HTML - Masters of Raana [v0.8.4.1 - A18b] [GrimDark]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    By Jove! This game needs serious reballancing as this just a boring grindfest with little to none rewards. What is the point of levelling up by one mere point a day in virtually any stat if the main factor is a dice roll anyway? Let's put the non-sexual, survival RPG parts aside for a while and look at the slave management portion.

    Psychological realism of interactions between the MC and his live-in slaves comes out as nerdy and awkward to say the least. So you think that with relatively high manipulation and charm skills your MC will have an easy task of pimping his way into a slave's heart, without ever having to send her to your barebones 'dungeon' to beat the crap out of her to lower her 'willpower'? Think again! Being genuinely nice actually increases the willpower of your slave and can make her defiant. You compliment her, but it doesn't land well, because diceroll = not good for you, fool! Doesn't really matter that you live in a well mainteined house, put food on the table every day, take the girl out and then... just be a man and demand that she washes your back that you break for the two of you day in day out and she's angry... because the task is so demeaning and willpower draining. Why isn't she impressed by your industriousness and self-reliance, the garden, workshop, academic achievements? You wake up in the morning, hunt for food, give lectures at the Academy, sell stuff with profit, come home and ask 'how was your day, honey?' to which your strong-willed slave (living in a world where slavery is normal) replies she's not talking to you after what you've done to her, you monster! You took her out to a nice fast food joint, ordered an everything burger for the both of you, joked around, raised her mood and disposition towards you and then you went and spoilt it all by doing something stupid like demanding she scrubbed your back and sucked you off. Which she did and now she's angry. And there was no option to thank her for the blowjob after all, so this might have smoothen the situation, or explain yourself in the morning by saying "Listen hun, I know I acted like a beast last night, but you are so delicious that I turn into one just by looking at your lips. Besides, you could've said no, but went down on me anyway. So my guess is, since you did not bite my dick off, it wasn't all that bad for you, was it? Why don't we try this again sometime to see if you really, absolutely don't like the taste of my cock, ok? Your oral stats are quite high, so perhaps there'something off about my dong, which I would really appreciate if you told me, so I could, I don't know, modify my diet or hygiene routine...? C'mon! Talk to me, babe!"
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A good game. Game play and writing are excellent so far. One of the few adult game a actually want to play through. The porn is just extra and feels like it should be there as part of the game.

    I hope this gets finished.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    you may or may not remember me from way back, dev. I left a comment about the game being bad at that time, but im happy to say that the game has improved significantly since then. You fixed the things i was complaining about and expanded the game a lot.

    I can tell that if this game keeps getting the attention it deserves it will become one of the best slave trainers out there. Theres still a long way for this to happen, but the game is not bad already.

    I understand how the dev likes to create custom slaves. I feel that there should also be random generated slaves too however. That way the game can eventually be played endlessly, plus i can experiment with stuff and not worry about the slaves. Adding the option to kill slaves wouldn't be bad of an idea either. Overall the more options that give you as much freedom as possible, and ignore being politically correct or soft is something i value in slave trainer games. Main character creation could use some more options too.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    A decent basis for a game ruined by the devs insistence on adding new girls over finishing any that's already in the game. So you have no idea, which girl do I buy? Which has any cg at all? The vast majority of purchasable girls have none. You can only keep 2 active girls at once also, with 4 more inactive slots that you can pay 10k for. Its incredibly limiting. You can do quests to get girls with no warning and be unable to accept them.

    The training aspect is very repitive and overly limited in how you can make girls like you. Because almost every option raises 'happiness'. But not affection. I don't know if happiness is tied into affection at all, but if it is, you must be able to go pretty far into the negatives of one or both of these stats after a single day of interacting with a girl, as my first girl has been venomous for like 20 days despite taking every option to raise happiness every single day.

