RPGM - Completed - Magical Girl Celesphonia [v1.07] [Shimobashira Workshop/Kagura Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A promising start but sadly it fails to carry it forward. Lacklustre combat H scenes, story that quickly becomes generic after the introductory scenes and underwhelming corruption.

    That last point is the real shame since it's often the main draw of these games, sadly this one falls into the all too common pitfall of tying most of the corruption to you losing battles and then making the battles too easy. On hard at least, maybe on ultra violence or whatever the top difficulty was called it feels more convincing but personally corruption loses all of it's intrigue when the catalyst is "then the heroine decided to stand still and not fight back" or "then she read 50 porno mags and instantly became a turbo slut".

    Between this and their previous title this circle is so close to making amazing H-RPGs, but right now they're barely above average.

    EDIT: Eventually went back and played through on the hardest setting, first two dungeons require more grinding but it's soon back to being too easy.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well done, sometimes unnecessarily difficult, but interesting. There are too many items and very few that can be useful in battles with monsters. The stories themselves, despite some excess of text, have logic and are not annoying repeatability.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I expected so much more with the pretty incredibly high rating this game got from the users here. The sheer amount of 5 stars is really deceptive, sadly. This game is the epitome of generic corruption, but that's hardly the issue. Standard RPGM Grind, boring combat with pseudo battle sex sprinkled in, and incredibly lazy CG. I know that tastes range from one user to another, but this game is, in a word, lazy.

    Most of the CGs in the game, save for losses on bosses, are the same 3 images reused over and over again. Lose once to a normal enemy and you'll actually see all of these images in a single go. They just slap tentacles or human hands and genitals over the base image and call it a day. The loss scenes are horribly basic, having no variation either. When you lose to a boss, it's slightly more, but only slightly.

    As for the art, it's more cute than sexy once you actually get the scenes. The genitals are terribly drawn, and essentially are just...open holes. The proportions get noticeably worse for many of the loss scenes too, as if the artist struggles with drawing human bodies at different angles. Thighs look warped, arms look stubby, etc. It's fine all in all, but far less so since there are hardly any images.

    Getting harassed in public does nothing for your character, despite the game supposedly being amazingly well made with its corruption aspect. Getting harassed in public has zero effect, at least it doesn't within 3 hours of playing. A guy cums on you in public, nothing happens. You cum 5 times on a train? Nothing happens.

    This game is just really stale, and is a huge time sink for how little you actually get. I just am stunned by the 5 star rating. If the art were better and there were more, or perhaps if the game wasn't so focused on forcing you to run through so many different enemies to get to your destination for each mission, sure, but...it has nothing that makes it stand out. This is generic in every possible way. Mediocre art, terrible gameplay, very basic corruption, and W A Y too many ways to get real game overs.

    If your corruption gets too high, game over. If the overworld's enemy level gets too high, game over. The latter is fine, but the former is not. Gaining corruption is the best way to actually get to the lewd content, which is what most of us are here for, but in doing so, you continually edge closer to a complete game over. The way to remove corruption is very, very tedious and slow. It's better than a game over when you lose to enemies, but it also serves zero purpose to gameplay. It adds nothing to have 2 stats to keep track of when you're already forced to slog through this boring game.

    Lastly, my poor ears. The boss defeat scenes apparently have their own audio, because there's a unique moan for those scenes that is 1) Painfully loud and didn't get turned down by any of the settings and 2) Was blown the hell out. I mean, that microphone sounds like it died after recording that. Obviously a funnier thing to nit pick, but the last thing I wanted while trying to enjoy was having my ear drums blown out like that poor USB microphone they used.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Ah, another generic looking RPGM game. Japanese too? Oh boy, the grind and degeneracy will be worse for it.

    I put those expectations to question after seeing such positive reception, only to confirm that it is just another mediocre RPGM grindfest.
    Limited, often reused art most often featuring faceless asshole strangers fucking or molesting the slut(but not!) MC.
    Hours and hours of frustration with the game's entirely typical RPGM combat if you want to get anywhere. There's some sexy stuff in that combat, sure, but see the above for that point.

    The writing's actually kinda nice and the content is fairly tame for what it is, but there's nothing in this pile of meaningless sex I can call fappable on its own, which is worsened by the grind.

    Get a full save and go through the gallery with the vain hope of finding something satisfying is my recommendation for anyone that tries this.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    After Anthesis, which was a knockout of a first go at a H-RPG, and Ambrosia which IMO cemented Shimobashira as one of the top devs in the genre, my expectations for Celesphonia were pretty damn high. Needless to say, the game has matched or exceeded those expectations quite easily.

