Others - Completed - Magical Angel Fairy Heart [v2024-09-15] [UMAI NEKO]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It is a pretty average side-scroller with good animations.

    So gameplay wise is super average. Side scroller, you go either right or left, killing enemies. After clearing stage level up and next stage. When it comes to combat, there is not much more to say. So, average 3 stars.

    Now the last star. (I gave it a 4-star rating) is for the animations and grabs. Grabs are triggered when you fall., and CGS when you lose. Now everything is nicely animated, grabs look pretty solid, and all animated scenes are short but pretty. So I would give it 1 more star for art and animation.

    There is nothing more to say about this.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game's kinda mid. If it does not have pink-hair FMC, I will give it less than 3 stars.

    The best strategy is to upgrade your gun + gun mana and spam shooting till the end, that's all folks.

    -Pink-haired FMC (I like it personally)
    -Defeated theme

    -No replay value, as nothing happened after you beat the final boss
    -Gameplay is mid
    -H-scenes are diffirentiate only whether you throw the game right away and be f**ked in the magical girl uniform or you intentionally got hit until your HP drop to zero and get r**ed naked
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Skip the gameplay, load a save and enjoy, The dev is clearly much more skilled at making porn rather than fighting animations. All of the scenes are rape, obviously, you might get some glitches with the save file loading, and some textures glitching, well, too bad.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I hardly really play games primarily focused on traditional M&F content, but the series that UMAI NEKO makes has an odd allure. Now, the game isn't without it's downsides. I think it terms of actual content the series is pretty damn good, and it does include a gallery.

    However, UMAI NEKO is a big fan of defeat scenes. I get it, but for an average H-Gamer, which is your primary audience, we would like to be rewarded with the Underwear and Nude scenes as a way of progression, and not as a weird conditional that we have to meet to see it.

    In my opinion, a better way to approach this would to make the armor layers toggle in a menu, mayhap the player would need to farm currency, or reach a certain level. Then they would unlock the underwear mode, and respectfully, the nude. Before you think, "Oh! That's great! Then I can make it so the player would take more damage and have less stamina..." No. H-games aren't supposed to be hard itself, the PLAYER is supposed to be hard.

    I like to rule out my judgements based on a concept- "Can the player have engaging combat in one frame, then have their MC get completely filled the next?" Yes. This game can do that. Although, at a weird pace, and mobs are quite strong early. Gallery is there, which I, and many other H-gamers are thankful for, but it's unlock conditions are a time grind and not a skill or resource one, which is a very painful experience.

    I rate UMAI NEKO's series a game a good 3.5/5. And if they weren't such a pain to get, the scenes are very erotic and excellent for fap material.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game have niches that i enjoyed a lot like Magical Girl, skirt, rap and 3D-like graphics and animations, wich i bet its harder to make than any 2D game.

    The game have a few flaws - its Buggy as hell, and i believe it have one animation per enemy+one enemie per stage but they are "progressive" and well made. Can't say is top tier or Absolute-fap material but it looks good to me.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This series is pretty much recycled content over and over, the dev itself was pretty lazy in updating their game, they did give a constant 1 update for each month but if you check using a cheat engine or crack open the game folder gallery, they give an update once every 3 up to 5 months. So far how I have seen the difference between each series is only the story, the girl, and some of the monsters/enemies, the H-Scene almost has the same thing for every series.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is alright, but whenever i tried it in fullscreen, the whole UI is broken to hell...like it barely is visible on my screen. (if someone is able to help fix that or know a way for me to fix it, thatll be nice)

    that is the only thing thats bothering me, other than that, the game is passable. (well also the fact that the games runs at <30fps on a computer that can technically run at 60fps)
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is the biggest piece of shit ever.
    If I clear / fail a stage, the title UI breaks.
    Some abilities don't work even though you can spend points unlocking them.
    The sex is dogshit.
    The gameplay is dogshit.
    It takes ages to load.
    Don't waste your time.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A long time favorite of mine. As samey as the gameplay is for most of the games made by this dev, I still enjoy them quite a bit. The only thing I wish I could understand is the story, but then again there's not much point translating something that isn't really hard to understand the controls of.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Look man , Life is a beautiful thing . You can do anything you want , get a career , fall in love , literally anything else , don't waste your time on this game. Now I admit in terms of animation this is one of the best H games of all time , don't play this fucking game though. Watch a gallery reupload , download a save , just don't play this cuz you're gonna have an absolutely miserable time. This game is competently put together , a lot of H devs making action games tend not to know how to program well and as such their games are kind of messes but atleast they're trying , this dev is an asshole on purpose. This man intentionally made this game as frustrating as possible .

