RPGM Completed Makoto Mini: Never Underestimate Tentacles [Complete] [v1.0.2] [TheCardWielder]

4.00 star(s) 3 Votes


New Member
Aug 15, 2020
The CG art is beautiful and the animations are good. It's a great game! TheCardWielder is doing a good job so far!:)
Review? I just say I loved the game. The reviewers and critics will say better.:censored:
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Nov 17, 2017
MyuRoX I'm glad you find the CG art and animations to be beautiful! The artist, RE411, did fantastic work for me for all of them, and there are still more to be included in the game in the next update! As for the animations, that makes me feel really happy, as I've been improving on my pixel art and animations while developing my games! So thank you for all of the kind words, I certainly hope you continue to enjoy the games I make! :D

Elsisssurana There's not direct mind control in the game, nor do I have any planned for MM:NUT. The closest would probably be the aphrodisiac effects that some of the traps and enemies have in the game, thoug some of the Bad End scenescould seem like mind control / corruption like endings for Makoto :giggle:
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Nov 17, 2017
Just posted an update for the game which fixes a bug with acquiring new tonfas, as well as a small change to the drop rate of items when you get a "Overkill".


May 25, 2017
Neat game. Small bug though, when you first enter the "safe zone" thingo, you can strip down as if you're going to take a bath, then the npc dialogue that pops up when you first try to leave the safe zone will override the "you can't leave the safe zone while naked" dialogue and let you walk outside. You keep the naked protag appearance until your first battle, after which you return to normal. For the record, entering the safe zone again will have you considered naked (even though you visually aren't), so you have to bathe and pick up your clothes again if you want to be able to leave.

Also, the low drop chance on the weapon component things (were they called cores?) is pretty infuriatingly inconsistent. If enemy types are going to be random, you've basically halved the drop chance for trying to target a specific type through that design choice alone. I'd rather they be more common and just have a higher crafting requirement to make grinding them more consistent and less infuriating personally, or you could add a nut cost to crafting them (either pay the nut npc or have a generic "weapon crafting base" at the vendor for a price, and as a rare chest item) so while there's still a barrier to crafting new weapons its not rng based.
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Nov 17, 2017
Neat game. Small bug though, when you first enter the "safe zone" thingo, you can strip down as if you're going to take a bath, then the npc dialogue that pops up when you first try to leave the safe zone will override the "you can't leave the safe zone while naked" dialogue and let you walk outside. You keep the naked protag appearance until your first battle, after which you return to normal. For the record, entering the safe zone again will have you considered naked (even though you visually aren't), so you have to bathe and pick up your clothes again if you want to be able to leave.

Also, the low drop chance on the weapon component things (were they called cores?) is pretty infuriatingly inconsistent. If enemy types are going to be random, you've basically halved the drop chance for trying to target a specific type through that design choice alone. I'd rather they be more common and just have a higher crafting requirement to make grinding them more consistent and less infuriating personally, or you could add a nut cost to crafting them (either pay the nut npc or have a generic "weapon crafting base" at the vendor for a price, and as a rare chest item) so while there's still a barrier to crafting new weapons its not rng based.
I'm glad you like the game RM! :giggle:
That is an interesting bug, and a quick look at the coding for that particular area shows why it would happen, so thank you for pointing it out, it will be fixed in future versions of the game! :D

As for the low drop chance for the weapon components, it's base rate is actually one in ten per enemy, and getting an Overkill on the enemy increases this chance considerably.That's the main way I've changed how to consistently get cores, especially since getting the Tonfas isn't necessary to do well in the game, as I'm trying my best to make them more as alternatives to Makoto's starting Tonfas, then as straight up upgrades for them :giggle:
But, the weapons and cores are an experimental feature, so getting any and all feedback about them is helpful, and if how they currently are acquired in game does infuriate people, then that just means I need to figure out a better way of doing it. :)


May 25, 2017
As for the low drop chance for the weapon components, it's base rate is actually one in ten per enemy, and getting an Overkill on the enemy increases this chance considerably.That's the main way I've changed how to consistently get cores, especially since getting the Tonfas isn't necessary to do well in the game, as I'm trying my best to make them more as alternatives to Makoto's starting Tonfas, then as straight up upgrades for them :giggle:
But, the weapons and cores are an experimental feature, so getting any and all feedback about them is helpful, and if how they currently are acquired in game does infuriate people, then that just means I need to figure out a better way of doing it. :)
While they are alternatives rather than upgrades, that really isn't communicated until you go through the grind for them. I started doing a bit of grinding for them because I expected something more akin to an upgrade like is standard in most RPGs, and was thrown off kilter when I managed to get my first one (since I got one core away from crafting one just from random chance in my gameplay, then sat around grinding for a while to try for the last piece). I agree with the balance decision to only have side-grades, but going through that grind process to try and improve your character then just not getting anything if you don't think the side-grade weapon isn't worth using, that feels bad. I feel that if you started the game with one or two sidegrade weapon options either in your inventory or handed to you very early, you'd signpost that that was what you were aiming for and set expectations better. (I don't know if the protagonist carrying around functionally different spare weapons fits with story/character/source material stuff, but you could always just change the item from a weapon upgrade to major weapon mod thingy to explain it a different way instead)

