HTML - Lust for Life: A Sissy Story [v0.28] [MartinDrake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    While I understand the complaints about how grindy and repetitive the game can be, I think its rare to find a game on this site with such satisfying writing. The player character is not instantly turned into a slut and the fact that they're always having their boundaries pushed is really hot to me.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game. I think that main character's ascent into embracing their full slut potential is well done and has a good tempo to it. The pictures added into the game are really hot too. I eagerly await all of the updates that the game gets.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    this game is really good but it takes way too long to get to any of the good parts, its 90% clicking through the day to get to one minor event that after a week or so will give you a big event. the game is wayyyy too slow with its pacing, i do not want to see the same boring school events over and over again just to see a boring event that hardly progresses anything.
    Likes: nsj
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This isn't a bad game but it feels rather unfocused. Like the css is all pretty and stuff but the actual moment to moment gameplay is mostly mindless grind / clicking and waiting for stuff to happen.

    A bunch of this game's pornographic content is straight in nature and unavoidable. I had to endure a lot of the game to unlock the glory hole and when I finally got it it wasn't even an Ella Hollywood scene (as they are often used as the mc) just some girl who didn't even suck the cock in front of her.

    Lots of pointlessly repeating scenes (like the exercising every morning). The repeating erotic scenes were often about licking pussy, someone teasing you, watching porn, etc. I say this because at most the mc would jerk off someone which is pretty disappointing, it took me 100+ days to get a blowjob scene that actively included our beloved protagonist.

    For some reason the game shows a pop up every time you gain a stat, instead of showing you maybe the next step in the quest you just did to gain those stats or how much time you need to wait to progress further into it.

    There was often nothing for me to do during the weekends, even at school I often found myself without anything new to do.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    too little content for the amount of grind. the game has a lot of filler content that repeats endlessly. the sissy training, the "friend"/boyfriend content - it all takes forever to get to something interesting

    main characters like the mom, her boyfriend, etc. are all sidelined for additional content that usually goes nowhere.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Not a bad game but not enough content.
    There are like 5 or 6 "routes" and you have to improve 2 key stats to progress on them. The only problem is that some of the routes can only progress on 1 day of the week and need 3-4 repetitions.... until you finish this entire timeline you are essentially locked and can't progress since the other routes only advance once you have completed the route which takes 3-4 weeks to finish.
    Still not a bad game I enjoyed it but the gameplay loop is WAY too boring. It is really awesome in terms of progression though. Feels believable... some characters though are not very fleshed out yet (mom & repair guy).
    Overall 4 / 5 imo with the potential to be 5 / 5.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Wish there was a bit more of a growth outside of sex only for the "sissy" path, but what it is right now is a great game that offers enough to keep you interested in the next release as you can see where future content would go at current dead ends.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The game would be 5 minutes long if it didn't have padding.
    The content that IS there does not warrant the time that is required to get to it.
    Most of the videos don't even match the Player Character's avatar (Ella Hollywood)
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    It was my first html game, thought it was good because they were consistent with the actors and real porn and the possibilities seemed endless.

    Unfortunately you hit these walls where you just need to wait multiple days in game to progress. There isnt enough content now to keep you engaged while you wait, so the game becomes more like a chore.

    If the dev tunes this I will have my interest renewed but as it stands I probably wont try it for another 6 updates or 6 months, whichever is longer
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Jesus Christ... I had to take a walk in nature to clear my head before writing this review. The Dev is down right malicious and irresponsible with the pacing of this game. If you were to actually read the constant blast of the same screen you have to click though over and over and over and over again you could be here for fucking days! For example from hours 2-5 of the game you MUST blow the same character 400 times just to move on?

    There is no possible way this Dev has ever actually played through his own game start to finish, It must be luck there's no game breaking bugs.

    Other reviews have hit on it but seeing as this game is the embodiment of repetition... The game will have you waiting 10+ days to move on to the next story beat, and there's nothing to fill that gap, during those 10 days the "sand box" world is empty with no events you haven't already seen 150 times. So you are forced to sit there and spam the wait button 8 times to sleep, making for a total of 120 clicks on the same flashing screen just to move on. I'm petitioning to have this kind if abuse added to the Geneva convention I swear.

    The absolute tragedy is the game is well build?! The UI looks fine, it's got polish on it, it's a bit annoying with drop down boxes that are filled with 50 choices mainly in the shops, just making you ask "why?" I assume the clean UI is product of it just being a rip from Lust for Life so I guess there's no reason to praise it.

