I love that game but there is one thing that bothers me, we can play as a saint who helps anybody but at the same time the game insist to make you do really questionable things.
The best example is Tiffany, i absolutely did not like how she behaved the first time so i refused to follow her in her room, then a second time in the taxi then a third time where i was really pissed at what she did when buying her house.
So i refused everytime because i don't like her and her ways, it doesnt match with my MC who is a nice person.
So no problem you may think, but no, there is a problem the MC seems to regret that choice and takes me for some idiot to refuse a threesome with a girl who was forced to do it because of some blackmail.
When a dev in a VN offers multiple routes, he should respect the choices you made.
It's not a drama but it's a mistake, the MC in this way looks completely like an hypocrit. It's a shame because i love the game and the story even if the dev is maybe forcing a bit too much on the drama.
But what pleased me it's the fact that we can play a good person for once and not a pervert teenager and have respectfull relation with many women without lying or cheating.
We always have the choice and that's great but why making the MC regret a good behavior if we are on a good guy path?
I felt the dev looking over my shoulder, having a facepalm watching me playing because i would miss that super kinky scene he worked so hard for!