Overkill stuff is an interesting mechanic, but it overemphasizes just gearing into pure damage, then using the resource advantage you build up over alternative options to buy better gem upgrade thingies to make up any stat deficits in other stat areas. It also means any skills you make later that are multi-hit based rather than dealing enough in a single hit to get the overkill threshold isn't really worth using. I'd rather swap out the overkill mechanic for one based on executing low hp enemies with a special skill, so you can try to balance your damage for being only nearly fatal if you want to min-max your drops instead of going balls to the wall damage, and also being able to learn about the mechanic through a skill description rather than being taken by surprise at a random point after you've started playing when you first encounter the overkill mechanic.

Also even if having a large amount of gem shard slots is an interesting way to fiddle with your stats as you go, having to scroll down to see all your inventory slots comes across as clunky menu design.

Anyway, not trying to be mean by being critical here, but these issues are basically from genuinely interesting mechanics just not landing the right way, and seeing someone actually put effort into making an RPG have distinctive gameplay is a great deviation from the standard Hgame schlock around which I really have to praise you on.
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Reactions: TheCardWielder
Nov 17, 2017
While they are alternatives rather than upgrades, that really isn't communicated until you go through the grind for them. I started doing a bit of grinding for them because I expected something more akin to an upgrade like is standard in most RPGs, and was thrown off kilter when I managed to get my first one (since I got one core away from crafting one just from random chance in my gameplay, then sat around grinding for a while to try for the last piece). I agree with the balance decision to only have side-grades, but going through that grind process to try and improve your character then just not getting anything if you don't think the side-grade weapon isn't worth using, that feels bad. I feel that if you started the game with one or two sidegrade weapon options either in your inventory or handed to you very early, you'd signpost that that was what you were aiming for and set expectations better. (I don't know if the protagonist carrying around functionally different spare weapons fits with story/character/source material stuff, but you could always just change the item from a weapon upgrade to major weapon mod thingy to explain it a different way instead)

Overkill stuff is an interesting mechanic, but it overemphasizes just gearing into pure damage, then using the resource advantage you build up over alternative options to buy better gem upgrade thingies to make up any stat deficits in other stat areas. It also means any skills you make later that are multi-hit based rather than dealing enough in a single hit to get the overkill threshold isn't really worth using. I'd rather swap out the overkill mechanic for one based on executing low hp enemies with a special skill, so you can try to balance your damage for being only nearly fatal if you want to min-max your drops instead of going balls to the wall damage, and also being able to learn about the mechanic through a skill description rather than being taken by surprise at a random point after you've started playing when you first encounter the overkill mechanic.

Also even if having a large amount of gem shard slots is an interesting way to fiddle with your stats as you go, having to scroll down to see all your inventory slots comes across as clunky menu design.

Anyway, not trying to be mean by being critical here, but these issues are basically from genuinely interesting mechanics just not landing the right way, and seeing someone actually put effort into making an RPG have distinctive gameplay is a great deviation from the standard Hgame schlock around which I really have to praise you on.
Thank you for the quite elaborate review on all this RM! :D

You're certainly right, and that's a fault on myself for not explaining it within the game. I'll make sure to do so should I use alternative weapons again in the future. Probably would I would do with this system in the future is have the cores not be unique to enemies, and instead have them be universal and allow the player to use them to get specific alternate weapons, maybe some just being straight upgrades but costing more cores. After all, I was experimenting with this idea in the first place, so learning from it was inevitable. :p

As for Overkill, it's one thing that originally I had removed from the game in early builds, but then brought back at fan request. (As I had used it in my previous game, Agents of P.O.R.N.) Only this time, I tweaked the total health you had to Overkill the enemy by, and changed the rewards you got for doing so. As for the excuting an enemy at low health with a specific skill, that wouldn't fit Makoto's fighting style, which is more akin to just raw overwhelming power, but it's certainly an idea for some future characters to potentially have! :D
I'll also try my best to include a bit of a tutorial to introduce how Overkill works in my games in future too, thank you for the idea. :)

I'm guessing you mean the inventory screen for them all and not the equip screen? As I don't think I can change much about the equip screen side of things, but I can certainly look into making the gems stackwithin the inventory, assuming it's possible within RPG Maker MV. :p

And I know you're not trying to be mean with all these points, you have a valid opinion on the game, and I want to gameplay to be both understandable and fun to play within my games, not just a gallery with a game tacked on :p
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May 25, 2017
Oh yeah I meant the equip screen, didn't even think of the inventory screen. Yeah I don't know how possible it is either, my rpgmaker dev experience was like fucking around with it for a couple of hours nearly a decade back.

