4.00 star(s) 54 Votes


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Speaking of the MC, he is pale as fuck for someone who is latino/hispanic, if you contrast that with his daughter and sister, he looks really weird.
Overall a very good first release, and with Harem being planned, i'm keeping an eye on this :KEK:
Funny you should mention that. I had a girlfriend from Portugal years ago, who was even more pale than I am. She could easily pass for someone from Belgium, Germany or even any Scandinavian country. And then some of her roots were even Angolan. (Angola used to be a Portugese colonies). I met an aunt of her as well, who was very recognizable Angolan, beautiful dark skin, but in my friends' line, the caucasian genes seemingly became more dominant.


Jan 6, 2019
Apparently you have no clue of how genetics work.
Nor do you. Dark skinned father and fair skinned mother have 4 kids. One is lighter than either of them. One is as dark as the father, and the other two are as fair as the mother. They are all my half siblings. I am as light as the lightest child with a mother as fair as theirs. So tell me more about genetics...


Sep 16, 2017
Ok. Really like this first release. I fell it has a really good pace!
Love the model of Xiomara!
On the reading side: I undertand now all the comments :ROFLMAO:
It would be a good idea to put in parenthesis/brackets the meaning of the words and some... coloquialismos? (mija is the first one that it comes to mind).
But again: really good first relesase!
Wish you all the good luck kvitravn (y)
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Sir Anal

Aug 19, 2021
I like it a lot and I'm waiting for the next part.
These images, this mixture of DAZ and reality, the story itself, as far as I understand it, seems interesting. :love:
But as for the writing... a mixture of Spanish and English, some rather obscure sentences.
And then the choices are never very clear. Translation problem? In any case, for me, "King" / "Prince" is never very meaningful.:oops:

A good, very good, start, but still a lot of work to do.
Might as well hope for the best. So, keep up the good work, dev ! (y)
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Chagatai Khan

Jun 22, 2020
Dude, I lived there. I married someone from there. It's not universal, but there's many areas of SEA where they have a fixation on white western culture and there's literally hundreds of beauty products that are solely to try and whiten their skin. Among the "upper class" of the Philippines, for instance, you are looked down on if you are more brown. The whiter you are, the more it's perceived that you are somehow - "better". There's also a large number of females over there who want to make babies with white foreigners, because their babies will be more white skinned. It's fucked up sadly, because it's another indicator of how much cultural change is happening due to what the media feeds the new generations.

Sorry if I offended any one over this. I was just too lazy to type Latino and Latina. However, you are again making generalizations. What's OK in a displaced population of LA (as an example) might not be ok on the streets of San Jose, or Mexico City or Panama City... every country is different. I dated a girl from Costa Rica for a few years and their version of Spanish is quite a bit different then Mexico, for example. No one ever used Latina to describe their woman (at least that I heard) I always just called her my Chica, or my Flaca.

Anyhow, I think we derailed this poor devs thread enough... I just wanted to comment that the MC is not "Too white" and I actually get the dialogue in this game, even if it seems to be more true Spanish then Latin Spanish. I just want to be able to rename the MC is all ;)
As somebody else pointed out already, having a fair complexion was considered a sign of being upper class in almost all preindustrial societies throughout history, because it was a sign of not having to do manual labour outdoors. The industrial revolution changed this in the West because suddenly the urban masses weren't getting a tan. Getting a tan then, for a while, became a sign of wealth. When I was in Iran staying with a family I had met, I wanted to tan in their garden. They were mortified. They said that I had such beautiful white skin and that I shouldn't be tanning. This appreciation among Iranians, and by extension all Middle Eastern cultures, for white skin isn't a modern phenomenon. Go and look up Persian miniature paintings from the 13th century onwards and you'll find that almost all characters are invariably fair skinned.
Besides that point, even among some precolonial African societies there was racism, if you could call it that, between different ethnic groups based on the darkness of their skin. So it isn't necessarily a sign of Western white cultural dominance, though it probably did have some influence in more recent times.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2018
What's up with the King versus Prince choices? Is it just narrative flair? Or do the two choices lead to different paths? Will I miss out on potential sexy times with the daughter if I'm too much of a King, and not enough of a Prince?

Kvitravn Dev

Making Memories / Further Education
Game Developer
Jul 1, 2020
What's up with the King versus Prince choices?
You'll know what it means, stay tuned :)

Is it just narrative flair? Or do the two choices lead to different paths?
Basically how the MC would interact with Xiomara In that moment, as there's no point system or anything - I just want to approach that situation in 2 different romantic ways.


Jul 18, 2019
How rename MC name? Easy. Open and edit script.rpy with notepad or notepad ++
Search this line:
define A = Character("Alvaro",who_color="#F9975D")
Change "Alvaro" for the name you prefer.
In my case:
define A = Character("Lolo",who_color="#F9975D")
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2019
I gave up, couldn't understand half of the shit being said, her name is Xiomara, so why the fuck did he keep calling her mija or whatever it was.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2019
Google suggests that this is an informal way of addressing a daughter in Spanish.
Yes well they didn't teach Spanish in Australia, and I certainly won't google it when I understood almost nothing being said, I would spend more time on google than in the game.
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2021
Google suggests that this is an informal way of addressing a daughter in Spanish.
Sometimes I think I am the only guy in the world who watches foreign language movies with subtitles, lol.

Ya, mija is an affectionate term for daughter.. for a male it's mijo. Similar to the proper Spanish terms for son and daughter - hijo and hija. (pronounced ee-ho and ee-ha) As with a lot of Latin languages, an 'a' on the end usually means it's feminine and an 'o' means it's masculine. Even Italian (nonno - grandfather, nonna - grandmother)

Personally, I for one enjoy the polyglot of language used in this game. The only places I would change things are in some of the sentences that were all Spanish. Those are too much for this audience, IMO. But the affectionate terms and the swearing... please leave that option in. It's very realistic and reminds me a lot of being in the home of my GF down in Costa Rica, where everyone spoke English and Spanish mixed together.

How rename MC name? Easy. Open and edit script.rpy with notepad or notepad ++
Search this line:
define A = Character("Alvaro",who_color="#F9975D")
Change "Alvaro" for the name you prefer.
In my case:
define A = Character("Lolo",who_color="#F9975D")

Thanks. I knew this already and I edit scripts all the time, but it would still be nice to have the name change option. Especially now before the game evolves. Sometimes there's dialogue that doesn't use the above name variable so just changing the script or relationship rpy misses it. Other times, the devs start to fork the script file off into multipart segments for chapters, etc. The best options I see are games that assign multiple character name variables for each character in the game. Like "mc" for the main use of their name, "MC" for all caps (Shouting), "mc_pet" for some affectionate pet name, etc. Even if they don't use those variables at this stage of the game, these devs put them in for future use. That's good coding IMO.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2018
It got a bit confusing at some points (like the whole king/prince thing) and the only reason I got the random spanish in between some dialogues was that I've heard those expressions in movies, but overall I think this was a really good first release.

I have to commend the way the dev used cheating as an actual plot point and didn't use it as a way to shove a random sex scene in the game. You get an option to get only a text description, but even if you choose to see it, you don't really see much. It's not fetishized.
I was actually impressed by the way the dev handled the whole situation. The main character's thoughts, his reaction, that would probably be completely different if his daughter wasn't right there with him, as well as the build up to that scene, that let us understand why Xiomara took the MC's side without a second thought.

I can't say I like all of the future tags, but I really think this game has potential.
4.00 star(s) 54 Votes