    You can get money to buy a couple of fetish items and clothes, but as noted, most girls have no cg for this, so its mostly pointless. They're just text and they all react more or less the same to everything.
    This is especially baffling with the bdsm sex v other kinds. Girls will forcibly stop oral in normal sex or spam messages about not enjoying it (despite specifically having a trait that says they do like it and you being their master and their being seemingly no laws preventing forcing them), then they'll spam messages about loving it in bdsm and not try to escape even with no gags. Do they like it or not? Why does the girl who has no 'likes oral' trait or exp like bdsm oral, but the one who 'likes oral' and has exp hates it? Why does every girl hate normal, but like BDSM? Oral stands out the most, but its like this for everything. Being rough in bdsm is okay if you're good enough, its nearly always bad outside of it. It just is.

    There's also combat in the game and holy crap is it awful. No one can aim at all. Not your guy, not the enemy. You can buy mercs that mean you probably will win... in literally 10 minutes after a combined total of over 100 misses. Or that can bug out. My save had a merc spawn in with no sprite, who I can command, but can't actually do or seemingly take damage with. If he attacks, it just skips his turn. If he's hurt he seems to have infinite hp. Makes the combat fairly hard when I'm permanently down one guy.

    If you just play with the first girl (like the only one you can buy with finished cgs), don't perma-venomous her because her 'fragile' trait means 'goes into negatives on the drop of a hat', then you've probably experienced everything worth experiencing in the game right now.
    On that note, be an old man. Because she likes old men. Just ignore the age + or minus and pick old man because the only girl with actual content likes old men despite the game explicitly telling you old men are bad with young girls.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Summertime Nickname

    One of the best game ever in F95 zone.
    If I ever created my own game, it would be this one - but in the Fallout 2 universe. It has an economy - and armor and weapons - and a harem of slaves and itorians. There are also quests. And ways to earn at the beginning of a career. And there is even hunting. In short, I love it. With version 08, everything should be even better.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the better developers in this site, consistent and well paced.
    Game has a heathy amount of content despite being less than a year old.

    It plays similar to older style html RPG games where you control one character that roams the world freely discovering things.

    Here though, you are mostly playing around your home and branching out getting new characters(mostly slaves/mercenaries) to help you, while you work in various jobs before gaining enough stats to explore that further parts of the world.

    Each slave has their own quirks and take time to warm up to you at a different pace. You can use a variety of methods to win them over.
    While you also slowly build up your home as it makes life easier for you outside.

    All the while you slowly uncover your past and why people are out to get you.

    One of the few games hasn't disappointed yet, with devs that seems to know what they want and keep a good pace at it. Definitely worthy 5 stars.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 53157

    I am not rating this game based on it being a sex game alone, but on its potential to become a real, full-blown RPG with life sim elements. There are so many things in the game and much more planned that the scope will be tremendous if truly realized.

    You start the game by defining your origin. You want to be a hunter who spent his life in the wilderness, who earns his living from pelts and hunting game? Go ahead. Were your parents scientists, and installed in you a love of education and scholarship? Well good sir, a prestigious position as a PhD lecturer in a university awaits you! Or were you merely low life scum, who had a rough childhood and got involved in the wrong side of the law? Well, I guess you can earn a living from underground gambling, counting cards and other shady practices.

    And this is just the character creation alone, which does not touch the main theme of the game, of being a slave trainer. There are two main paths to go about this.

    There is the traditional sadistic, dominant route who breaks his slaves with whip and rape, or the other route, which I greatly enjoy more, which is best described as the "Christian Gray" route in which you become a character similar to Christian gray ; in which you work on your looks and social skills to become a handsome rich chad who swoons the girls of their feet, and brings them pleasure with bondage that they start to beg for your cock.

    And that is merely of what's in the game. The dev plans to add a full sim like experience, with marriage, having kids and securing a legacy, having multiple properties in different cities and more.

    My only complaint is the slow pace of adding renders to the game. It is frustrating to acquire a slave/girl and discover she has no renders.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fantastic and there's been massive growth in terms of scope, content, and features in a relatively short period of time. This dev is committed and hard working. I follow a small number of games I enjoy and none of them are being improved and expanded as quickly as Masters of Raana.

    What makes Masters of Raana shine is hard to isolate precisely but there's more than one strength. There's a ton of player agency. The game world is a rich sandbox with many options to explore and the breadth of this freedom only continues to grow with each new release. There's a real RPG here that would be fun even without the slave training aspect. Combat is simple but satisfying. Stats have a decent level of complexity and reward role playing. Replayability is great as there are a decent number of ways to advance in the game, acquire money, and train slaves. There are different builds to try, each with their own unique paths and approaches.

