VN Ren'Py Abandoned Lust of Pain [v0.3] [Vilkas Creative]

3.20 star(s) 29 Votes


Active Member
Dec 14, 2017
The English translation is awkward at best. If that were corrected, this game would have gone immediately into my best games folder. The story is good, and the artwork is too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Yeah. We humans aren't reflective. That's why we have mirrors. So we can't see ourselves in them. Also, she's standing on a small balcony.
No Offence but either " That's why we have mirrors. So we can't see ourselves in them. " a typo an attempt at sarcasm or you really didn't think that one through.
Mirror's are reflective (Capable of/or producing a reflection: such as reflective surface. ) that's why you can see yourself in a Mirror.
You have a Reflection (Something reflected or the image produced, by a mirror ) you yourself however are not Reflective (capable of reflecting light, images, or sound waves).

But thank you for trying to correct me.
Sep 7, 2019
You got the story right, it's exactly like that, although the real PRESSURE which made the card companies cave came primarily from Christian activist groups. Same groups also that made the Pornhub purge happen, which is why Patreon also banned "non-consent". Those religious groups want to exterminate porn but they can only act within legal means, so the logic they use for pressure is "rape/incest is illegal, so you are TECHNICALLY funding illegal activities by allowing your payment methods on this site"
And so with that pressure, all the dominos started to fall. For Pornhub, they mainly used the pressure of "you are enabling revenge porn", so they completely nuked all "unverified" amature content out of fear of legal consequences. These same Christian anti-porn groups also offered to pay for girl's legal fees if I remembered right, just to do more to damage Pornhub. Of course the goal is not actually to help anyone, like the girls, it's just to do as much damage as possible to pornography. They didn't succeed in destroying Pornhub completely, but it did result in them wiping like 60% of their content in panic

Luckily SubscribeStar doesn't use Master Card and are located out of the USA, so they can allow much more
I'm not so sure if it is still "primarily from Christian activist groups". Not in the USA a certainly not when Big Tech is concerned (your PayPal, Patreon, Social media etc).

To be clear, I'm not denying the self-evident fact, that not only Christian but most religious doctrines seem to be, if not outright hostile, at least highly suspicious toward porn. And most conservative thinkers I know are heavily pro family orientated and see porn as a detrimental force. That's a fact.

Buuuuut... In recent years, there is quite powerful other force, at the moment I would say even more hyper-moralistically inclined (in the worst possible meaning of the word). And this is EXACTLY the MO of people I'm talking about: trying to hit advertisers of people they disagree with, businesses they don't like, pressuring payment processors and banks, or even contacting employers of individuals to get them fired. And they can do it at the highest levels of bureaucracy like the Department of Justice under Obama/Biden administration (Operation Choke Point). That was exactly and purposefully what they did: legal businesses, and porn and sex work was one of the primary ones, ware targets, and it was done by "investigating" banks and financial institutions not in a legitimate sense of the world (to protect consumers) but as a pressure tactic, so they drop undesirable (for administration) clients.

EDIT: And what happened with PayPal in last few days is one of the bast examples also. Nothing to do with Christians. Everything to do with totalitarian impulses in people. Charging peoples accounts 2500$ for saying the wrong thing (decided by PayPal sole discretion).
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Forum Fanatic
May 29, 2018
The ladies look yummy, about to try it hopefully the story matches the visuals..

Edit1: Definitely needs a proofreader, there a lot of typos. The prologue can hit hard for those who went through a similar experience, music is on point.
Edit2: The dad is wholesome but the step mother Thea is smoking hot, it will be hard to avoid romancing her.
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Edit3: Deja vu: She is a bookworm, icequeen personality, has a killer body and is named Bella
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Edit9001: Smoking Mc & Bella
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Last Edit: Not bad as a start; The English is clearly not native, the characters look good but there are a lot of icequeens among them, I was disappointed by the blueballing we got with the furry tattoo girl, I didn't expect the blueballing to happen this soon it's like an epidemy these days, too many devs pick that road for no reason and it doesn't bode well for the future if I'm being honest, other than that it's still the first release let's see what we will get next, my favorite character is the stepmother for sure.
Where's the booty?


