MacOS (+ Catalina Help)
I thought I'd be a little helpful to our fellow mac users (particularly to fellow mac users who have upgraded to catalina or later whom no longer get wine support).
This will be a long post on getting games to work (from a non-IT guy)
====What doesn't work====
Can filter your search on Latest updates to take out:
Unreal Engine
Wolf RPG
(or just tick the remaining ones): I will discuss the playable engines
====HTML5 Games====
Not a fan of them but all of them are suppose to work on Mac -> just open the html file and you're good. (its also the reason other languages have been dropped from support. I've been told its a cleaner language, but seems to mean less dirty games...)
All renpy games are generally playable on a mac (usually can also just download the PC version).
2 scenarios:
First scenario: Most games will just download with the single app (with the snake lady icon). Just click and play
Second scenario: When you download the game and it comes in a renpy folder: (usually with the mac app and the windows app all in the same folder)
- the error you'll find is that you click mac app -> it may display as opening but then nothing happens
The are 3 ways around this issue:
1. Play the game through terminal: Open terminal -> drag the file into terminal and press enter: game will play
2. Play the game through the Renpy launcher:
Make a folder called "Projects folder" and drag your renpy game's folder into it
Download the latest version of renpy (free online) -> Open the Renpy Launcher -> click on preferences (its just below the launch project button) -> change projects directory to the "Projects folder" -> return -> refresh your projects -> game should appear -> Launch project and you should be able to play the game
3. If you can do method number 2. There is a way of just making a mac app from the PC folder. (this is convenient for games that update their mac version slower)
Open the renpy launcher and highlight the game you want to convert. Then click build distributions (should be under the actions tab). Go to Build packages and only have the macintosh option selected then click build. It will make you a zip file that contains a single mac app.
Sometimes the issue is in the version of renpy you're running. Usually fixed by making your renpy up to date.
If your game "can't be opened" and its a single app: solution same as UNITY solution below.
====UNITY Games====
(no general rule for this: it just depends whether the game designer made a mac version)
For mac compatible games usually only one error issue that arises:
- the error message is usually: File cannot be opened
There are 2 fixes for this issue:
1. Right click -> show package contents -> Contents -> MacOs. In this folder you should see a file with the name of game (Usually will display in doc format).
You need to make this file an executable file: you can do this by opening terminal. Type the function
chmod +x Filepathofthefileinthemacosfolder
press enter then it will change to a unix executable -> go back to game base and press play: should start working. (easiest way to put in the File path of the file in the macos folder is to just drag and drop the file it into terminal)
2. If you can re-download the game or you still have the zip file: use unarchiver to unzip the compressed file instead of archive utility (archive utility tends to disable the executable files when unzipping meaning you have to do the above steps again.
Just note: some games in the category "other" are actually unity games but I haven't found a good way to filter a way through.
====Flash games====
(Some unfortunately won't continue to work as flash no longer supported)
2 attempted work arounds I have found:
1. First is fixing the the -> same issue highlighted in the UNITY section: need to make the core an executable file.
2. Second would be trying to find the SWF alternative. (if your download comes in SWF: then the most reliable way to play it would be downloading the mac version of the flash player projector by adobe here:
You must be registered to see the links
and opening the swf file through there.
- If your download does not come in swf format there is a firefox method if the game is available to be played online:
- Use a firefox browser to play the online flash game: Right click the background -> view page info -> media. Then find the SWF file and save it. Should be able to play it now offline with the SWF file.
(Sometimes the entire game data is not just in the SWF file: basically you'll have to: download all the required game data/images/supporting swfs; re-structure a folder network for the game with each data file into their respective folders for the SWF to load all the data correctly into the game).
=====RPGM Games====
It's almost a 50/50 whether you can play these games. Purely based on whether or not they were made through RPGM MV or not. (unfortunately there is no filter to tell you which one has or which one has not: Generally speaking: Almost all RPGM games with an android port are made on RPGM MV - so you can filter "mobile game" tag but this will miss most J RPGM games whom don't tend to make android ports).
Now for RPGM MV games there are 2 scenarios:
1. There is a mac version
2. There is not
For the mac version: You may encounter an error like with the renpy games where it says file can't be opened.
- The issue once again is that many of the internal files have not been made executable in the unpackaging process.
