You should avoid if you don’t like:
lmao mc gets into a relationship with a girl who actively cheats on him with his previous ex who also cheated on him and acts like she's better than her, then the mc gets on his knees and apologises to his queen like the pathetic cuck he is
So, nothing unusual here then, just the usual Inceton bullshit. I swear if they didn't have beautiful women and funny scripts, I wouldn't even be bothering with their games, but most of the 'well-written' ones here ain't exactly an alternative, so gonna have to put up with it lol. At least I'm gonna have a good laugh reading the dialogue and seeing the MC successfully fail (as usual

) at being the supposed 'stud' he was presented to be. Even his sister's laughing her ass off at this statement, so this should be good... gonna grab my popcorn and enjoy this
cuck sh... Passion on Display game.
So... is
Shackbang a gonner?
No, but the next part will probably be the last one, unless the devs decide to pull some ridiculous supernatural bullshit out of their asses or more necessary-for-the-plot NTR flashsback scenes to ruin one of their few decent stories.
This game will become a ntr game in the future
Maybe not a full-on NTR game with all the 'good' stuff, but this... divisive word is to be expected in an Inceton game.