    As with the dev's previous games, corruption is most notable strength. The way it progresses just works. In a normal playthrough, you'll almost (this is still operating with H game logic, so some suspension of disbelief is still needed) believably see the main character progress from a pretty normal girl into a rampant slut, that is if that's how you choose to lead her, because keeping her more reticent to engage in sexual activity is still a viable way to play, and still works pretty well. (I have yet to do a full pure playthrough, but I hear that's worth a go as well.)

    Another quality is, thankfully, the quality of the hentai. The MC's design is a great mix between cute and hot, the CG/art quality is top notch and there's a more than decent variety of events without any seeming low effort.

    As a RPG, the dev didn't try to re-invent the wheel but delivered a competently made game, with a decent level of build variety and good enough combat, which to be quite honest is way enough for me in a H game, gameplay is after all not supposed to take center stage. A minor gripe I do have is that collecting materials can be a bit tedious when you don't really know where to find them. And not really a gripe, but adding H-combat in would have been a welcome addition.

    The story's also pretty damn good as far as H games go, to the point where I didn't even want to skip most story dialogue.

    Lastly, this is a high quality localization from Kagura Games, there were a couple bugs here and there, but the translation is great and having the uncensored art is a massive plus.

    An easy 10/10 experience as far as I'm concered.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    ahh finally this game is released !! really love with the plot and lore of the game.

    + Good story
    + Good CG art
    + Good gameplay mechanics
    + Good BMG
    + Good MC
    + Lot of costume
    + Good scene
    + Good OST

    I would give 5/5
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    This, along with Ambrosia (same dev), is one of my favourite porn games on here.
    I bought the bundle on Steam, they're really fun and have interesting takes on lewdity.
    Moreover they're not just "haha game over rape" generic games.
    There's a lot of events and mechanics that work around being exposed to lewdness.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    If you've played the other games from this developer, it's around or above that level of quality.

    As with the other games, corruption is handled super well--- I actually can't think of any other game that comes close to Shimobashira works when it comes to slow burn corruption (maybe Gran Ende 2?).

    Lots of overall freedom in how much or how little you want to slut it up. Game never forces anything penetrative on you if you have money/luck. Virgin run can be done with no real added difficulty, since the best money seems to come from being a (successful) heroine of the people.

    Combat is solid enough, and by the time it starts to wear on you there's an item available that makes you undetectable and also gives you preemptive strikes (Transparing from Mado). Evasion build is king if you want to avoid being grabbed nonstop.

    Overall, solid RPG and solid porn game. Any design flaws or anything you don't like can be negated with MV Cheat.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    It's cool and good. It is however one of those fairly combat focused games, and the combat itself is your generic single party member RPG affair, if with different presentation then the stock menu. There are a lot of fights with the same enemy compositions too; for instance, the second chapter is a five floor dungeon with three distinct enemy encounters and there's about eight of them a floor. You can run around them, of course, but then you're weaker so you're still prompted to hold attack on go through it all.

    The UI isn't great either, and it's more then just a Japanese to English woe thing. Dialog is both down in decaying text in the top left and in proper boxes, which is... a choice. (It's not a good choice.) Items you get and titles you receive also are in this decaying area, so it's very easy to not know what the fuck - especially when the very skippable combat text is in there, too.

    Lewd stuff wise, it's nice. I haven't cleared the game yet but a lot of it seems to be rape in nature, so if you're not into that then maybe you should spy on a 100% gallery save before committing.

    It also is the only game I've played so far where I turned off always run because it has to move at mach 2, which while funny also trivializes dodging everything including trap triggers?!

    I by no mean think it's bad. It could have done more and been a tighter game, but that's true about most titles on here so. Perhaps the biggest cardinal sin towards the magical girl genre is that the protagonist is alone and has no one to bounce gradual corruption off of.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Templar Knight

    this game is simply the best h-rpg ever made and i will explain why:
    - the game even being an h-rpg has a good story and it is highly recommended that you beat the game in the pure route (low levels of lust) because the ending is quite rewarding and the best part is that if not all most of the events h can be seen in the post-endgame, where it also releases side stories with other characters and more difficult new bosses.
    - graphics are excellent.
    - game for all audiences, because it has a lot of fetishes.
    - game has a nice and smooth grind.
    - if you like freeroam / post-endgame / sandbox, this game is for you.
    - the character construction is excellent, you see from a girl who wanted to have a normal life to a heroine or from a pure naive woman to a born slut if you wish.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fair warning to those not really familiar with this circle's games, this isn't one of those games where you can have your dick out, lubed and on red alert mere seconds after the title screen flashes. What makes this game great has more to do with the character and scenario than just straight, front-loaded porno. It's not a shallow game at all.