    As for the score I bounced back and forth with 1-2 stars. It's 2024 why the fuck are we still doing "click through same screen" 15 times to progress game? I want to say the pictures were decent but there's nothing here, even for the 500 blow jobs you are obligate to give out there's only like 5 variations over 10 different dudes your blowing? I would say the writing is fine but I count writing in pacing, its all the same issue, wait 5 days> talk to dude> dude says: "wow you are thinking about doing that?"> wait 3 days> talk to dude> dude says: "wow you are still thinking about doing that?"> wait 5 days...

    It breaks my hear to low star HTML games, they are so near and dear to me, but the hubris on this Dev to design something so egregious to waste your time lights a fire under me like no other. Is the Dev living through a fucked up version of Speed the movie? If people who play his game arn't stuck in the same slide show hell for at least 4 hours does he explode?

    If you have 10 hours of your life to light on fire give it a go, maybe you will see one of 4 sex scenes...
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The most confusing thing about this game is the v0.18 version. Hell of a lot of content. Been playing for hours and every time I think I must have reached the end of the content, there's a new hit on my goal list.

    Inventory/Store system is surprisingly functional. It's a _little_ annoying to scroll through all the options, but maybe I'm just lazy.

    One of the few games where I get invested in a couple characters.

    There's a lot of repetition that I think could probably be cut down, but not so much that it's an outlier in this format.

    Lots of choice on which routes you want to take. You can outright deny certain content. Importantly because there's a lot of repetition, these choices are very clearly marked so you won't skim through it on accident.

    Really liking this game, so far. If v0.18 has this much content, can't wait to see the update. However, I am a little daunted at saves being incompatible because, again, there's a lot of repetition.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Get to to submit to your male bully and become his whore. Get to submit to your female bully and steal her bf. Overall great subslut game where you get to be dominated and used. Bookmarked and followed!
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Oh my effing god ! Dev, this is a video game ! I get that for the sake of coherence and "roleplay", there can be a bit of wait between two step of a quest but hell, for some quests you have to wait 10 whole days. That means 10 whole days of doing nothing but clicking for event you already saw, doing the things you already did, seeing the people you already know all for ONE step of a quest that is just dialogue and doesn't change the MC in anyway. Sometimes the scene is barely just a :
    "What about that MC ?
    - I'm not sure...
    - Well think about it."
    And then you have to wait 10 days again for the same thing.

    The game is EXTREMELY grindy and to be honest, very boring in my opinion.
    The story is also inconsistent, you can have a step for a quest about doing something but you do that something over and over again in another quest. You get a stat point for doing something, you do that something but for some reason it isn't the event the dev wanted to give the stat point.
    For all that, I don't recommend playing the game, you will spend your time clicking to reach unsignificant scenes that you probably won't even read because you got annoyed by the 15 minutes of clicking you did beforehand
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    i would rate this 1 star for the sheer amount of tedium and repetitive grind (a staple of these games, but this one is pretty egregious) but it gets an extra star because the quality of the content isn't terrible. above average, almost, but sits squarely in the "whatever good there is is completely undone by all the bad" tier. needs more qol, needs less grind, and less repetition.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I never write reviews in case the account leaks, but yolo.

    The writing in this game was so good. There are many tired clichés in porn games that this game had very believable reasons for. This may not seem like a big deal, but if you read everything, it's very easy to get enthralled in the narrative and the characters because the world truly feels lived in. I think that the scenes available are well crafted, interesting, and are appealing. The only gripe I have is with the pacing. I had to play this game over multiple play sessions and for someone who wanks for a long time, that's saying a lot. Towards the end I felt like I had to do at least 2 days worth of activities before something new would trigger, but admittedly the walkthrough on the phone helps more than I used it.

    I've noticed that people rate porn games before they are finished without any thought about the finish product, but not me. I think that if the developer had enough time and support this could very well be my favorite HTML game I will ever play. I'm hoping that the dev(s) keep up the good work
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the playthrough but why is there so very few videos. the same hj bj video is used across MULTIPLE scenes and characters like damn porn is actually infinite on the internet could use some variations.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    It isn't a game, it is more like a visual novel with tons of clicking involved. There are no alternative routes or any deviations withing the story, overall pretty disappointing. if it were a story to read or a manga it would have been better.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Been watching this game for a while and it's one where evry update is regular and genuinely adds to the world. Really impressive and good to see a developer who knows what they're trying to achieve.

    My one tweak would be to have a 'skip day' button
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a classic HTML quality game, except it suffers from the classic"spend 1 hour skipping days and repeating actions".
    I get the author wants some build up but events shouldn't repeat more than once or twice inbetween new things properly happening.
    You jerk the same guy off 3 or 4 times for weeks.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, enjoyed this game more than any other HTML game i've tried. It's a good story without feeling too grindy or complicated. It's well written and the videos match up well with the content.

    Also, the dev updates regularly.