    Point 1 , your character
    You're weak as shit. Unless you spend all your money on strength and stamina you're not gonna beat this game. Every move has so much commitment to it. You basically have to sit through the whole move everytime you tap a button and there's no canceling it , and the moves are so slow and weak. Your gun is basically chip damage that's easily negated by enemies just moving up and down and it doesn't even stun them . You dash attack and flip kick are only good for putting enemies into hitstun since it does crap damage . And while the slap combo is the most damaging and most consistent move you have if you miss or you're out of range of an enemy about to attack you you're a goner. ( Tip , hold up while tapping the button in the slap combo , trust me much better ) And worst of all you walk slower than a snail up and down. You can't dash up and down so enemies basically have fucking ultra instinct if they decide maybe left and right isn't a valid option anymore. Your hitbox is so precise too , if the enemy is slightly below or above you it won't count , even if you physically fucking see your hit go through it.

    point 2 stages
    The stages are way too fucking long. The first stage is aight , not too long not too short , but starting from stage 2 they DOUBLE the length and there ONE checkpoint in the middle. You can't even leave the stage and come back to the check point either. You wanna see the game over screen ? You know the H content you got the game for ? Too bad back to the start for you. The stages aren't even that special. It's a straight line with no obstacle or pick ups. That's right no pick ups in a fucking beat em up. No weapon to increase your range like a crowbar or sword in other games , or any fucking health pick ups which you'll need because of the length of the stages. it's boring as shit.

    Hey dev , you know what a minor enemy is ? Cuz i don't think you do. A minor enemy is supposed to be a weak enemy you can dispose of quickly in large numbers that should die if you sneeze on them too hard and are mainly around to keep the player on edge. These enemies are not that. ALL OF THEM are basically better than you are besides health. ONE HIT FROM ANY ENEMY STUN LOCKS YOU . You get hit once and there's multiple enemies ? might as well reset , You're in the middle of your combo and an enemy is behind you or a few inches away from your slap hitbox ? might as well reset. ONE HIT SHOULD NOT FUCKING HALT ME. What's worse is later in the game they decide that basically stun locking you isn't enough so now they PUT YOU IN INSTANT KNOCKDOWN. One hit and your ass is face down on the floor ready to be raped. You now how to mash out , hope to god nothin does a scene with you ( they won't unless you want them to though ) cuz if they do you have to mash out of that back into to knock down for some reason , and then get back up and HOPE nothing hits you again. Cuz there's no get up invincibility. They can knock you back down immediately after get up . Did i also mention they can kick you while you're down ? It takes a bit but in a way it's fitting. But that's just the disadvantage state , let's get to neutral. They move up and down faster than you for some reason so they exploit your small as shit hitboxes , and they LOOOOOVE to find ways to not get hit. Moving around randomly , winding up so they dodge before they attack , the fucking bee enemies can't even get combod , they back up after 1 hit from anything. yeah that's right NO COMBOS IN A BEAT EM UP. And to top it all off they can move off screen . You combo them too far and they reach the edge ? Nope can't follow em. They move to the bottom of the screen AND YOU CAN STILL SEE THEM ON SCREEN ? Nope can't follow them there either. It's their little special zone where they make the rules and you can't hit them cuz they're too good for you i guess. And to top it all off you know how you got the game for porn ? HAH good luck cuz the enemies are also pussy shits. You're down on the floor and your Hp isn't 0 ? They smack you around and refuse to go into the animation . Your Hp is 0 and you're down ? NOPE they'll fucking dance around for 3 minutes for no god damn reason until they decide to do their job. This is even worse with bosses since the INFINITELY SPAWNING MINIONS take you before the boss and there's nothing you can do about it. You're stuck watching the minor enemy's H animation and not the boss's cuz the boss is currently pacing around the room .

    Look I'm gonna be honest , in terms of H scenes this is a top 5 game for sure . For an H game for the gameplay though ? WORST GAME EVER. This is coming from someone who beat the game too. Atleast the games made in like 1 day are usually butt easy , I'd rather play those than this. Cuz you know what really kills a boner when I'm playing a game ? AN INTENSE URGE TO FUCKING TEAR OUT THE HEART OF THE GAME DEV AND SHOVE IT DOWN HIS SWEATY ASS.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the 4th action side scroller beat em up from Umai Neko Games. I personally prefer the previous three to this game but it is still overall a great game and its a little less buggy than previous installments. I recommend this game to anyone who likes the old school beat em up style games!