    What you do get is a protagonist who feels authentic enough to be an actual plaything and a sandbox filled with all sorts of means to toy her with. Between the scenario, the progressively escalating events, and the gameplay; Celesphonia's corruption is so involved that it really feels like you're some sort of devil egging her on and leading her along to depravity - the whole process is written and designed in such a way that your involvement seems almost personal.

    And that's the best fucking feeling.

    This is one of the few games purely focused on the process of actual corruption out there that even if you're just looking for a quick fap, you really ought to try and set an appropriate expectation and play this game and see things for yourself.

    It's a sadists perfect game and it's protagonist has become my most favorite plaything in any recent HRPGs
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing because the guy who reviewed two stars underneath me is a liar. This game is not vanilla in the slightest, there are tons of fetishes hit upon and the gradual corruption is incredible. There is a lot of combat, but it's about the top of what you can achieve with rpg maker. The female protagonist is funny and not boring at all. She's not only cute and has some great one liners, she's very meta and self-aware as a magical girl. She also has the perfect reactions and dialogue when she is an absolute cock addicted, cum craving slut eventually, if that's how you decide to play her.

    Bottom line, if you loved Ambrosia like me, you will love this. It's even better with more of similar content with an even better protagonist and more in depth mechanically.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Waaaaay too much combat for an h game. Tedious to the max. Do not recommend unless you got a day or two. Not worth it in the slightest, art is mediocre and 2/5 lewd. In addition its a very vanilla game, and the character is extremely generic.

    EDIT: Since reviewr above me called me a "liar" here is my response. The only real "fetish" is tentacle, are you serious? Is "Anal" a fetish nowadays lmao. Also this game is some of the grindiest in existence. The only game with that much grind that was worth it, was Karryns Prison. Even on the easiest difficulty there is so much damn monsters in the levels which are tedious mazes. Let me tell you about corruption games which blow this out the water -> Fallen Makina, Tina, Swordsman of Scarlet Prison, Ideology in Friction, Melty's Quest, and Karryn's Prison.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The best Corruption RPG game I have played this year, purchased it on steam immediately.

    The perfect combination of school setting with RPG corruption. Everything is just perfect.

    RPG system is well built, you can play it as a sophisticated RPG game in a pure run. You don't get much skills by just leveling up. You need to do some grinding to build your skill set, but trust me, it worth trying. You can built your skillset to physical damage with buff/debuff, or build it like a pure mage.
    You have equipment and item craft system.
    The map is build with teleport system so you don't need to waste anytime running around maps at all.
    The combat sex event is also well done.

    The corruption is also well done, you can see the stage of corruption slowly build up interacting with other characters, and you have all the freedom to do anything at anytime without worrying too much on the RPG progress of the game. Because the free request is good enough to control domination which push you to make progress in the game. The domination also affect the lewd event.

    The art is also top notch. Not too much to say because I didn't get all scene yet.

    You mush play this if you like female protagonist corruption game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I bought the game on steam but came here to make a review because this game deserve it clearly.

    This is a Masterpiece, like Ambrosia before him. Ambrosia was my favortite lewd RPG game so i was waiting for this one !

    The system is still well made, corruption is the word who describe the best the game, with differents way to currupt the character, playing a pure maiden or a total slut is both cool, the game is challenging if you play with the good difficulty, and the RPG system is deep and well made.

    Don't hesitate, just go, and don't forget, if you can afford it and want to support the developper of those incredible games, buy the game !
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    - good art
    - lots to do
    - voice acted scenes (very minimalistic)
    - lots of build varieties
    - combat rape

    - PERSONALLY wasn't too much of a fan of the secondary quests (some acts can't be completed until you reach a point in the story)
    - takes a bit to take off
    - some scenes are pretty bland
    - some side jobs end abruptly

    overall, it's a fun experience. try it
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A must play from Shimobashira Workshop, much like their previous games the corruption, character expressions, scenarios, are on point -I'd argue that it's even better because well... Magical Schoolgirl.

