Ren'Py - Lust Hunter [v0.114.0] [Lust Madness]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Insane amount of grind and the scenes are not very diverse and well done. So much patreon gating as well within the game. There's much better games out there without such a limit in scope of content.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.6.3 version
    huh looks like dev have work expirience in ubisoft, blizzard and ea- cuz we have here all amenitys from AAA industry- premial items, premial content, lootboxes and ofc paywall(wall like china great wall)
    - good/great scripting
    - good ui
    - good art
    - ui lags(battle ui lagged like hell)... for such game renpy is real bad engine, unity is mych better
    - near 70-80% armor behind paywall and its not matter of beaty- only behind paywall exist many rare/relic items with great stat bonuses... pay_to_win? ofc
    - many quests/interaction hidden behind paywall
    - stats leveling... for upgrade stamina u must to spend 1000,2000,3000 etc points... such points amount not avaiable even for patrons... dev r u ok?!
    - some sound/pics missing, so u ll regulary get errors
    - some code from rpgm to renpy porting for rpgm "emulation" and visualy its looks like ****. dev, mby u ll go to rpgm engine and its solve ur problem?
    - random submap activity generation. there ll no explanation- just belive me or check it and pay for it by ur nerves
    - some enemy RLY unbalanced, like orcs or slime... or even better- try to catch slime enemy, buhahaha

    dev, i wish you, when you get seriously ill, to get to a doctor who is greedy like you.
    game not so bad per se, ordinary game "rouge like" in steam with near 20-30% positive, but inplayable w/o donation/pay.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game, it's not for fapping but I find it fun. A lot of things don't make sense within the game like the beartraps that do nothing and the new prison i can't figure out. However, It's fun
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    First and foremost, I'm using the Patreon Unlocker thingy.

    At first I thought this game is fine-ish. Until I realized how many unlock with patreon button in it. There is little to no story, and then the replayability sucks. I'm surprised there is someone outthere that can compete with Nu**ku's greed.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Incog Ninja


    A good number of sex scenes are locked behind a paywall.

    Want to nut inside a girl's mouth? Paywall.
    Want to nut inside a girl? Paywall.
    Want to use the most basic of basic feature of Renpy, saving anywhere and anytime you like? Believe it or not, Paywall.

    Hell, I'm surprised installing and uninstalling isn't locked behind a paywall too!

    If you're looking for the most predatory game on this site, look no further cause you have found it!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This is probably a 3 out of 5 star game if I had downloaded it from the dev's Patreon site, but based off the version I got from here, it's a one star.

    For a full review of why it's only worth one star, please join my Patreon site to receive the full content of my review.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Just to start, this game is more like 2.5 stars probably. It isn't unplayable and the idea is excellent. The implementation, however, is severely lacking.

    I didn't really run into much in the way of bugs. What I did run into was just bad design decision after bad decision. It's either insanely limited if you play without the patreon boosts or the combat is trivialized and everything feels like busy work if you start using them. The flow of the game needs major work.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    this game was terrible, full stop. the only thing i can think of to explain its listed patreon revenue is the niche content offerings. so much basic things are WIP, gameplay was terrible, graphics stilted and terrible.

    i cant believe this game is still going in its current state. the mobile microtransaction model its using defies belief.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    One of, if not the most predatory games I've seen on this site. Almost every convenient feature of ren'py is blocked behind a paywall and the game itself is nigh unplayable. So many bugs, confusing crafting requirements (I'm paying your ass 3000g why should I provide the damn materials?!), and others.

    The sex scenes are of so low a quality that one is forgiven to assume that the combat is the selling feature, but it's not. It's grindy, exploitable (which still doesn't make it any easier believe me), slow and infuriating. Other games on this site have done it and in much better ways as well.

    So if neither the combat nor the porn any good, what's the selling feature? Well, it ain't the story or writing I'll tell ya that. Not that porn games have stellar writing... or in any game for that matter, but still! Language of Shakespeare, etc. etc.

    At least it's not the standard Russian aggressively hetero with notes of "puttin da bitches in deir place cyka" affair, where it's illegal for women to have sex with each other unless a man is present and given endless compliments for his mediocre performance, so have a star!

    Overall, thanks for putting futas, and no thanks for making the game unplayable.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    There's little to see & then most of it is locked behind patreon. Even ignoring the debate in which ways unfinished games are even worth paying for to begin with locking everything that would be required to even call this some sort of rpg is absolutely bonkers in my book.

    And then there's the fact that all of the stuff is mediocre at best of times.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    A great game in my opinion, been stop by the way that patreon exclusives take off most of the game content away from people that want to try it out, seems like that is making some people mad (understandable) becouse been honest you can bearly do anything fun without them. I give it a higher rate that I should becouse it feels like a real game and its a nice idea been developed nicely and most important it's hard to find good games with gay or trans content and this delivers in a nice exiting way. Hope it keeps growing and doesn't kill itself with all the limitations.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Lame! Super Lame! Everything's locked behind a GodDamn Paywall, do yourself a favor and skip this one completely after waiting to download and test out I was severely disappointed nothing fucking happens mostly because a god damn ad is flashing every fucking 2 seconds join patron, I couldnt access shit. Harassment level annoyance as far as I can tell there's no sex if there was any its either behind a paywall or I couldn't submit myself more than 5 min of this dumpster fire. If your a talented artist I could understood the whole patreon support wagon but you gotta deliver the goods to earn my trust not even a morsel to entice me to stick this one out. I read some controversy not sure the full story but what I tried I absolutely hated and I have no interest in Lust Hunter, or whatever name they try next time.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is super grindy, full of bugs and crashes.
    Most of the grinding cant even be edited or console command out of the loop.

