RPGM - Completed - Mature Quest [v1.1] [T-Soft]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Legendary artwork the game is like dragon quest but with hentai elements, the puzzles and direction in the game is hard, gameplay is somewhat fun old school, but the main attraction is the milf protagonist and workwork whilst being able to find and change into over 6 or7 different outfits and have all those scenes also changeable based on what your currently wearing.

    That is so rare these days that it's enough you will need to buy some buckets cause your going to be cumming hard with this one when the scenes come up.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Natzi boiz

    i rate this game 4 star for its sentimental element only
    the graphic, quest design and dungeon really gave the old dragon quest vibe
    that and also the "searching for walkthrough on the internet for progression" too
    the story is good enough for an rpg adventure type
    all in all a decent jrpg
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Netori Popeye

    While unique among ero-JRPGs, the game suffers from many issues, such as difficulty, quest progression, and art direction.

    The enemies and overworld are clearly inspired by early Dragon's Quest with its goofy 8-bit art style, which would be fine if the sex scenes were pixel animations or something akin to that. Instead the sex scenes are these fairly realistic modern anime style scenes with high attention to detail. It just feels very disconnected.

    And then there is quest progression. I pity anyone unlucky enough to go into this game without a walkthrough. You will spend HOURS looking for the next trigger to a quest only to find it in a random wall somewhere (reminiscent of early DQ as I said).

    Lastly, the difficulty is all over the place. One moment you'll be clearing areas with ease, then you take one step into the next area and suddenly the most basic enemy type you can find in that region can easily one-shot you. I hate to repeat myself, but... it's just early DQ all over again.

    Worth a playthrough or two but don't expect much.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    That's a genuine Dragon Quest experience with H scenes sprinkled on top.

    If you're searching for pure fap, it's honestly not the game you should play. If you're one of those who like gameplay first and foremost but enjoy little teasing from different H scenes, that's your game.
    The game is long, as I said expect a Dragon Quest game. You'll have to grind especially early on, for the first handful of levels and get past the first area. After that not so much, but there will still be occasional 5/10 minutes xp sessions especially if you're someone who doesn't really look for hidden items that can boost your stats.

    The game can pretty unforgiving at times, requiring you to go back talk to a random NPC in one of the first cities without giving you any hint that you should.
    I personally tried to get everything I could think of and I did not achieve it, some of the stuff is just really hidden and so it gives this feeling of incompleteness at the end of the game that can be frustrating if you're a completionist as I am.

    Regarding the H content, honestly not the best.
    Yes the art is gorgeous, Kuzumi is a godlike artist after all, especially in the Milf department. But, the game is not as straightforward when it comes to unlocking H content and the payoff is extremely lacking. Scenes are short, jump directly to sex, there's barely any foreplay in the whole game except for a couple of scenes. It feels like like sex for the sake of sex, which is disappointing in my opinion. There's not even a real feeling of corruption.
    If you're expecting the kind of H content you would see in one of those H-Rpg published by Kagura, then this is not it. Or rather, it's not at the same level.

    I still put this at 5* because despite the shortcomings, this is actually a really fun game and I had a really good time. Although I might be biased, I love Dragon Quest, what can I say.
    But in terms of pure H-RPG, I'd still put games like Ambrosia or Lilitales above this one, because they succeed at both being fun and erotic games. (with a better story on top of it)
    This one lacks in the erotic department in comparison, it almost feels like it was more of an afterthought.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Way too much Grindy!
    No Story ?
    Npcs are just bad they give the same answer over and over even if you are on diffrend part of the game
    I litteraly grinded 2 hour for bath scene there is no battle sex or loose sceenes
    Game doesnt say you anything you search for event to trigger managed to found 1 :)
    And Battle Popups SO FRUSTRATING getting black loading screen every 2 steps :(

    Im not horny after 2hr frustration good for no fap
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest I'd be more likely to give this 4.5 stars out of 5 rather than 5 but since that isn't an option 5 stars it is.

    This is a LONG game so brace yourselves for trip, it's heavily influenced by early Drasgon Quests titles in it's design in almost every concept.

    The story is decent if a little under developed but the sex scenes are great.

    The Art from I think 'Studio Pork' is fantastic as well but it should eb noted is only used for the CG's. The rest of the game takes a very early 8bit style for the rest of the experience.

    I will say this, the game especially early on is not easy, you'll have little choice but to grind levels in order to overcome the monsters, either that or be a hell of an RPG gamer. Their is a instant kill skill in the game but you won't access it until I believe over level 20.

