3.50 star(s) 10 Votes


Mar 20, 2018
How to start:
press, in this order, ↑ ← ↑ ↓ → during the screen that told you to read the manual.
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Jan 19, 2018
Does the game crash for anyone else after several gangrapes? I get the defeat screen and can choose "Retry" a couple or so times but after some time it just CTDs after that screen. Loading my save doesn't help either.


Aug 15, 2017
i just found it, in area between watermill and church, but wait what...u dont completed game?
Holy shit this took me nearly 3 years of playing(on and off) to clear the game as a "virgin". I cleared both Boss quest and Rescue mission but still dont have 100% monster book. Use the page 7 map it is really helpful to clear the game/navigate. Lastly the Boss on Restres Yard is the hardest boss to clear and you might want to stock up on some meds and scrolls. Do you or anyone else want the 80%(but finished) cleared save file?
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Aug 15, 2017
Does the game crash for anyone else after several gangrapes? I get the defeat screen and can choose "Retry" a couple or so times but after some time it just CTDs after that screen. Loading my save doesn't help either.
It just takes a bit of time to load but never crashed.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Holy shit this took me nearly 3 years of playing(on and off) to clear the game as a "virgin". I cleared both Boss quest and Rescue mission but still dont have 100% monster book. Use the page 7 map it is really helpful to clear the game/navigate. Lastly the Boss on Restres Yard is the hardest boss to clear and you might want to stock up on some meds and scrolls. Do you or anyone else want the 80%(but finished) cleared save file?
What do you consider clearing and what's your general strategy for the rescue missions? I'm having a hard time making it more than 12 floors before I'm getting my ass kicked left and right.
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Aug 15, 2017
What do you consider clearing and what's your general strategy for the rescue missions? I'm having a hard time making it more than 12 floors before I'm getting my ass kicked left and right.

Since I spent lots(maybe too much) time on playing I'll break it down as early(basic) and late game(complex) strategies.

- Early Game -

TL.DR: Cheese the fuck out of the system and only engage enemies you have beaten or you think you can beat, and Holy Vials are your best pal and become a hoarder.

+ Holy Vials
Regardless of which weapon type you find yourself comfortable with you'll find that the enemy can quickly cut down your HP. Since(presumably) Roland(You) have low HP, Lv and lacks powerful HP potion, therefore, you might find yourself in a tight situation quite often. This is where the skill of "Purifier's craft" will come in quite handy. Purifier's craft will allow you to create 5 Holy Vials. These Vials will not only allow you to heal to nearly max HP but can also be used to damage and blind(chance) your enemy, and only at the cost of your entire MP. It may appear that using all of your MP doesn't seem beneficial, however, it is only the case if there is an enemy is directly in front of you or you are in grave danger. When there is no enemy in your sight(or at least a few tiles in front of you) the spent MP can be quickly recovered as long as you have vitality above red(15%). Even in the late game where I have enough HP to tank some damage, I found myself using the vial quite often to deal with an enemy that can only be damaged with the silver weapon and/or crowd controlling other weaker pesky/annoying enemies.

Basically, make sure you have a constant supply of these vials as they are extremely useful for various reasons.

+ Vitality
Vitality is THE most important thing to pay attention to. Vitality lets you regenerate HP and MP and recover from debuff quickly, essentially allowing you to use your skills. Food items allow you to keep the vitality high and recover a little bit of your HP depending on the food item. From my experience, you should keep items that recover your vitality to full as last resort and instead use other less recovering food items first.

Bread(Large and Mini): Recover 100%(Large) and 50%(Mini) vitality.

Fruits(Bitter, tart, and sweet): Recover a little to a large amount of vitality along with some HP recovery.

Berry(3 variations but focus on berry of life): Recover little vitality(3~15%) but recovers little to a large amount of HP and MP. Berry of life is a good HP and MP recovery item to have.

Cake(Clockwork Rabbit's Sweets): Recovers max vitality and gives you happiness buff(temporarily increases certain stats).

Candy and Flower: Recover very little vitality(3~5%) but give positive buff such as happiness buff.

HP Potion of any kind: Surprisingly the creator decided to give the player a little break by giving a small vitality(1~5%) if you use the potion. However, I found that the HP potion is redundant due to the Holy Vial or Berry of life, it instead just takes up space. I tend to use HP potion as soon as I find one or collect it so I can sell it to the cat merchant.

+ Use Items
There are tons of items in this game but you only need quite a few in reality. Most are convenient but not necessary for your survival.

