Despite being abandoned, I thought I'd give it a try. And I can say I was really surprised at how good it was. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! However despite being linear, I wish PC wasn't so pessimistic towards Noire at the start. I immediately liked her more than the annoying AF Ruby, but PC was reluctant/beta about the whole thing. I wish that it had let you choose who you'd gear towards (Obviously Noire is the correct choice) even if it was linear cause tbh PC victim card/woe was me with Noire then immediately follows up by being a total ass and self serving prick to Ruby made me wanna Clock him in the face. If the Dev decides to ever remake this I would Prefer a semi-linear format with 3 or 4 routes total (one for either girl and one for neither girl/ both girls) Like they story would progress the same no matter the route, but each choice raises an affinity point for a either girl and near then end you can choose the girl you were going for if one is higher than the other, or a normal route or I'd you had enough for both then you can pick that end. Only other thing of note would be to make PC more neutral at the start and change the dialoge slightly depending on choices or who's affinity is higher as the story progresses. This could make his pretty bland/boring at the start, but if the choices you make slight changes to the dialoge even after a the first non-neutral choice, that would be OK in my books. Heck, you can even make PC a playboy that's down for whatever instead of the aggravating revenge plot that's both a pain /cringe af to read. Idk much about game dev, but aside from the PC attitude, I heccing love THE FUCK outta this game, and sincerely hope it gets a remake or something.