    The game possesses a few puzzles but nothing outrageous, to be honest most confusion will come from figuring out where you go next as the game isn't perfectly designed and a few times you may get lost.

    I would highly recommend checking this game out especially if you're into RPG's but again remember the game is a grind especially at the beginning.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games that I found on this site, a little grindy at times but I love the art and I am still holding out hope that this game gets a sequel someday. I do recommend using a save editor if you're not the patient type
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good but not perfect. The story is very well-written and story-driven. The art is top-notch. I like the gameplay and the design of the game. The music and the visuals give an 8-bit vibe. The ntr in this game is somewhat good. The heroine slowly spirals down to her sexual desires. This game is better than Makina by far. Comparing Mature Quest with Makina, Mature Quest wins but not by a landslide. Mature Quest wins because of its visuals. Makina re-uses the cg but adds in different diaglogue which newcomers or less-experienced people in the h-rpg world fall for and instantly fall for and more than likely calling Makina a 'masterpiece' which is not. This is very underated and i hope it gets the attention its deserves. For people done playing this game, I highly recommend Tina and the Scarlet Prison.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Totally Recommend, this game has a lot of CG art, a lot things to do, is a very long RPG that is fun an is not to hard. Also the levels of corruption are well made, so you would like to return to places that you have visited before to get new CG. Also you can change the clothes of the protagonist the more corrupt she gets, something i really appreciate.

    -The protagonist is very hot but also very dump, like an old RPG protagonist.
    -The world is made like a 8-bit RPG, so feel very outdated, very classic and sometimes laking.
    -You have to explore a lot, mising something and you would get stuck forever.

    -This game is good enough to even ignore the const.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    Not my cup of tea really, graphics are old school Atari/Commodore (Yes I'm old!) 8-bit with a LOT of saturation in the colours. That said the scenes are nice and are CG, but some of them are a one time only event and for the most part of the game you will be wandering around aimlessly.

    To be fair it may suit others but...not my thing.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Art: 5/5

    Story: 4.5/5

    Erotica: 4/5

    To expand...

    Story is pretty good! It is funny when it tries to be funny, scary when it tries to be scary etc etc

    HOWEVER, without the guide. I would have been lost. I also needed to cheat in order to progress sometimes (As in, use 3rd party software to hack the game to give me the items I needed).

    Also... There is a prostitute ending. Good fucking luck getting it though, because you sure as fuck won't be able to find it. You know what? I will bump it down one rating because of that.

    When it comes to erotica... Well, it has a lot of variety of people and creatures to fuck.

    However... There is shota in this game, which is why I won't recommend it. There is no headsup of it being in the game, it just is.

    All in all, IF the dev had made it more clear HOW to get the prostitution ending and removed Shota from the game, I would give this game a solid 5.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Dragon Quest like game. Tons of CG and you can get hours out of it. Grinding can be frustrating but that is just part of the genre, and isn't necessarily a bad thing. Tons of different types of scenes too.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    To start, this game plays like Dragon Quest on the NES, while I love a throwback I have to say I also am past wanting to spend this much time on a porn game with little substance...
    TLDR; Game is long periods of boredom with bursts of greatness, MC has no self reflection on what's changing in her life, endings all feel unrewarding to the extreme, completion of the game is tedious.

    1. Graphics: The CG set in this game is fantastic, the rest of the game looks like Dragon Quest, it's a nice throwback but the two clash because of this.

    2. Time: This game is tedious, to the extreme. It's a grind RPG in the style of Dragon Quest, both for battle experience, and sex experience. Because the MC Laura rarely self reflects on the changes happening to her, it makes it hard to connect with the story, and more importantly, makes it hard to care what happens. By the time you get to the next town, complete all of the town quest's (some include waiting outside of town for several minutes until it is night time, about 2 hours in you will get a lantern that changes having to wait) this game really makes it more of a chore. I get it, it's supposed to be in the style of the DQ series, but those games had great motivating factors (for the time) this game lacks that.

    3. Sex: I would give this a 1 star for everything else, but the sex in this game is really great. I would say grab a 100% copy file and check it out, they did a great job for the most part. It's not the best ever, but the mark of a truly bad game is a failure on all ends, and this actually pulls through for what people want. The sex is blocked by tedium, and becomes a secondary grind on its own, but I can say that it still is good in spite of that.