Mar 26, 2019
I have created compressed version of the game :)
Tools used:
-YAC (
-Ren'Py SDK 8.0.3 ( )

Compression preset: Medium
Original size: 417 MB
Compressed size: 101 MB


PC: /
MAC (untested): /
note: The mac version is a byproduct of compiling the game in Ren'Py SDK, as i have no way of testing this version download at your own risk

Thank you Exoplast for the help with the repack! <3
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New Member
Sep 18, 2020
I agree with all the English-speaking people that complain about the writing, the renders look very good, but the writing is very poor and hard to understand, let's hope future updates fix this issue.


Active Member
May 23, 2017
I can tell the dev team is Turkish. Probably 2-3 cs majors trying to make money.

Aga modeller vs. şahane o kadar emek sarf etmişsiniz belli. Kurban olayım o özenin onda birini İngilizce'ye gösterin. Cümle yapısının doğal olmamasını anlarım da çok fazla yazım hatası var. Hele I yerine küçük i yazılması... En kötü google translate bari kullanın. İspanyolun Fransızın gözüne batmaz belki ama Amerikalı adama batar. Patreon'da para saçan da onlar.


Engaged Member
Feb 22, 2020
This is the Italian translation of :
Lust of Pain [v0.1]
I changed the dialogues because they didn't make sense:cry:

This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan"
extract the .rar file and move "game" to the game where the .exe file resides overwrite if required


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Where's the booty?
Are you talking about Bella? Yeah her hips aren't that wide but sometimes the booty hides itself in mysterious ways, we don't know how she looks underneath yet so it's hard to judge for now as for other characters, the Stepmother who's my favorite by far has a decent amount of buttocks fat but not on the Latin level of ass.
  • Wow
Reactions: TiffanyMonroe


Engaged Member
Oct 31, 2017
Honestly I am really fed up with all these (ongoing and neverending) bullshit mockery, demeaning remarks about Engrish especially because clearly the developer is not native speaker. The worst part is that some (if not most) of the complainers themselves didn't use proper formal English as well as they liked others to, but that is the price to pay for free speech.

On that note, I actually wished that more developers actually published their games in their own native language (in its original full glory) rather than translating to crap English, just like most (if not all) the Japanese game. Let the English speaking players scramble for translation and MTL for a change, that would be fun :ROFLMAO:. Immediate drawback is of course losing a lot of potential players but hey if your game is great, these players will come crawling back especially when English translation becomes available. But you do you.

Each and every language is beauty on its own and being able to demonstrate that in any medium is gold. Some players will learn a word or two in other languages (I know I will) eventhough clearly adult games isn't the best or best medium for learning:ROFLMAO:.

Anyway, the first impression (have not played yet) of the game looks nice and very promising. Thank you for the share and all the best to the dev. Cheers.


Sep 6, 2017
You got the story right, it's exactly like that, although the real PRESSURE which made the card companies cave came primarily from Christian activist groups. Same groups also that made the Pornhub purge happen, which is why Patreon also banned "non-consent". Those religious groups want to exterminate porn but they can only act within legal means, so the logic they use for pressure is "rape/incest is illegal, so you are TECHNICALLY funding illegal activities by allowing your payment methods on this site"
And so with that pressure, all the dominos started to fall. For Pornhub, they mainly used the pressure of "you are enabling revenge porn", so they completely nuked all "unverified" amature content out of fear of legal consequences. These same Christian anti-porn groups also offered to pay for girl's legal fees if I remembered right, just to do more to damage Pornhub. Of course the goal is not actually to help anyone, like the girls, it's just to do as much damage as possible to pornography. They didn't succeed in destroying Pornhub completely, but it did result in them wiping like 60% of their content in panic

Luckily SubscribeStar doesn't use Master Card and are located out of the USA, so they can allow much more
It must be about the mastarcard, probably. Bcz I guess subscriberStar is also an american company. their headquarters and contactc etc.. are can be seen in this link.
3.20 star(s) 29 Votes