    All of the above would be enough to make this game outstanding but there's also the slave training aspect which is basically unmatched. Slaves are complex and respond to different training methods differently. There's a sense of progress as your relationship with the slave evolves and many ways to mold them.

    I found myself playing Masters of Raana for the game rather than just a way to get off. That's very rare for me and very high praise as well, I believe.

    This is one of the best games, let alone slave-training games, on this site imo. It's already fantastic and will only get better. The real question is just how good it can be.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Edit: I've revisited this game more than a year later with version 0.8.2. My reception of this game has now improved with some additions which I will explain below as I strike through my previous review.

    I thought this would be up my alley but it gets bogged down by strange design.
    This game still bogs itself down, specifically in grinding. I wish things weren't this way but it's tolerable now because I found myself enjoying the game this time around.

    I went into the game, read the tutorial, hired Bud, killed some bandits, did some quests, and killed some more dudes. Was swimming pretty comfortably at 4k so I thought I might try slaves since I was getting bored and that's probably where the game shines.

    I killed my first slave. Not by accident mind you as that's pretty hard to do on accident. No, I got frustrated with it because I specced into killing dudes and was punished for not speccing into slave-breaking stats to pass what I saw as obscenely high checks. I wasn't making any progress with her and I actually had to pull up the wiki to see what I need to do. Lower her willpower. Got it. I beat her, raped her, and left her in the rack to starve to death because fuck'em. You see, I'm not fucking around with this slow burn bullshit with unexplained mechanics where I have to do some balancing act on someone's stats that's entirely dependent on RNG. Oh sure, you CAN train your stats.... At an extremely slow pace of which you might as well save scum on.

    Here's a suggestion, make SOMETHING in every job/path accessible even for characters not expressly specced into it. A tutorial whore, if you will. As much as I love playing the obviously very well-received combat system /s, I don't like feeling like I'm being soft-locked out of, you know, everything else without having to save scum a d100 roll (very fun).

    The combat is still pretty basic and continues to be uninteresting. This time I still specced into killing dudes as I didn't want to change my overall experience from last time, although I did throw some points toward Charm/Manipulation this time around. The game now has a tutorial slave that has some traits that ease the understanding of the mechanics. This easy slave gave me a better understanding of how to approach future slaves. It's still a balancing act but at least with her I understand the consequences of actions and what ideal stats to aim for for them. The whole training of your stats and such is still slow as all hell but it feels like the stat improvement chances have been adjusted. What I don't like is the limitation I feel in training certain stats that are mainly trained by the books/courses. For example, I am essentially soft locked from trying academy teaching because my academics/science will not be high enough after taking all the classes and reading all the books.

    Anyways. I've played better without having to pull up a wiki and save scum. This game is an just extended game of Yahtzee but played on a porn magazine of ugly 3DCG models. Hard pass. The dev seems to be now more utilizing AI art and such, but some of the 3D models are still jarring.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    If you enjoy games like Free Cities, Strive for Power, and Slave Maker, then you really should play this game, because it's somehow better than all of them. Despite being quite early in it's development stage (I didn't even know it existed until a few days ago...), the game somehow manages to have more content than all of the previously mentioned games. Not only is the content plentiful, it's also A-grade, with a consistent quality that puts most other so-called writers to shame. Even when doing an action multiple times, the author has put in enough subtle variations in how the dialog plays out that the gameplay never quite reaches a mundane state. Besides being wonderfully fleshed out, most character interactions are dynamic, depending on factors such as affection, corruption, and mood. This turns the usually grind-like sandbox gameplay into an immersive experience that is actually enjoyable to play. The best part about the dynamicity of character interactions is that it extends to the sex scenes as well. Instead of reading through a static wall of text, you get to design and mold the scene to your desire, with each choice having an impact on the character dynamic between you and the NPC.