There are 2 methods to fix this
1. Just reopen the zip file with unarchiver instead of archive utility. (Saves you so much time instead of going through internally)
2. If you really want to chmod +x everything (there would surely be better way if I knew how to actually use terminal)
Files to chmod +x
- Contents -> MacOS -> nwjs
- Contents -> Versions -> Folder -> "show package contents"nwjs helper -> contents -> macos -> nwjs helper
- Contents -> Versions -> Folder -> nwjs Framework.framework -> nwjs framework
- Contents -> Versions -> Folder -> nwjs Framework.framework -> crashpad handler
- Contents -> Versions -> Folder -> nwjs Framework.framework -> "show package contents"appmode loader -> contents -> macos -> app_mode_loader
If that is not enough: you can chmod +x the files in versions folder with the same names (but through anecdotal trial and error it appears only need to chmod +x the ones above for most games)
For the second scenario where there is not a mac version:
Only way to find out if it is rpgm mv or not is by downloading (I'll write a list below from the first 3 pages of rpgm latest and most viewed which have worked for me)
The way to recognise if it is an RPGM MV game is that it will contain a "www" folder. If it does not: it is made by a different RPGMaker that is not compatible with MacOs so just delete the file and put an ignore to the game's thread.
If your game has a www folder -> it is made by RPGM MV so we can move to the next step:
Now there has been a good method written by Garnet X (Btw thanks Garnet X -> helped a computer illiterate like me get things working)
However I will re-word this more to focus around catalina.
What you will need to do first is to download RPGM_Maker version 1.6.2 (this is the one that is catalina compatible) (Credit to pk2000)
Once downloaded: make sure you keep the zip file (Very important)
Unpackage the disk image with unarchiver and you will get a folder with: credits.html and game.
Rename this folder of the title of the game you are going to convert.
Right click game and show package contents:
Then Contents -> Resources.
In this folder you will see an app.nw folder.
Now open a new finder window and go to the PC version of the RPGM game you downloaded -> Duplicate the www folder and rename your duplicate: app.nw
Hold option and drag this newly named app.nw folder to your resources folder (from above) and drop. The option should come up asking what to do -> click merge.
Now your game is a copy of the RPGM game (except can by played on mac) so go back to the titled game folder and you can open the game now. Sometimes there are saving issues which are usually fixed by dragging your new game into the applications folder and opening it from there. Save at the first point you can -> close the game -> then you can move it elswhere outside your applications folder by holding command when you drag and drop.
Another common error is that your www may have already included a package.json. The package.json that comes from your rpgm mv zip file should work fine but if you've replaced it with the one from the pc version of the game:
Open package.json in a text editor and edit these lines:
"main": "www/index.html", to "main": "index.html",
"icon": "www/icon/icon.png" to "icon": "icon/icon.png"
Credit to Garnet X again for this last point
Now once you've gotten use to making RPGM MV. You can try porting the game over to RPGM MZ which for the most part will run smoother due to a more updated nwjs. You can download the latest normal mac version here
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Unfortunately the file doesn't already have an app.nw location for you: but the folder is meant to go into Contents/Resources. If you have a game already working on RPGM MV -> you can just copy the app.nw folder across. And now you have an RPGM MZ game. Just keep in mind: if try to directly move the app.nw from a pc version straight into thee RPGM MZ folder: you need to ensure the package.json and index.html are in the app.nw correctly (with the proper text in package.json mentioned above)
==MKDIR Error /save/ read only==
I'm no IT guy so I don't know the specific programming. But from what I understand: The /save/ talked about in this error is a core directory for your computer which is read only. So the solution I worked out was to make your RPGM game similar to the others without the MKDIR error.
The code for where the game decides save files are stored is in app.nw/js/rpg_managers.js
You will need a code program -> I use CotEditor.
Whats worked for me is:
1. Open the rpg_managers.js in the game with the MKDIR error and find the section titled StorageManager (This is the section of code determining where the save files will go)
2. Now open the rpg_manager.js in a game where the saves are working fine and find the same section.
3. Replace the section titled StorageManager section in the rpg_managers.js of the game with the MKDIR error with the one StorageManager section of the working one.
Save and close and you should be good to go.
Stay safe
ps. if people have other RPGM games they have managed to get working: please list them below.
It looks like hopefully a platform tag is in the works:
Unfortunately: Does not appear to have an RPGM specific tag (to find MV or MZ). No update on this on the V4.0 alpha so far
Edit on 10/07/2021
- Cleaner RPGM MV/MZ porting explanation
- Fix for MKDIR error /save/ being read-only issue.
- Removed game recommended list