I'm not sure...basically Randy, Ramon, Cody (See season 1), The mayor and basically everyone with a dick, railing her and she is just enjoying and does not care anymore who is giving her pleasure. (Everyone except Matt of course)
She could even make money of this as in webcam/call girl etc.
Ha ha ha... I'm not sure. Could be either, I guess, but let's say happy ending.
I agree, Shiela is a very probable end LI. And tbh. I do like them together for all the reasons you said above.
I still have a soft spot for Serena, even though she is a prostitute. She was the pickup Matt needed when he was at his lowest.
Sure, he had sex with Mia and Emily, but he needed some emotional support (and a confidence booster) as well and Serena gave that to him. You can argue that Anna also gave him emotional support in her own way, but you cannot gain confidence by pep-talks and training alone. You need to achieve something and with Serena, he got it.
Even if she does not end up with Matt, I do hope for a happy ending for her (No pun intended)
In terms of collab with
DonDimonGames. He's pretty good without any of my help. I think he has the story already mapped out to the finish, and so far, it's been all fun for me. I do not think I can improve anything that he's already done. Even if I end up dislike his ending, I will still prefer his work to be untainted from any external influence. (Of course, people give suggestions, but like I said, as far as I know, he already knows how the story ends.)