Magic Cane of any kind: In the early game this may be quite useful when dealing with a large number of enemies or finding yourself in a tight spot. However, in the late game, these canes can become obsolete and just take up space in your inventory. If there is a cane that I recommend, it would be the Chaotic and/or Hypnotic Wand.

Scrolls of any kind: Although not all but a few of the scrolls are quite vital from early game to all the way to the late game. Some scrolls such as teleportation are only useful if you find yourself in a tight situation and cannot retreat. But if you find scrolls that give you buffs then I recommend just using it right then and there, but there is one scroll I highly recommend that you keep in your inventory. The Scroll of Punishment.

The Scroll of Punishment: The problem solver. It deals high damages(200~500) to all enemies in a very large radius and it does not damage yourself. When travelling from one level to the other there is a chance you might be ambushed in this large open area with a large number of enemies. Even in the late game, these ambushes are hard to deal with as enemies come from all directions, some of which can engage you from a long distance. This scroll allows you to kill a good chunk of the enemy without any consequences other than losing the scroll. I personally carry a minimum of 5 scrolls with me at all times. Just in Case.

The Scroll of Sacrifice: The Chinese knockoff of Scroll of Punishment. Although it does a similar amount of damage to Punishment Scroll, however in exchange it reduces your health down to 1HP and gives you bleeding debuff. For obvious reasons I don't tend to use these unless I have no choice.

Psalm Scrolls and Repair Scroll: These two types of scrolls are used to upgrade and repair equipment. I will explain Psalm in the section below, the repair scroll needs some explanation to fully understand. The repair scroll unlike the repair function from the NPCs does not degrade the equipment's maximum durability. Next to any equipment, there is a number that lets you know the maximum durability and the durability left of that equipment. When NPC repairs your equipment it will degrade the maximum durability, on a side note it sometimes changes the stats and the appearance of apparel. However, when repair scroll is used maximum durability will be fully recovered to the original amount when you first found the equipment(exception: Apparel equipment stats will not be recovered). I recommend using these scrolls as soon as possible in the order of Main Weapon -> Main Clothes -> Backup Weapon -> Backup Clothes.

+ Engaging Enemy/Combat
This is the most difficult part of the game as there are many different types of enemies and traps. In the circumstance that you were not ambushed, most of the time you'll be going from room to room. This means most of the time you'll be the one deciding on how you are engaging the enemy. Use this to your advantage as there is only one pathway that the enemy can engage you. First, assess what types of enemies you are engaging. Then start asking questions: How many are there? Are there traps? Are there only melee types of enemies or are there range types? Are there any enemies that I had a hard time beating? Etc... Than Stand one tile before the entrance where you cannot see the enemies in the room and let them come to you one by one. That way it is much more manageable than engaging them from multiple directions. If there are range enemies step aside either left or right, if not possible I recommend taking a few steps back even further as they will fire at the last known location even at the cost of other NPCs. This can be used to kill some enemies at the cost of nothing. After you dodged the range attack(or not if there wasn't any ranged unit) the enemies will move to the last location they have seen you and walk down the corridor. From there like I mentioned above, engage the enemy one by one in the corridor on your own terms, not theirs.

Sometimes enemies tend to wonder and come behind you while you are engaged to the front, if that does happen, first find out of the two enemies which one is a higher threat. Most of the time it tends to be the one in the front, if that is the case engage the enemy in the back and quickly kill the enemy and secure an escape route in case things don't turn out very well.

If you find yourself ambushed then DO NOT be afraid of using everything in your arsenal to stay alive. Although in the early game if this does happen to you, you're most likely royally fucked. However, all hope is not lost. In early games, you should try your best to find the nearest gate to go and use that gate to escape regardless if that gate takes you to the next level or return to the safe floor. You may think that you might have lost all progress by running away but that is not the case. By surviving, you gained exp for both yourself(experience on how to deal with the situation) and Roland the character(character exp). So do not be afraid to run away from an engagement you know you'll have a hard time beating.

+ Skills
Although this is mostly a subpart of the Combat I'll make a small exception. Almost all skill used by Roland takes a single turn(in non debuffed state) to charge up. If you're a melee main like me careful about how and when you use the skill as it might land you at a disadvantageous position. This is not really a problem for the range main as they are mostly range-based skills and does not put you in a disadvantageous position(duh). However, you might have noticed you can't use certain skills like Protector's Oath, Lance Fire, and Maiden Snow. These skills can only be used when you fill-up the green meter(between HP and MP bar), however when it can be used it is quite useful.