    In short, the game is masterfully written, with dynamic, immersive, and sexy gameplay, with only the stars as potential ceiling.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Debaser Pixie

    I don't write many reviews, and rarely do so unless the game in question is either so bad that it warrants it, or is excellent enough to stir me from my apathy and give it much deserved praise. Masters of Raana falls into the later camp. This is an ambitious game, not only for its in-depth gameplay, but also for its chosen medium: HTML. The majority of HTML games on F95 tend to be text based, and stright forward with their choices. There are of course plenty of good ones (i.e. Casting Director, Trials in Tainted Space, etc..) and some up-and-coming potentials (SlutEd), but generally speaking there is a lot of continuity between the games in regards to how they play. This is where MoR begins to shine.

    MoR is meant to be an almost old school RPG, the usual trait, atributes, and skill tree's (though inplemented in a novel way) so that you can create your character into a relatively unique variation. Create a character who is a brutal mercenary, another who spends more time running shady mob related missions while developing and selling slaves, and another who was mostly academic focused with teaching, investing and building rep as primary pastimes. In all cases the game accomodates gameplay and ensures different experiences. Not bad for a work in progress.

    Other interesting elements of gameplay include a slave management system, but with a more in-depth interaction mechanism that allows you to build relationships and either corrupt, degrade, build confidence, fuck into submission, or keep a casual relationship and employ the girls after building up their skills. For instance have one girl making money as a proffesor, another as a dancer, one working as a fighter in the Arena, and another that maintains the household and builds reputation with domestic skills and servicing guests (in several ways). Or buy a girl, corrupt and break her will while improving her sex skills, and sell for a massive profit (pro tip: assesing slaves at the Town Hall can be done repeatedly, and can help with the corruption).

    There are currently about 8-9 available girls to buy, find or win. Each has a different personality, disposition, hidden kinks and triggers, and inherant skills. They have the same RPG attributes and skills as yourself, and they can be further developed in the way that you choose. Outfits, bondage gear, piercings, armor and weapons are available to be equipped. Their personalities can also be directly affected by your choices. Want to mind break a sex slave into a meat puppet? Build a strong willed and capable fighter? Want a Waifu? Want a pain slut who also hates you? Surprsingly yes, as I found by accident. The developer has managed to create a extremely versatile system for managing your whims with the female NPC's (to include mercs you can hire).

    Feature wise, the combat system is very similar to RPGM, skills are necessary to take advantage of better weapons and armor, there is a decent amount of management available for making money and influencing, hidden quests, major quests with side quests, bounties, etc.. A hacking system is being implemented sometime soon, as well as a pregnancy/wife feature. A functioning wiki ( a little out of date) is also helpful, and frequent updates are always a plus.

    TL;DR Masters of Raana is a very good game that is shapping up to be an excellent one, with extensive sandbox features, excellent writing, compelling characters, and many hours of gameplay. It's worth your time.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game for the genre. CoC-likes tend to play a certain way. While Masters of Raana plays in a sandbox, it isn't abstracted. Its layout is graphical and you move on a map of each area before proceeding to the next.

    The tutorial story is interesting enough. I never tried to go my own way or to reject the main story. I do wonder what I'm missing out on, but my impression is probably not much. The main storyline (noted by the quest "Masters of Raana") is incomplete, but I never made it far enough in the game to make that a problem.

    Masters of Raana isn't without its problems.

    I'd like to bring some criticism to the battle system. In MoR you fight with near present day conventional firearms. It seems like there's no real incentive to diverge from simply using the most expensive rifle. There are differences between the weapons available but I only noticed a slight accuracy loss in exchange for what was a great boost of damage.

    The combat events are certainly well designed - in the back end. Graphically, it's weak with awkward animations and lower quality character drawings than you'd expect given the neat look to the rest of the game.

    In my experience combat mostly revolved around equipping my hired hands with expensive armor so they could draw fire while my character mowed down the enemy. There is some strategy that I'd like to see emphasized. You are rewarded for looking up the enemy units you're up against and focus firing the biggest threats first. More of that please - and a greater variety of weapons and minions as well.

    Also- hopefully some events where you are rewarded for carrying a melee weapon? Perhaps Duels should be a thing in Ikaanos? Just a thought.

    I'll wrap it up and come to my biggest issue.

