Unreal Engine - Magic Shop 2 [2025-03-11 Fix] [FireArm]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Review from version 2024-01-16

    Originality - 100%
    Renders - 80%
    Playability - 90%
    Performance - 100%
    Bugs free - 90%
    Animations - 50%
    Amount of content - 100 %

    Total - 87%

    Nice looking game with lots of customizations but a bit grindy. Some animations are glitching. I also encountered a bug where I couldn't use the 'undress' feature in wardrobe. Game 'fights' are pretty fun to play & looks great.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The interface and visuals are all quite competently built, but there is absolutely 0 interesting gameplay or story here. You get a collection of trivially easy minigames, progress bars, and 1-second loops of fairly stale scenes you need to grind through for ages to increase your stats enough to "win" a "combat" (really just another minigame where you click the obvious ability when it has cooled down) set against another dull real-time rendered animation with exactly 1 second's worth of content

    As a slight plus the character model and outfits are nice, but this is a tech demo / gallery gated behind grind, not a game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all: ignore both text overviews as of late. Both of them are basically just lying about what the game is about. This is a rogue-light with kinky scenes, solid character customization (well, dress-up), and some basic porn combat. The scenes are actually quite hot.

    - Solid minigames and variety during gameplay
    - Good looking female models
    - Fluid animations
    - Bunch of kinky stuff like monsters

    THE BAD:
    - Dungeon crawling can get little repetitive
    - The upgrade/skill system barely has any effect despite grinding it

    - Monster models are not too great
    - Too much randomization, to the point where it randomizes your character in most scenes too

    OVERALL: A fun game to sit down and grind a little when you have the time. Basic dungeon crawling with hot scenes, 8/10
  4. 2.00 star(s)



    WTF is this "game"... i truly cannot rate it. but which made me give it harsher rating was the lies in description:

    "with even more intriguing characters and a deeper storyline."

    there is literally 0 story. none. you just put into a dungeon where you click where to go... every room is random, sometimes it's a minigame, sometimes you unlock a "dream" where it's just an animation of your heroine getting fucked without any context... is she raped? is it consensual? wtf is this even? nobody knows.
    sometimes there are treasure chests and some collectibles, of which you can use to roll to unlock new costumes, which look hot on the heroine, and all unlocked costume give you bonus health.

    you can go deeper into the dungeon by defeating the level boss. (why are you doing it what is down there, what is this dungeon even, nobody knows.)

    the boss fight is basically just as usual a no context of him/it fucking you and you can use skills to regenerate stamina or mirror dmg back to the fucker, so if you defeat it then you can go to a deeper level...

    the game utterly makes no sense. but it feels bad giving it low rating due to the absolutely 0 context H-scenes, because all are animated. and heroine is hot... if he wasn't lying about "a story" i probably would have given it a 3/5 because it's very hard to rate. on one hand there are a shitton of costumes and animations but it's like these 5second mass produced clips with no story so it's really really hard to immerse yourself into any of it. in fact it's impossible since there is no story. why? nobody knows.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent 3D game in terms of character customization and progression.
    The roguelite element is satisfying, and it would be great to see this evolve into having your custom character walking through the dungeon as well.
    Highly recommended!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid little game.
    You go through a dungeon full of mini games to unlock options in the character creator. It's a good reward structure. Just don't be like me and fail to find the breast slider for half the game.

    The dungeons end in sex scenes where you can try out the characters you've created. Animations are passable.

    Not a lot of meat on the bone, and it is grindy, but it's short and sweet and doesn't outstay its welcome.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Elf Truck

    Great looking female character and nice animations. Needs more stuff, but this is the strongest point.

    There's a lot of outfits, clothing, hair styles and cosmetic upgrades to unlock and customize the character. Most alternate outfits are just skins of characters from other games (meh) and won't work with most custom clothing, but other than that it's good customization.

    Gameplay is weird. At least it's not RPGmaker or visual novel with no gameplay, but it could be a lot better. Dungeon exploration has some variety early on, but it gets repetitive very fast, there is just nothing to do outside of looking for the floor boss and passively gaining resources. The game setup is also kinda grindy, the game is short for now, so it's not too bad, but I think the whole setup of "walk around the dungeon to gain stats and resources, then proceed to the boss" is fundamentally flawed.

    Boss fights are better, but unfortunately they're 75% having high stats, which you grind passively by exploring the dungeon and fighting bosses, 5% picking the spells for a fight, and 20% using your spells at the right time. This game is not turn based despite what tags say, all fights are real time with abilities on cooldown and regenerating spell points, the most gameplay you get is timing your damage reflection spell to counter enemy special moves and healing yourself at the right time. So you spend most of the fight/sex scene glancing at the icons and not watching the action. Why not just make it turn based with RPG-style abilities or cards? Still, the gameplay is not the worst, just kinda janky and not very deep, with more spells and some actual gameplay in the dungeon exploration it could be alright.

    4/5 for the WIP version, though gameplay is 2.5/5 at best right now.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Original Review (July 21, 2023): Grindy mini-game centered monstrosity that you spend more time waiting on pointless progress bars and slow animations than you do playing the 'game'. Judging by the math problems and the laughably bad "riddles", this is designed for a 2nd grader. Seriously one of the "riddles" was "What wears a pointy black hat, makes potions in a cauldron, and flies on a broom". That's not a riddle... thats a definition. No word play or clever thinking, just a definition.

    No tutorial to speak of and a bad ui, it took me way too long to realize you could a) buy cosmetics because the section bars are the purchase buttons and b) that they give permanent upgrades to your characters. The worst part was after 30 minutes of grinding and finally figuring out the cosmetic system, in the process of unlocking cosmetics with my huge stockpile of essence the game crashes and my save is gone.

    Update (Nov 15, 2023): No improvements to the existing content, only adding new things on top of a boring 'game'. Just wait on progress bars and occasionally get a random 1 second looped animation. Played it another run from scratch (since last time i played it crashed and deleted my save when i was unlocking outfits). And this time... it crashed while unlocking outfits and i lost my save again. The animations are alright but the 'game' doesn't exist here and it is not stable. Horrible ui and childish minigames that are uninspired and boring... idk how people rate this anything higher than a 3 at best.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the demo for this review

    I REALLY like a lot of the design choices made here. The DD style room traversal and the Essence progression system are things I enjoy immensely about this game. I do wish some things were a little better polished. Like the invisible timer you have to wait for every time you find an empty room or chest before you're allowed to select another room. As well that's an issue when moving between visited rooms in general.

    All in all I'm happy with what I see here and I can't wait for the full version.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the customization system as well as the dungeon crawling aspect of this game which I think are its biggest draws. The H scenes are very nice, albeit only a small amount at the moment due to it being a demo. Overall though 5 stars all around for what we have right now and I'm looking forward to the progression of the updates!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Besides the few bug breaking issues, This game in my opinion as it stands is very reminiscent of a decent dungeon crawler, It does give you plenty of chances to get essence for the customization of your character which also allows for the increase in your own personal Stamina which I find is a great way to incorporate something like the currency in this game. As a demo build it gets a 5 star because of the diverse enemies altho only being Slime and goblin, this game has the potential to become something great. Refreshing dungeon crawling that doesn't penalize you to badly, I personally can't wait to see the future of this lovely game and where the creator decides to take it. ((Hopefully more enemies, male and or Futa creatures are both very hot with the looks in this UE engine <3)