Excellent fap material, characters are different and that way we can expect to satysfy different kinks. Incest was in this game from the start, patreon needed to erase it then author made it possible to change it back. Heck, tentant, landlolrd etc even sound stupid. Development of the story is good with good pacing, the only thing which could be better is a hint system so players can faster expect results, like it shows next thing to grind or place to be, person to talk to etc. Much, and I mean much time was wasted even with cheats without walktrough.
expecting in the future besides new content:
- better save system, where we can see how far we have gone with girls, see how much special points each have. Bigger photos, naming of saves, overrite should have change naming of the save file, but it does not. So overriten save is still on the bottom.
- new hint system in which game gives hints what to do next with girls so we as a player would not waste time on searching for new events. Like in which place to be, at what hour, what to do etc. It might be direct system or more hint like system. I don't really care which, as long as Fearin will choose something it will be great!
- the only bugs I have seen so far were two, that sister in a club didn't show up in a place she should be. With her client or by herself.
- the most annoying bug so far was that when I clicked through scenes sometimes it crashed the game. After I lowered frames per second to 30 max it helped, but did not stop. I can assume that page did not load completly yet I clicked through it and it stopped at that frame. Once while doing a chore with sister doing loundry it crashed that way that I could use smartphone and save and reload the game but that was the only time I could do it that way.
- animations needed, different perspective or even minigames with pleasuring girls, women. It would add to immersion. Other games with this feature have edge over others. Choices of perspective, position, action etc. 3D animated films with at least 30 frames each and not gifs with just 2-3 renders per scene.
Unpolished dimond which needs a lot of work to shine or even outshine other similar games.
Sorry for poor English and I hope for the best for this game! Good luck!
expecting in the future besides new content:
- better save system, where we can see how far we have gone with girls, see how much special points each have. Bigger photos, naming of saves, overrite should have change naming of the save file, but it does not. So overriten save is still on the bottom.
- new hint system in which game gives hints what to do next with girls so we as a player would not waste time on searching for new events. Like in which place to be, at what hour, what to do etc. It might be direct system or more hint like system. I don't really care which, as long as Fearin will choose something it will be great!
- the only bugs I have seen so far were two, that sister in a club didn't show up in a place she should be. With her client or by herself.
- the most annoying bug so far was that when I clicked through scenes sometimes it crashed the game. After I lowered frames per second to 30 max it helped, but did not stop. I can assume that page did not load completly yet I clicked through it and it stopped at that frame. Once while doing a chore with sister doing loundry it crashed that way that I could use smartphone and save and reload the game but that was the only time I could do it that way.
- animations needed, different perspective or even minigames with pleasuring girls, women. It would add to immersion. Other games with this feature have edge over others. Choices of perspective, position, action etc. 3D animated films with at least 30 frames each and not gifs with just 2-3 renders per scene.
Unpolished dimond which needs a lot of work to shine or even outshine other similar games.
Sorry for poor English and I hope for the best for this game! Good luck!