Unreal Engine - Mahou Arms [v0.4.2036] [Paperbag]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The combat sucks.
    At least that's my impression after about 10 minutes of Chapter 1.
    It's spam to win. I don't know how to fight. I don't know any of the combos. And you know what - I don't want to bother learning them. Why should I, when I can mash the crap out of left and right click and win battles without even thinking.
    Every wave of enemies feels the same.
    graphics were nice
    scenery was pretty
    story seemed alright from the 5 panels of comic and 2 lines of dialogue I read.
    character design is cool (perhaps a little forgettable if you compare it to any other anime beat em up out there but there's nothing to hate about it)
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    By porn game standards, the hack-and-slash gameplay is refreshing at first, but the novelty wears off quickly, as the constant barrage of tanky enemies expose the limited moveset available to the player. There isn't any way to upgrade your moveset or do very much to change things up at all. The different enemy varieties are nice, but are all dealt with in the exact same way, and, as mentioned before, they all take way too many hits to kill. This reaches an extreme with the final boss, who will cycle through the 3 different attack modes it has while you feebly chip away at its health for what feels like hours. I quit after getting it halfway down and realizing there was a whole second phase.

    The porn content feels tacked on and there's so little of it that it's barely worth mentioning.

    Apparently this has been in development for ages, and while it's pretty, there's still not much of a game here to show for it.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game as i really like the aesthetic. I didn't even get through the tutorial stage as all the enemies are SOOOO tanky. and it's not like it makes combat hard because they are stun locked, even in groups. So every fight you're just clicking, ad nauseam. When I first launched I was kind of excited thinking it was going to be a H game with more emphasis on the game than the H. But the game is too click intensive. I ended up closing after i realized my click finger was getting tired. In the tutorial.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Extremely boring and uninspired. Managed to fight against repetition and boredom to make it through the first mission, and was taken on to the next one. No rewards or benefits worth mentioning. Not even a sex scene.

    The combat is boring. Enemies just keep spawning until you've defeated an unspecified number of waves until the magical wall opens and you can go spam more in the next area. Very dull and repetitive combat. The controls are lacking, and targeting system could use improvement. Thankfully, the combat is simple and not at all challenging, otherwise it would be an even bigger waste of time.

    Character designs are rather generic by this point. Nothing to see here. For what this game is, there are many far better options.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    At the moment, due to the lack of more sex scenes, I have to give it a 4.

    Amazing visuals and character design. The sex scenes that are there are solid. Nice narrative comic-book style intros to each mission. The dev is doing some great stuff here!

    Combat urgently needs a tutorial of some sort, as it seems there are lots of combos but you usually just resort to button smashing instead. For a sex game, it surely is one of the best feeling combat systems out there, even if a bit boring and repetitive. Maybe some player progression with unlocks and a tutorial would fix it? Good game nevertheless.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, when I was looking for porn games, I didn't really expect such a solid game, great combat, great visuals, h scenes are amazing, love how they implemented a h scene (dildo one) , its hidden a bit, so the game forces you to explore, which is a good thing, would love to see more of those in the future.
    Great future in front of this game, solid 2h of gameplay plus a happy ending ;)
    Likes: mc247
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    An amazing action game. It is very impressive to have such fluent combat, graphic is on point. H scene is a good touch on top of a great action game, but without voice action it is imcomplete, making H scene very dull. I like the female character design, no a fan of that male charator tho, solo is much favored~
    Likes: mc247
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is really good the chara design is awsome arts are pretty good and the graphis are awsome but it have some graphic glitches, im gonna keep an eye on this game.
    i wish good luck to the creator
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    [v.0.3.1146 Cracked]

    Beautiful presentation, completely awful combat, which the main point for a hack and slash game.

    There's story, illustrations, great sound and good visual design.

    On the other part you have really boring combat for basic melee slow walking enemies that gets changed with really unbalanced combat of mixed ranged combat enemies that swarm you and stagger to death. Both cases feel completely non-interacive, especially since the 2 attack buttons (LMB and RMB) seem to have a list attack patterns on a cycle, rather than specific inputs, making it spam instead of tactics.

    Couldn't bear much of it, given the 1st section is long boring combat that turns into enemy spam and death that i thought it was a forced story element, given how little interaction it had...
    Since there's nothing resembling a tutorial to make combat tolerable so I assume it's awful and random.

    Feels like a poor mobile adaptation.
    Still gets a +1 for the visual design. So it's (2+1)/5
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Just took a look at the demo and got to say that I like what I see. The combat is way above par when it comes to these adults games.I've only seen the one character a little so far. So theirs, not much to say besides she looks good.

    The one thing that did annoy me was the sex scene. It's kind of hard to enjoy it when all your focus is on keeps track of the hearts position.

    I Like that there was some kind of interaction, but nothing beyond that.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Pam Jam

    I'm getting tired with all the incest based content on this website. This is breath of fresh air. Trailer was interesting though the trailer could have been a little bit more elaborate. Women that can fight and love..!! I like the art style.. Even if sex is not there, it still looks promising. Fighting to impress. I need to start my patreon account back up for this soon..
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    The concept is great, it has alot of promise. However, the game isn't even at the point where you could consider it a "Pre-Release" IE, releasing this game to anyone in it's current state is a very bad idea. It's UE properties are unstable, the game mechanics and inputs are clunky and delayed, to the extent that actually playing the game and getting any real enjoyment out of it is unrealistic as an expectation, and the graphics and visual effects are not at all at the point of even a showcase, let alone an actual playthrough. This game needs alot more attention before I can bump my rating up even one star. Consider finding developers to cooperate with in production, or increasing the time spent on this project.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game... I will support these type of games till the day I die... I just wish main game companies like steam, playstation, xbox and what ever other major game company realize that there is A HUGE freaking market for these type of games and that those who make them will BECOME RICH. :D
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Feels like AAA quality game! Unlike a lot of other games, Paperbag seems to know what he's doing and i have no doubt this will develop a full, high quality and possibly the best finished H-Game. This is exactly what i wanted out of a porn game: good mechanics (in this case combat), some story development and choices, character and gameplay development.