    This is a slaving game but I never achieved more than one slave which seemingly everyone gets. I could spend money on another but the way I see it I already had one so I played for a few weeks to explore the content with the slave.

    ... and it was disappointing. I tried to be nice from the get go. The slave hated me. I knew that approach wouldn't be great, but I was interested in playing the story so I thought I wouldn't be a complete asshole if I could advance slaving content without much thought being put into it.

    That was a failure. I reloaded my save and tried another approach. Not full asshole - I also thought that wouldn't work out well. Instead I tried to play more in character as a disciplinarian. Whatever initial progress made in the relationship would get set back by random event failures.

    That's about when I dropped the game. I'll try the game again when it's done and given how it's been developed so far it likely deserves it's 4-star rating. The dev is clearly trying and it already has a solid foundation. It just needs content expansion and some parts ironed out.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    In short the game is amazing.

    The world building is extremely well done as is all of the side content. The game features various factions, districts, tribes, and religions all of which have interesting lore and backstories that keep you interested in learning more.

    The game allows you to really create your own character and their are many ways to do that and all routes are to some extent viable you can play a character who can't fight but is extremely intelligent and progress through the games combat system using mercenaries and slaves or just uses his intellect/charisma to avoid combat all together and earns money working a job at the academy and training slaves in his free time. The character building aspect allows for a lot of replayabiliy and as more systems get implemented new playstyles are becoming more and more viable.

    As for sexual content it definitely exist in the game and what is in the game is really great but overall I would say the main draw of the game to myself atleast is the world building. Their is even an option to disable NSFW pictures which an option like that on a "porn game" is a testament to its quality.

    I thoroughly recommend this game to everyone who enjoys RPG's and just good games overall really. The game however is still in early access and does have a few typos, glitches, and bugs as well as some WIP systems, quest, and slaves but the developer for the game is really great and is constantly updating the game with significant amounts of content.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Was fiddly to get into it at first, there was a lot of clicking and I didn't understand what I'm doing. Almost ragequit a couple times because all the low level punk enemies still obliterated my character's party every time.

    But holy crap, is this game worth getting into!!! It's a monumental slaver RPG with its own fantastic lore and instead of "random pics + stats" type of girls, you get fleshed out unique named NPCs that you enslave. The actual interactions with each girl have unique text and personality.

    The sex aspect of this game is vastly more erotic than I expected, since I thought it's a simple HTML game. Far from that, this is an awesome "live your life how you want to" RPG style of game.

    Yeah it's bare bones in many areas, combat especially is very underwhelming right now, a placeholder instead of a real combat system. But over time I warmed up to it and it got sorta satisfying in its own right to fight different enemies. Almost all of which are also unique and named BTW, once you kill them they are gone from the game forever. Also, there is no hand-holding, endgame enemies are often available for you to engage right from the start, it's up to you to get wise on who you fight and who you give a wide berth to. Forces you to learn the culture and setting better as you go, and it's delicious.

    The attention to detail and scope of Raana is so exciting that I keep coming back to it and waiting impatiently for every small update. Highly recommended, even though at first it might seem clicky and bland, stick with it, this is a gaming experience not to be missed especially if you're into BDSM themes and "life simulation".
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Masters of Raana is one of the better HTML games on the site. It places you in the shoes of a newcomer to the city of Ikaanos, a high-tech, yet culturally regressed metropolis filled with slaves, bandits, factions, and all sorts of history and lore.

    I'm very impressed by the world creation. While it's not unskippable or aggressively in your face, Raana is chock full of lore and depth. You can learn about the history of Ikaanos, it's relations with the surrounding areas, and influential factions. I hope the game will have more non-slave citizens and factions to interact with at some point in the future, as it should make the city and world feel much larger.

    The mechanics of the game are deep as well. It feels very much like fallout with all the skills and attributes of the various characters. Unfortunately, lots of the character growth is based off of repetitive training events instead of anything more engaging. That said, I can definitely see a point in the future where different types of characters can experience Raana in very different ways, which seems nice.