    Gameplay : Exploration, corruption system, battle system with H and slightly modified skill list, getting to the H stuff might take some time due to the amount of content, I'd say time to finish-explore can be roughly around 5 hours(normal dif). That being said, the system had always been engaging which holds true for this game as wel.

    Art: Superb, I think the art of Shimobashira is always something to look forward to, there's a certain charm to their heroines.

    Scenario: Translation by kagura is fairly good, not much complaints there. Dialogues are well written, the corruption system complements scenes and the environment which can pretty much hold out on its own even without the gorgeous art.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    When stumbling through the alleys trying to find yet another gem of a game, occasionally, you trip over a whole damn geode.

    This is the peak of Shimobashira works, and that's where my bias lies in terms of me just being blinded by how good I think this game is, namely in me playing this game both in Japanese (using a guide), and with a on the fly translator injecting itself through it (also not that great). So I have a lot of history that blinds me to this game in what can be it's flaws, however, it's one of the rare games that made me go through all of that just to appreciate the lewd all the more. And now it's in Kagura english, what a time to be alive.

    Anywho, onto this masterpiece.

    I'll keep it relatively brief, the game doesn't need much explaining as it's your typical three corruption step RPG but more so refined to have good build up, lewd passives as traits, curses from bosses, and an assload of scenes. For story, it's your typical magical girl kind of deal, you go to school by day, fight evil by night (or whenever it's required of you usually), and hence you basically fight sexy evil that's trying to lewd the city by being the paragon of righteousness. But since this is hentai, the MC will eventually just be as lewd as the entities fighting her and pretty much just use her dual life hijinks as an excuse to get into bang-laden situations.

    It's a hell of a corruption game. As in the beginning of course with the many events that the MC can get into, all have their respective corruption tiers that further start to degrade her the more you want to go down that path. Most events have 3-4 tiers to them (that are repeatable), and even have a means of reflecting that passively on the MC, namely in many flavor texts popping up in the corner of the game stating all the horny thoughts that start to tumble. Not only though do you get horny flavor text, but usually you also can obtain horny passives from these events that serve as traits that further influence the MC. These events are basically everywhere in the game, whether it be in the overworld as the normal MC, or within dungeons she finds herself fighting through.

    Alongside this, losing doesn't usually mean a game over, some of the bosses when losing to them will induce curses on the MC that make her all the more lewd, and with the mentioning of horny passives, this affects combat as well in making the MC more susceptible in wanting to lose. So losing either to mobs or to main bosses will usually have a scene and actual effects that pervade throughout the game, rather than just being feeling detached from the overall setting. Not to mention curses even affecting lose scenes as well (not only to just the bosses).

    The major caveat I can say though is that combat. Now, as mentioned, the combat itself does have sex scenes from it, and even features sex fighting within it, but hell, in the end it's still that accursed RPGM combat that after awhile, almost forces you to drink just to get through it. I recommend using a cheat engine if you want to skip fights but occasionally unlock scenes without forcing the game to be on easy.

    On top of that, as typical with most good corruption H-RPG's, it takes a bit to get that ball rolling on the lewds. Not to say that the beginning parts of the game are absolutely barren, but "grinding" through the corruption tiers can take a bit. But if that just sounds like a nice Tuesday afternoon then you'll appreciate this game tenfold.

    Overall this is a great game. If you liked it's predecessor Ambrosia, it's basically that with even more content, even more banging, even more corruption, all while being relatively long and still feeling like a game, but a game that doesn't want game before porn. Easiest five out of five I'll ever give, full full recommend for anyone who loves corruption HRPG's.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Shimobashira's third game:
    Didn't disappoint.

    10 / 10 - Would play again, this time fully translated

    If their previous game (Ambrosia. You should play it if you haven't!) was focused on church management, this time you play as a magical girl and the game was focused on city peace management and your fame!

    Just like their previous game, this game has 3 stages of corruption that is, in my honest opinion, perfectly paced (not too fast, not too slow) and there's a lot to enjoy on each stage so that you won't get bored.

    The only minus here was the battle fuck system, in this case Ambrosia had better system (again, in my honest opinion). But to cover that up, Celesphonia has some lewd debuffs that could lead to events.

    All in all, on every aspect, I would give it 9 and 10. Mostly 10.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    a really great H Game, i didnt expect myself to be addicted playing this, it is very open ended, it lets you do whatever you need, the H content is very pleasing and the combat is pretty satisfying, very nice work from shiobashira dev team~