And yeah I've got no knowledge of Blazblue at all, so the fighting style thing in relation to overkill missed me by completely, but fair enough.
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Reactions: TheCardWielder
Nov 17, 2017
Oh yeah I meant the equip screen, didn't even think of the inventory screen. Yeah I don't know how possible it is either, my rpgmaker dev experience was like fucking around with it for a couple of hours nearly a decade back.

And yeah I've got no knowledge of Blazblue at all, so the fighting style thing in relation to overkill missed me by completely, but fair enough.
Ah, then yeah, I've not got much idea either then, could be something I look into, but I think it's mainly related to the fact that I've given the player more equip slots to work with than the base game usually has, so the easiest solution would be to reduce the number of gem slots I think :unsure:

And that's understandable, Blazblue isn't everyone's style of game after all :p


Apr 5, 2020
There's not direct mind control in the game, nor do I have any planned for MM:NUT. The closest would probably be the aphrodisiac effects that some of the traps and enemies have in the game, thoug some of the Bad End scenescould seem like mind control / corruption like endings for Makoto :giggle:
Since there's not any explicit mind control, nor any plans for it, then it may be prudent to remove the mind control tag from the thread / OP
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Nov 17, 2017
I am now very proud to announce, the full release of Makoto Mini: Never Underestimate Tentacles, or MM:NUT for short!:

Changelog from previous version:
- Added Area 3 and Ending to the game
- Added two new enemies and the Final Boss
- Added a map zoom out feature by pressing the "Page Up" Key
- Increased the XP reward of some Area 2 enemies
- Added some new Gem Types and Consumables
- Added new animations to Consumables when used
- Bug Fixes... A lot of Bug Fixes


Apr 20, 2018
Hi TheCardWielder , I just finished your game and I really had a great time playing it. I like the idea to still playing while the protagonist is in hard situation, the CG are really great tho (personnaly CG's aren't my taste, I'm more an animation guy).

I think it's my first review on this forum since I'm in, but your game just leave me the feeling to thank you.

Is there any plans for the future ? And I might ask but, would you add some inflation/preg stuff ? especially if animated :love:
Just asking, I'm a fan of this genre but won't mind if you say no ;)

Anyway keep the good work <3

Ps: sorry for my english
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Reactions: TheCardWielder
Nov 17, 2017
Hi TheCardWielder , I just finished your game and I really had a great time playing it. I like the idea to still playing while the protagonist is in hard situation, the CG are really great tho (personnaly CG's aren't my taste, I'm more an animation guy).

I think it's my first review on this forum since I'm in, but your game just leave me the feeling to thank you.

Is there any plans for the future ? And I might ask but, would you add some inflation/preg stuff ? especially if animated :love:
Just asking, I'm a fan of this genre but won't mind if you say no ;)

Anyway keep the good work <3

Ps: sorry for my english
I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the game poyane! :giggle:
And it's great to know that my game got you to leave your first review on here, I very much appreciate that! :D

As for the future, I'm already working on my next game, no CGs this time around, so more of a focus on the animations then! ;)

As for pregnancy, well I'll be honest. Pregnancy isn't my thing, and within MM:NUT's ending I actually set up a reason for why it cannot happen within my games. (As I plan on them all being set within the same world)
Inflation on the otherhand, by which I assume you mean things like cum inflation, I'm not as against as pregnancy, but it's not something I personally enjoy to that much. If anything, maybe a little bit is fine with me, but never anything extreme. As such, it may come up in a future game, but we'll have to see, as I don't want to promise anything :(
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Apr 20, 2018
Inflation on the otherhand, by which I assume you mean things like cum inflation, I'm not as against as pregnancy, but it's not something I personally enjoy to that much. If anything, maybe a little bit is fine with me, but never anything extreme.
That's the thing, stuff like Hyper inflation isnt my thing, I'm more fan of cumflation.
But thanks for your honesty, I can't wait to see your futur works ! :D
4.00 star(s) 3 Votes