    I think the most development focus has been spent on the slave girls and sex system, which is unsurprising considering where I'm writing this review. There's around a dozen slave girls at the moment, all with different models, backstories, and goals. You can befriend them or destroy them, depending on your preferences. As to the sex system, there's a variety of different ways to sexually seduce, dominate or humiliate the girls in order to obtain their obedience. The bondage system seems very deep as well, though convincing your girls to experience it takes some effort.

    The combat system is pretty thin unfortunately. There's a turn-based combat system, but without tactical decision making you basically just click on enemies and dice rolling takes place backstage. The game would benefit greatly from character abilities or a battle map for tactical positioning. Character abilities could also help non-combat builds do something productive in combat.

    The game isn't perfect, but it really feels like it has the scaffold for success. In general, most of the problems I have with the game feel like they'll be solved from just adding more of what the game already has or giving attention to areas that seems like they haven't received much. I could definitely see truly spectacular things coming out of Raana in the future.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't know that HTML games can be this good. The writing is awesome and something new to experience. The various quest and gameplay feels like an open world RPG. There's still a ton of placeholder art rn (at least in my gameplay). This game is some complex mechanics that feel like it was made by a professional game development team.

    I love this game. Huge props to the dev and his team.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    A very promising management / RPG game that could go from good, to amazing, with just a few minor changes.

    Starting with the good:

    The story, lore, and general dialogue is more than satisfactory. I never once cringed as I read through the game, which tends to happen a lot when it comes to adult games.

    The RPG mechanics are solid with dozens of choices in character creation, and meaningful skills and upgrades later on.

    While the art is not perfect (some faces are slightly uncanny), it's far above average.

    The bad: I had two hurdles with the game.

    Number one, probably the biggest issue, is the world map. The locations are jumbled with basically no visual guides, to a point where I get lost after going through 3 districts and it becomes a frustrating puzzle game to navigate my way back home.

    My suggestion is to have one large map you can drag with your mouse, instead of a dozen small locations interconnected in a confusing labyrinth of clicks. Of course, if it's possible from a technical side. If not, the map interface should have a lot more clarity, because right now I lose a large amount of enjoyment from the game any time I have to travel .

    The second, and smaller issue, was the combat. I can't help but compare it to my favorite game on this site, Portals of Phereon, which is aiming for a similar style of turn based top-down battle system. Whereas PoP's combat feels fast, responsive and a joy to pilot, MoR is clunky and feels like a placeholder with practically no room for tactics. I think a purely text based combat system would be much better for this game, because any time I enter combat, I feel the quality of the game drops from a 9/10 to a 2/10.

    Overall I think this game is one of the most promising projects on this site that's heading in the right direction, with regular updates and a developer who clearly cares. Once it receives some polish and quality of life features, I will definitely visit it again.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite its early stage and incomplete quests, this feels like a full game; one with the body of a manager and the heart of a RPG.

    Your character is build in-game, so organically that I've found myself with wildly different MCs than originally planned. The girls are so distinctive in looks and personality, that I've found myself being a kind mentor to one and a sadistic monster to another.

    The slow build of skills and relationships gets tiresome at times, especially on repeated playthroughs, but this can be bypass through cheats, which don't require mods.

    And there is so much to do. Don't be surprised if you found out you should've gone to bed 3h ago, but got lost on the world of Raana.

    Speaking of which, the worldbuilding is solid. There is a lingering feeling that this world existed long before you found yourself into it and still will long after you're gone. A world with people, customs and places that feel distintictivly alien, but never odd or incoherent.

    Finally, the dev reads all posts, answers most and even invited members to chat on discord about more promising suggestions. Deserving of a pledge on Subscribestar if you can afford it or, at least, a like and a nice review if you can't.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really enjoying this game. Lots of content already even though there's lots more to be added or completed. It reminds me of management games like brothels but it's close to classic RPG and adventure games with lots skill use. In my current playthrough, I haven't bought a single slave but have two females living with the MC after rescuing them from bad situations.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally some serious CRPG on this site.
    Absolutely well-written story. Beautiful character models. Highly customizable MC with background selection, attributes and skill point allocation. The outcome of each quest depends on your stats and decisions.
    This is a very serious and ambitious RPG project that's much much more than a sexual game for a quick fap. This is the type of games that I'd still play even without the erotic content. Definitely looking forward to more of this.