    What makes me shake my head the most is that this glitchy broken game has the gal to put content behind a paywall. If you like the game then you should support the dev in what way you see fit but this is just scummy.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I am normally not one to give negative reviews, but after having played this for a couple of hours I decided to give this game one. I'm going to break it down into segments explaining the poor review.

    Graphics: 3/5 If I am being totally fair and honest the visual art in this game is about on par with the average game. This is the strong point of this game.

    Story: 1/5 There is very little story telling in this. Many of the dialogues are locked behind a paywall. Even if you bipass the paywall these dialogues behind the paywall and get to them to read them they are not very interesting or inspiring. It has a loose outline of something that could be potentially interesting but it is as deep as a puddle. It's all surface and no depth.

    Grind: 1/5 Some of the worst grind imaginable. If I were to write grind in a way to annoy players purposefully I could not write it better than this games grind. How bad could it be? Bend down to pick up a coin and get 1 coin (potential to get fucked in the ass if you unlock it, but that only increases the grind time). Repeat repeat repeat... How much does 1 coin buy you? Surely you can get a health potion for 5 coins or something and it can't be that bad... No no no! The absolute cheapest item I found was 100 coin, and the most expensive item was 100,000 coin. Without cheating or paying to win there is no way you could get such an item. The coin you pickup in my experience is always 1 coin, it's never 100 coins or 1,000 coins or even 10 coins it's always the same 1 coin and I found no other ways of making money reliably.

    Code 1/5 It's a poorly coded sandbox. You can't save just anywhere unless you cheat or are patron again a paywall to annoy casual players. Then fighting system is a simple card system where you start out with 10 crappy cards... but you can buy decks of cards from this one lady, but cards are 500 for the cheapest set, and even if you cheat some money in like I did and buy like 10 packs of the best cards even the combat system is very boring. The complete lack of any sort of story kills it. It has a wide base however offering you a little bit of character creation choose a female, a male, or transgender protagonist, and then the choice of what kind of monsters you want to face, but this part doesn't really make the game any better for me. It reminds me of like Choose Your Own Adventure stories online, and the ones where they would have character creation sheet and it's like they let you pick your character and that's about it. So it would like have you make a character but follow it up with NOTHING. The game has sex moves and all that most of which are locked behind patreon, but that can be bipassed and again nothing special even if you unlock it all. There is a quest system and you earn coins from that, but it's clear in it's instructions and you don't really know what you are doing as they don't explain it well. Very annoying code that over coded instead of something simple. There is always bugs.

    Fun Factor: 1/5 I had no fun playing this game. Not even a little bit and I found the mechanics extremely annoying. At one point in the game I found a nice throne. And it said something along the lines of "Do you have what it takes to sit on this throne?" and I thought Maybe I will become King (or Queen) one day! Yea, maybe that's what this story is about! No... The way to unlock sitting on this throne without cheating is to become the top level patron for 2 months. Easy enough quest right? How much would that cost... Well top level Patron support costs $499 USD per month... Really you don't even get it the first month? Two months of that is more than my rent costs!

    Replayability: 1/5 What I mean by replayability is if I see a new update for this how eager am I to download it. Not at all. I have no interest in downloading this ever again.

    Overall: 1/5 Massive grind, average visuals, very little story, and pay to win at every corner of the game... Even when you bipass the pay to win stuff by cheating it's still lacking. Hard Pass. One of the least enjoyable adult games or any game I have ever played.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I can assume that most of the content is blocked on the patreon paywall, the game is buggy and very tedious.
    And speaking of patreon again you need to pay not to get the full game but to get access only for a while so you have to be paying more and more as time goes by.
    I do not recommend that you play it until it is complete and even when it is I highly doubt that it is worth it
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    1 The futa PC isn't a futa but rather a shemale ie no vag
    2 constant ads for patreon
    3 lots of content locked behind patreon paywalls ie normal renpy saving

    At least it informs you of the paywalls pretty quickly thanks to the constant ads.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    an other patreon based game. this developer needs to get his bu tt whooped. no one should pay for games that arent finished... the game itself is full of bugs, alot of control issues, a lot of terrible animations. can we ban the developer?
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Mr Technician

    The repeatable content makes it boring in no time. To the point that i just lost any interest in going deeper into another locations. There is also limited inventory space which is to low for the amount of items you will collect, like mushrooms, herbs, etc... Fills in no time making it impossible to collect more of items. The game is sluggish when displaying movement of the MC on a map. The system to pay for items with a gold AND ALSO with collected items on maps is just terrible. I mean that MC is paying with GOLD and thats not enough to buy equipment? I mean seriously? You have to collect the herbs and other items for a vendor also? And what this is a blacksmiths - that they do need to make the items on your own eyes at the shop and after making them - sell it to you? What a nonsense is that... Beside of that - i couldn't get rid of the feeling that this is Patreon heavy initiative. If you want this - Patreon it - if you want that - Patreon it also. Glad that deleting the game doesn't need to Patreon it first. I do not recommend to spent the time on this one.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Like games that are confusing, and boring, here you go. Can you say Nickel and Dime? Completely non fluid. It seemed like a good premise, but turned out to really suck. I hope you like looking to the bottom of the right corner. Took me a while to find it.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Lust Hunter really had the potential to be a really awesome game.
    It's extremely grindy, there is very little content as most of it is locked behind the awful patreon integration.
    The renders are fine but the animations (if you can call it that) are awful.
    Again, it had potential, it's just fairly boring and bare bones now.