Really wish there's a "Loyal to Logan" Potion you can drink to cheat that enable you to see those, just like the Tank top/bottom potion.
I'm not loving Logan enough to stay "Loyal" to him, But I'm still interested in Logan and want to see what the variation is.
Heck, this is a sandbox-ish RPG that's all about m/m Sex, not a liner dating sim / VN.

And it's so out of place as Logan is the only one gets such treatment, almost like some sort of self-insert.
It's actually a very bad game design for this game: What you do if you "Stay Loyal to Logan" and only see the very limited amount of Logan porn? Not Much, this game is not fun to play if there's no sex involved.
It should be a Fan-disk / Spin-off / One-shot that about the "alternative reality", like many other games do.
They can also make more Bottom Logan contents that way, so you can pump up as many scenes as you want, without needing to address it in the main game.