Only spoilers for the agave route, which is not worth the bytes it takes up on my hard-drive
I've read every route completely, with the exception of Mayo (which seemed genuinely wholesome, but not for me) and Gakuto (which I just don't care about the guy at all..)
I've read this before, a while ago, with the old fan-translation, so this was mostly a re-read with the JAST version for nostalgia and for closure on the Wanko and Agave routes which I have not read on my previous session.
Overall as a mini-review I'm glad I've re-read all of it because the quality of the Wanko route exceeds the dogshit that is the Agave route, even if I had high expectations for the later and no expectations for the former ( what a twist ) and I would give this game a solid 9/10.
Positives first:
- every main girl's route is really good, Miyako's is the least good out of them and I still found it a very wholesome read
- it feels bittersweet to have only read the Wanko route now, so many years later. It's a really good and dramatic sports story that has a very unexpected yet sweet finale to counteract these kinds of stories normal cliche endings
- this maybe just my personal taste but I really like Chris as a character and even though I've seen complaints about her route and I still think it's considered one of if not the worst route in the game, I completely disagree
- every route has foreshadowing and hints of the conflicts and events of every other route, naturally built into them. It's just overall a very well built and thought out (with a few exceptions..) VN.
- Umeko's route is sexy as fuck
- I find it amazing how they managed to make almost every character interesting when there's so many of them. Everyone has their purpose and/or shtick in every route and nobody is just plainly generic
- most of the porn is quite good and the VA's are lovely with one exception that is not part of the routes discussed in this section
main routes: Momoyo=Chris(fight me, I will die on this hill)=Wanko=10 > Yukie=9.5 > Miyako=9
sub routes: Umeko sensei <3 = 100/10 > Chika = 8 > capt = 7.5 > moro = 7
- I haven't read Gakuto or Mayo's routes, so mileage may vary, but for what it's worth, I'm sure Mayo's route is wholesome, but it's just not my thing and Gakuto could honestly go either way.
- you're gonna go in with the expectations that this is a VN and that absolute steaming dogshit is considered top-tier in this medium (see Muv-luv Alternative, Kara no Shoujo etc). This is mostly a comedy even though I don't think you would read it just for that, but the actual comedic parts can be hit or miss depending on your style of humor. For what it's worth I had a grin on my face almost the entire time reading and quite a few times found myself laughing out loud
- Umeko Is not a major character
- the game can feel very low budget and sometimes rushed and is a far cry from the quality of its sequel (not very fair, but felt like this had to be said), though the CG itself is very good when it rarely appears.
- the official translation seems like the superior localization of the story after having read it fully and a good chunk of the unofficial one, but even with my extremely limited knowledge of Japanese, I have noticed lines that are completely wrong in the JAST version. Paired with the translation being littered with grammatical errors, misspellings, wrong names, missing words from sentences and other effects of low quality proof-reading, you may want to consider doing some research before choosing which of the translations to go with. Tho, the JAST version is uncensored, for what it's worth.
- there's only one major con and that's the agave route (SPOILERS.. even if it's objectively not worth reading)
- the whole "don't do drugs kids™" vibe in the beginning is so in your face and out of place after reading the other stories. This would be fine if the story and dialogue in this route were written well, but they're not..
- with the exception of the hook of Gakuto getting actually brutally beaten in stark contrast with the tone of the other routes, every single other solitary aspect of Agave was rushed, cheap and badly written
- there's a major twist at the ending of Agave that is "foreshadowed" in the route selection sections, except the foreshadowing is bait, as it's spoken from an un-named character's perspective and It's the exact situation that was explored in the common and on Miyako's routes. This leads you to believe that it would be another Miyako related story and with the teasing of this being one character or another's "harem route" you could get the impression it's something along the lines of her plan of having Yamato by sharing him with the other heroines. But no, it turns out the un-named character was actually randomly just another girl that was in the EXACT same situation during the EXACT same time as Miyako, namely Koyuki. Because of a retarded contrivance, she was not allowed to join the Kazama family because of Capt's absence, even though she spoke out and even though there was no way that Capt would have refused her joining would it have been up to him, thus breaking her soul and mind and leading to the admittedly effective "plot-twist" in the ending of this route. This whole thing is explored for an entire 5 dialogue lines between her and Miyako on one or two other routes (I don't remember which ones) and this exploration is nowhere near the level of foreshadowing and could be interpreted in a million other ways from them both being just kind of strange, or fourth wall breaking on the fact that they were the respective love interests of the genius of their respective groups, or that their voice is similar or any number of other assumptions that could not be attributed in any way to any kind of plot point. Basically, if you saw this coming, you are a liar.
- on the topic of Agave being a "who done it" with no way of pre-empting the answer, the villain of the story and secret asshole is no other that Aoi Touma. Even though he plays major roles in all other main routes, the first time you can kind of start assuming he's somehow involved is when he appears as his alter ego in the Agave route itself, but supposedly, this was his ambition and motivation this entire time, even if it's not reflected in any way in any of the other routes and not even in the short description of his future in any of the after stories. Add on top of this that his villain motivation is beyond stupid, his follower's motivations are asinine, his plan is basically non-existent and just the over-all quality of the writing of the explanations and dialogue for this section of the route, it's just laughably bad considering the seriousness with which the story in this route is being told. If this was all played as a joke and Aoi was cartoonishly evil, that would have been fine, but it's not, it's played completely straight
- all the harem talk is revolved around two threesomes that happen during this route. One is with the kidnapper girls (Angel and Tatsuko) and the other is within the Kazama family (namely Miyako and Momoyo). The former is verging on it being romantic, but it's rushed and there's practically no build-up. For Tatsuko it's basically explained as love at first sight while with Angel there is some friendship progression but none romantic or sexual in any way. As for the later, that just comes out of nowhere with 0 buildup or premeditation and for an absolutely stupid reason. In the case of Momoyo's it just tramples on her personality and her motivation for loving Yamato that is explained during her route as well. Overall they both felt out of place for the tone of Agave and served no purpose in the end.
- there's neither romance or comedy in this rom-com's route. I mean you could technically be laughing at all the cringe I guess..
- Tatsuko is built-up to a decent degree during the common route but gets one punched by Momoyo. She's also the culprit of the above mentioned questionable voice acting, but only during the sex scenes
- Shakadou is built up DURING EVERY SINGLE MAIN ROUTE, and then gets one punched by Lu who is a nobody character with no screen time
- the Momoyo losing her power bit was so fucking retarded and every character involved was so fucking stupid that I almost stopped reading it when it happened and genuinely hoped that most of the characters involved would just fucking die even though non of them were villains.
- the "parting" ending is rushed and again just comes out of nowhere. The excuse that it's not Forever™, but rather just for another 40-70 years to make their dreams come true until the agave blossoms again, just clashes and destroys the over-all fantasy of being friends and staying together, that the game has been parroting up to this point and in every single other ending.
- in fact the entire route feels rushed to all hell and reeks of a "we ran out of budget/time" situation. If that's the case I feel bad but this just isn't worth reading, genuine 1.5/10 score
- Umeko's route is too short

- there's no harem ending and that just feels to me like a wasted opportunity when it also felt like it was potentially building up to it, it wouldn't exactly completely work with the tone, but neither does what we got as a final ending that requires passing all of the other ones first. Hell, I would have taken anything over what become of the Agave route, but a harem would have fit my personal preference, so this is just a subjective con.
I understand that this mostly became a rant of the Agave Route™ and not much of a review for the rest, but for what it is and for the joy that it's brought me reading it, Majikoi would otherwise be an almost perfect game and it's also relevant because it's also the only thing forcing me to drop the score from 10 to 9.