
Brave feels a lot more linear, both in map-design and in that you don't create-a-character.
Allowing personal freedom in how you want to build your character is really cool, but it's a lot easier to tell a story when the characters already have pre-defined personalities and abilities.

...Eh, I imagine you already knew all of that though, since you wrote all three of the games I just mentioned, so I guess I'm just muttering to myself.
Oh well. That's not exactly new.


Game Developer
Jul 22, 2017
I do intend to go back to RS eventually, but it's in need of way too much reworking at the moment (plus needing to be ported to MV.) Thanks, I'll consider making it less of a tf/customized chara work and more of a story-based thing. It'll be a while though, I think. Just so much to do.
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