- Late Game -
Psalm, Essence, Alchemy and Bosses

+ Psalm
Like mentioned before Psalms are used to upgrade equipment. The question now becomes what to upgrade first as well as equipment management. As you play more and more of this game you'll find a weapon that is to your liking and have upgraded quite a bit. I recommend that you carry 1-4 different types of weapons with 1 main damage dealing weapon and the rest being backups. After upgrading the main weapon to its most limit(in my case +12) I recommend upgrading other backup weapons so you have something to fall back to. In terms of apparel, I recommend carrying 2(one you wear and the other as one backup) apparel just in case one of them gets lost(ex. due to trap) or gets low in durability. At this point of the game you should have various types of weapons and apparel in your arsenal this will become important later.

+ Essence
What essence does is quite interesting. In certain cases it allows the weapon to damage an enemy that previously could not damage by giving it certain attributes such as silver. Generally, the essence can reinforce a weapon or apparel's weak points. As you already should have noticed an only a certain amount of essence can be applied to a single weapon or apparel therefore you should think carefully to consider which weapon should be dedicated to certain types of enemy and which apparel should be dedicated to which defence.

+ Alchemy
Alchemy is a weird subject as even now I'm still not sure how it works. However, what I know is that when a piece of equipment is upgraded to a certain point with some(BUT not maxed) essence slot it can be combined together with another equipment of similar nature to create an extremely powerful weapon that CAN BE TRANSFERABLE AFTER A SAVE RESET. In terms of how powerful it is my weapon normally deals 120~150 damage to any and all enemies without any buffs and can kill Boss with just a few hits.

+ Bosses
A total of 5 bosses exist in this game and these bosses can appear on any floor and in any room. All bosses can spawn 1-5 minions to help him defeat you. In most cases, these minions are not that hard to deal with but the minions in Barking Wind may deal quite a lot of damage compared to other minions so stay alert for that. Take your time on isolating the boss and the minions, as other enemies may be very annoying to deal with while trying to kill the boss. Last but not least the Boss of Restres Yard is quite the formidable opponent with high HP and high damage. Do not underestimate him.

Additional note from MacDakka(Thank you!)

- CupuricAcid said it already, but one cannot stress it enough: Holy Vials are essential!
Before entering a room, systematically throw one (or thirteen) Holy Hand Grenades of Antioch in there, preferably from different angles (you remember the tutorial and of course know you can pivot on the spot by holding Q, right?) to affect every tile you can reach - if you hit nothing, you lost some vials. Big deal, wait a bit for your MP to recover, and brew new ones.
If there are enemies hit, though, they will activate, come to you or in your general direction (giving you the opportunity to maybe get a few more grenado hits while they are on their way), and be much more manageable because they only come as they activate, i. e. in small groups instead of every monster in the room ('Hello there! Where are you going, mate?' - 'Oh, some holy vial came flying out of the blue and burned my face, nothing to worry about. Just passing by to investigate, old chap.' - 'Alrightey then, I will stay here contemplating my station in the grand order of things. You have a good day, old sport. Cheerio!').
That way, you can get a feel for how populated a room is before you go in there and wake everyone up (and possibly bite off more than you can chew). And under the right circumstances, with a bit of patience, you can clear out whole monster dens or boss rooms. Quite the chuckle to enter a completely empty room and get that music change to 'DRAMATIC!' mode.

- Precision blindfiring: With a ranged weapon, you can just blindly blast away into the darkness and if there is a monsterly populated tile in range, you will hit its inhabitant without even having known it was there. Goes a bit harder on the ammo, admittedly, but is very satisfying. And a good addition to the grenade tactics, for the downtime while your MP recharge.

- Patience is key: Pack enough food and live off the land (as CupuricAcid mentioned, every HP potion you find gives you two or three percent of Vitality, so drink the stuff even if you have full health) so you can afford to take it slow. Much less strainful on poor Eve's holes.

- Regularly use a holy vial to Consecrate your bladed implement of choice - it reduces the wear and tear significantly and you will need less repair scrolls.

- Protector's Oath does not use up your action for the round, so when you are in the middle of a fight, you can heal yourself with it and attack immediately afterwards.

- The Sword's Acute skill usually lets you act before your opponents can, so it is even more useful for facing opponents with high AGI.

