The artwork is spectacular. Seriously, every encounter is well designed and demonstrates a lot of time and effort in making outstanding H-scenes. The art style may not be everybody's thing, and it's a bit "softer" than what I generally prefer, but it works so well with this aesthetic. I'm generally not into mlm/yaoi/gay scenes, but if you're like me, Max will basically make you question your sexuality.
In v3.11, there still isn't a huge amount of content - 30 minutes from start to finish - but high quality art isn't quick to make, so it makes sense.
The audio is great, but a bit repetitive.
The story is starting to pick up, but there's still not enough to call a plot yet. I'm looking forward to seeing the plot, but it's pretty bare at the moment.
The combat is tedious, at best. I mean, if the point of the game is getting caught, it kind of makes sense, but it's still not that fun to play.
Despite that, the art makes it worth it. I can guarantee that even straight dudes can enjoy this!