
. Did anyone have any luck finding base models for Veronica or Amy ? I did not
I could kick myself on this one but while I was travelling this summer and searching around on my laptop I found a match for Amy -- AND I found the skin textures used for Veronica and for Claire..and now that I am home -- I can not find them!
To be honest since I know Faerin likes to morph and tweak his characters to his own specification I am starting think he used the same base model for all three of the women in the house and then use the "growing up" or aging morphs along with a few others, as I noticed all three of the girls in the family have VERY close facial features and overall structures..with only slight differences in the noses / cheeks etc..
Im going to have to dig back into my laptop and see if I cant find those assets... I was positive I had noted and saved them to my portable HD but still NOT finding them now.. And yes I'm very annoyed because I remember when I found them felt almost like winning on an instant lottery ticket! lol I do remember their skin textures were on characters that looked NOTHING like the in game characters, he definitely put some work into making them unique.