*EDIT 2021-11-11: Spellings and grammar, some changes to the note, included note from MacDdakka
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Jun 10, 2017
Really, really, really useful notes there. Thanks a lot for writing it all together! (y)

What I would add, from my personal playstyle preferences:

- CupuricAcid said it already, but one cannot stress it enough: Holy Vials are essential!
Before entering a room, systematically throw one (or thirteen) Holy Hand Grenades of Antioch in there, preferably from different angles (you remember the tutorial and of course know you can pivot on the spot by holding Q, right?) to affect every tile you can reach - if you hit nothing, you lost some vials. Big deal, wait a bit for your MP to recover, and brew new ones.
If there are enemies hit, though, they will activate, come to you or in your general direction (giving you the opportunity to maybe get a few more grenado hits while they are on their way), and be much more manageable because they only come as they activate, i. e. in small groups instead of every monster in the room ('Hello there! Where are you going, mate?' - 'Oh, some holy vial came flying out of the blue and burned my face, nothing to worry about. Just passing by to investigate, old chap.' - 'Alrightey then, I will stay here contemplating my station in the grand order of things. You have a good day, old sport. Cheerio!').
That way, you can get a feel for how populated a room is before you go in there and wake everyone up (and possibly bite off more than you can chew). And under the right circumstances, with a bit of patience, you can clear out whole monster dens or boss rooms. Quite the chuckle to enter a completely empty room and get that music change to 'DRAMATIC!' mode.

- Precision blindfiring: With a ranged weapon, you can just blindly blast away into the darkness and if there is a monsterly populated tile in range, you will hit its inhabitant without even having known it was there. Goes a bit harder on the ammo, admittedly, but is very satisfying. And a good addition to the grenade tactics, for the downtime while your MP recharge.

- Patience is key: Pack enough food and live off the land (as CupuricAcid mentioned, every HP potion you find gives you two or three percent of Vitality, so drink the stuff even if you have full health) so you can afford to take it slow. Much less strainful on poor Eve's holes.

- Regularly use a holy vial to Consecrate your bladed implement of choice - it reduces the wear and tear significantly and you will need less repair scrolls.

- Protector's Oath does not use up your action for the round, so when you are in the middle of a fight, you can heal yourself with it and attack immediately afterwards.

- The Sword's Acute skill usually lets you act before your opponents can, so it is even more useful for facing opponents with high AGI.


Active Member
Apr 5, 2018
Holy shit this took me nearly 3 years of playing(on and off) to clear the game as a "virgin". I cleared both Boss quest and Rescue mission but still dont have 100% monster book. Use the page 7 map it is really helpful to clear the game/navigate. Lastly the Boss on Restres Yard is the hardest boss to clear and you might want to stock up on some meds and scrolls. Do you or anyone else want the 80%(but finished) cleared save file?
i dont have full save. i less play this game. i think there is some saves on ulmf but i cant find it in more 120 page lol.
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Aug 3, 2018
+ Alchemy
Alchemy is a weird subject as even now I'm still not sure how it works. However what I know is that when an equipment is upgraded to a certain point with some(BUT not maxed) essence slot it can be combined together with another equipment of similar nature to create a extremely powerful weapon that CAN BE TRANSFERABLE AFTER A RESET. In terms of how powerful it is my weapon normally deals 120~150 damage to any and all enemy without any buffs and can kill Boss with just few hits.
this point is my reason to quit this game, I want to make those craftable equipments via alchemy on JP Wiki, but sadly I can't understand those japaneese and machine translate doesn't goes well tho. hopefully this game have an actual EN (not machine) translated Version but seems Devs never mention it and even put encryption for this game to prevent more editing in game.
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Sep 13, 2018
How do I get this game to work? I have installed the RPGVXAce_rtp and then ran the game. I can play the tutorials but i can't seem to get past the loading screen on the new game button.


Jun 10, 2017
Does anyone know how to get her to turn into a half-beast?
If I remember correctly, letting either the Minos Demon (boss of the catacombs under the church) or La Bête (boss of the city streets) cum in you, has a chance of your becoming a rabbithrope or lycanthrope, respectively. With fluffy ears and tail, and everything.

... Which is quite insane, because as everybody knows, the correct term for a were-rabbit should be a 'lagothrope'. ;)


New Member
Oct 4, 2017
If I remember correctly, letting either the Minos Demon (boss of the catacombs under the church) or La Bête (boss of the city streets) cum in you, has a chance of your becoming a rabbithrope or lycanthrope, respectively. With fluffy ears and tail, and everything.

... Which is quite insane, because as everybody knows, the correct term for a were-rabbit should be a 'lagothrope'. ;)
I've tried Belle for more than 10 times but no luck, is there any specific things I need for it to work? Cause I already have bunny suit on and it still doesn't work.


Jun 10, 2017
I've tried Belle for more than 10 times but no luck, is there any specific things I need for it to work? Cause I already have bunny suit on and it still doesn't work.
Not Belle, her beastly companion - if you already meant him, then I think you may have had just a string of really bad luck? For me, it usually does it one out of three or four times. :unsure:
3.50 star(s) 10 Votes